
When You Transmigrate to Other Times

"The world is full of mystery. I've heard that all my life and it seems to be true. But if I go through something mysterious myself, will I be believed? Maybe I'll think I'm crazy, or everything that happens to me in my everyday life is just something I'm dreaming and soon I'll wake up. Questions without answers..." Everything changes after he returns from a pilgrimage to a miraculous statue of the Holy Virgin Mary, when he becomes the victim of a plane accident in which, with no hope left, he prays alongside the other passengers, gives his final blessing, and then... And then what? He wakes up on a bench. Where exactly? Right in the heart of the most important square in the world, in Rome, caput mundi, as the Latins used to say. What is he doing there? He remembered the airplane accident, but he also had other memories. How did he get here, what year is it? He was at the Vatican, but still... Is it the year 1492?!

Antlittle20 · LGBT+
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55 Chs

Chapter XXVI: The Bishop is Dead. Who Will Take His Place?  

What irritates me the most is when people silence me. What exactly annoys me? The way they do it, of course...

"Vlad, why did you kiss me?"

"To show you that I am willing to wait for you... Honestly, I believe that the longer I wait, the stronger my feelings will become..."

"Yeah, sure... And I will become the King of France... Vlad, you have so many options, why would you choose me?"

"Because you are different from the others... Plus, the cardinal who came is your lover, right?"

"No... Or rather, not anymore... Personal issues..." I said, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry to hear that... You know, could I come to the funeral tomorrow? I really want to see a Mass conducted by you..."

"I won't be conducting the Mass; Cesare will... I will just preach after the Gospel..."

"Great, then I'll come too... I want to receive communion from your hand tomorrow, okay?"

"We'll see... Go now..."

"Fine... See you tomorrow. Goodbye, Antonio..."