
When You Are Mine

***Note: Cover photo doesn't belong to me. Credit to the real owner. It all started in one night. It all started with this.... "I heard you had money to spend and I'm just in need of that cash. I'll pay with my virginity. If you're not pleased by me, I'd let you go... I'll consider it my bad day. Here's a medical report I'm disease free. What do you say?" That's the night Jade wish to forever forget... but can never forget. A night she had lost her innocence because of her love and was sorely betrayed. A night Jake wished he should have treated differently...But he didn't. What happens when Jade spends a night with a man she wishes to never meet but she's obligated by her company to sign a contract with him?...Let's go find out how he tries to win this woman who he couldn't get out of his mind. Will Jade fall for all his antics to win her heart? Let's go find out. ***Note: Cover photo doesn't belong to me. Credit to the real owner.

Da_Rose ¡ Urban
Not enough ratings
341 Chs

The Fateful meet

City Y Airport

Jake exited the airport, pulling his suitcase with one hand and the other hand tucked in his pocket. He wore dark sunglasses, and his appearance was striking enough to draw the attention of passersby.

The 21-hour flight had left him jet-lagged. He felt drained after spending the entire flight working on a new software design for his company. This was his first major project as the newly appointed CEO of Acrosoft—a leading software firm. He had served as the company's president overseas for the past five years since his father passed away, but he was recently promoted to CEO following his grandfather's retirement a week earlier.

Under Jake's leadership as president, the company had reached new heights. However, as the new CEO, he needed to cement his capabilities in the minds of the board of directors and shareholders. He refused to be perceived as an unqualified successor, despite his proven track record.

"Mr. Jake," the chauffeur greeted him with a slight bow before placing Jake's suitcase in the trunk.

"It's good to have you back, sir," the chauffeur said with a small smile, holding the car door open for Jake.

"I can't say I share the sentiment," Jake replied indifferently, stepping into the car.

Turning on his phone, which had been off during the flight, he smirked at a message from his younger brother, Blake:

'We're waiting for you. You know where that is.'

Jake knew exactly where Blake meant, but he needed rest first, at least before heading to the office. This project had to start as soon as possible, and he had already sketched out his ideas on the flight.

He planned to oversee both the design and programming departments until this project was executed flawlessly. He had no tolerance for delays.

"Sir, are we heading home?" the chauffeur asked.

"No. Grand Hills," Jake replied. His brother was already causing trouble, but he sighed and resigned himself to the detour.


Jake had barely stepped into the underground club when excited murmurs and shrieks erupted from all around.

"The King of the club is back," some people whispered.

Jake headed to the VIP lounge above the dance floor, spotting his brother and a few familiar faces he recognized but had never spoken to.

"Bro, welcome back!" Blake greeted him with a grin and a half hug.

"You should be home taking care of grandfather," Jake admonished, pulling away from his playful brother. Blake awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"I had to welcome you first. Besides, grandfather doesn't mind," Blake replied cheerfully, sitting beside his brother.

Jake had only been seated for a few minutes when he noticed a stunning girl in a red gown enter the club. Her jet-black hair flowed freely, and her heart-shaped face was lightly made up. Her curves were in perfect proportion, just as he liked.

He watched her navigate through the crowd to the bar. His lips curved slightly as she downed three glasses of whatever she ordered. 'Novice,' he thought. Either she was new to this or trying to forget something at the bottom of those glasses.

Their eyes met briefly, and he considered signaling her over, but decided against it. What he needed now was rest, not distraction.

Turning his attention back to his brother's chatter, Jake couldn't help but glance back at the bar. She was gone.

Determined to keep his old habits in check, Jake was startled when the girl appeared before him.

She looked even more beautiful up close. Her sea-blue eyes were more nervous than her demeanor suggested.

"Hey," she greeted with a nervous smile, pulling a white envelope from her purse and handing it to him.

"I heard you have money to spend, and I need cash. I'll pay with my virginity. If you're displeased with me, I'll walk away. Consider it my bad day. Here's a medical report. I'm disease-free. What do you say?" She looked at him anxiously.

Jake was speechless, staring into her eyes, searching for something he couldn't quite define.

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