

A five year old girl (her name is "Imlie")enter into the house crying..

Daddy!?..(she yells out loud).The girl's father heard her scream and quickly approached her.

As he arrives,the girl cries and clings to her father.Then the father asks her "what happened Imlie? why are you crying my dear?"she replies that "no one is playing with me,actually I was not called to play with my friends but I went anyway as I was feeling lonely but they didn't play with me.They said my hand was hurt so that I couldn't play.Dad will no one play with me again?

Don't feel sad,iam there right? I will play with you.come let's play chess first and then..

and then we will play "Hockey" dad!

yeah sure immi,we will play that too ok common let's play chess now.

Then her mother comes their and says that"ok u both play and I will get some snacks to u both for boosting energy".

Thanks mom and get 2 sauce packets mom.

Imlie is the one and only daughter for her parents,that's why her mother and father like her so much.especially for her father,she is the world to him.Imlie also likes her father more than her mother as to say simply he is her first hero.

Next day,Imlie mother faints down.Then she was taken to the hospital,the doctor's confirm and says that she was pregnant.They feel very happy after hearing this.


Imlie give my book don't try to snatch my art book.

Sheena can't u share your book to your sis.she is your sis not an outsider right? u should be friendly with Imlie.

sorry mom,actually I love immi but when she tries to touch my things I get angry.but from now I won't do that.

Imlie gets upset by these things and goes to talk to her mom.

immi goes to their mom and lies on her lap

mom I love Sheena very much.do u know whenever our relatives will show so much care on her I will become possessive towards her.i will get angry on them and I will take her from them.but I think she doesn't like me at all.

Aww immi don't think like that,how you are so possessive about her as well as she also possessive about her things.but she likes u very much.now stop about that and eat this ice cream.

next day morning,

Lilli! Lilli where are you?

yeah Vikki iam here,

Lilli I got transferred we have to shift to that place within 3 days.

oh my god! In 3 days how can we pack all these Vikki.

let's stop discussing and start packing.immi,Sheena where are you two, both come down quickly and pack all your belongings we are shifting to another town.

yes Dad coming...

They're shifted to another town

immi!immi where are you,come fast we are going to enroll you in a new school today,get ready fast.

Yes mom,Iam ready shall we go. mom are you going to enroll me and Sheena in the same school.

Yes ofcourse immi.

Hello sir! I am Lilly.They both are my daughters immi and Sheena.

Hlo sir! Hlo children!

I have come to enroll my children in your school.

oh we are very glad about that mam. please fill this application form and pay the half of the fees and you can send them to the classes from tomorrow onwards, and remaining half of the fees you can pay before completion of this year.

thank you sir, can we visit the school before joining. yes mam you can.

ok sir then we will leave I will send them for the classes from tomorrow.

ok mam see you again.

mom, this school is very beautiful. there is a big ground for the playing and pleasant classes and very nice teachers and a lot of books in the library which I want to study, I am very excited to go to the class tomorrow.

yeah immi I think it is very good school for your further studies. OK then we will leave for home now....

Dad I got first rank in my class.Aww I am very happy about that immi.

same day evening,immi sees that her father is collecting the money in a bag daily $10. she thinks to Steal that money for her own needs. As she is introvert that she can't express to anyone that what she want or what she want to do. she is so flattered to ask money for her own needs from her father so she thinks to Steal.

one fine day, while she was stealing Sheena sees and tells to her mother.

Lilly scolds immi and tries to beat then immi's grandmother stops her.

immi clings to her grandmother and cries a lot and then she explains why she thought to steal the money but Lilly remains angry on her and decide to tell her father but immi's grand mother stops her from saying.

But Sheena says to her father that immi is stealing the money that he was collecting in a bag.

Sheena what you're saying. did immi try to steal the money.

yes Dad,but grandmother said to don't say this matter to you.

OK then you don't discuss this matter until grandma goes back,I'll talk about this with immi after we come back from picnic.

yayy we are going to picnic. I am very happy dad.

After picnic

vikki I'll come again for immi birthday. yeah don't scold immi about that money matter she is still a small kid. yeah she did wrong but she don't know that it is wrong. don't scold her because your scoldings does not make any effect on her because she should change on her own along with the time and age.

ok Mom I wont scold her but as a father I should give some lecture about this matter so that she should not repeat again. actually I think I should become close to her like a friend. so that she can share anything with me.

yeah I too thought to say the same thing to you. ok bye Vicky take care..

immi! come here, why did you steal the money without asking to me.

dad I am so flattered to ask you, I don't know why 'I feel like I am an introvert' I can't share anything with you and also with mom but I can say everything to whom I am close with.

ok ok immi from now onwards don't do like this,if you want the money directly ask to me I'll give you how much you want.

ok dad sorry...