
When You Transmigrate to Other Times

"The world is full of mystery. I've heard that all my life and it seems to be true. But if I go through something mysterious myself, will I be believed? Maybe I'll think I'm crazy, or everything that happens to me in my everyday life is just something I'm dreaming and soon I'll wake up. Questions without answers..." Everything changes after he returns from a pilgrimage to a miraculous statue of the Holy Virgin Mary, when he becomes the victim of a plane accident in which, with no hope left, he prays alongside the other passengers, gives his final blessing, and then... And then what? He wakes up on a bench. Where exactly? Right in the heart of the most important square in the world, in Rome, caput mundi, as the Latins used to say. What is he doing there? He remembered the airplane accident, but he also had other memories. How did he get here, what year is it? He was at the Vatican, but still... Is it the year 1492?!

Antlittle20 · LGBT+
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55 Chs

Chapter XLII: The Return of the Lost and the Day of Judgment

That night none of us could sleep. Not even Vlad could sleep, let alone me or Cesare. Nevertheless, during all that time, we prayed and contemplated all the terrible deeds we had done.

"Cesare, I need to confess. Could you listen to me?" I asked while we were kneeling on the cold marble of the Cathedral.

"Right now? Well... I think it would be good if we all did that to receive divine mercy."

That night, all three of us confessed before God and received plenary indulgence and forgiveness of our sins. I hadn't felt so relieved in almost a month and now I can say that I feel closer to Divinity than before.

The next day, the most important day of the year arrived. The entire capital and groups of people from all over the kingdom came to be united with us in a holy celebration where we would ask for God's mercy upon us.