
“So beautiful....”Yoshi’s P.O.V

Today I was supposedly be getting a new neighbor,but I see no one at all.My roommate made me come over here to greet the neighbor,yet still no one.I was wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket and black ripped jeans,topped with a pair of black converse and a black beanie.I was looking my best,because I thought it was a girl moving in next door.I was still waiting with my back up against the wall and leg resting under my butt.That's when I saw a small boy wearing a white t-shirt under a plaid red jacket with white ripped jeans,along with red headphones and a red and white flower crown,finished with cute red converse. He was adorable.He had the cutest black,short,curly hair ever.His beautiful,chocolate,colored eyes made me melt.He was perfection it's self.He was around the height of 4'1,maybe?He was definitely my age,and I can't wait 'till school now."ello?HELLO!!!"I quickly snapped out of the spell I was in to answer the boy."umm,yea.Hi,my names Yoshi.My roommate sent me over to give you this as a welcoming gift."I passed him a boxed gift that was laying beside me and quickly tried not to fall for his spell again."oh.umm,thank you.My names Haru Winters.Nice to meet you."He said as he brought his suitcase into the now open door that I didn't notice until he moved his foot forward.I stupidly grabbed his arm and turned him around to where he was face to face with me.Me and my playboy habitats,slowly moved my hand to his waist and my free hand to his hand and pinned it to the wall."W-W-What are you d-d-doing?!"He was trembling a little bit,but it only made him cuter."Nothing shortie.What you want me to do something?"I said with a sly smirk."C-Can you l-let go now,p-p-please?"He said trying not to freak out at the situation."Aww.But,cutie.You need to stop being so cute."I wanted to hear more of him,see more of him,and definitely feel more of him.Then,are little moment was ruined by the one and only Sunny Su.She came up the stairs to the top apartments where I lived wearing a yellow dress with a pair of yellow flats,TRYING to look cute as always,but not as cute as Haru that is."Hi,Yoshi.Who's this?"she said stopping in front of us."This is Haru.He just moved here."I said pulling Haru closer.I knew this would make sunny mad looking at us hug this close,but she's not my girlfriend,just another play toy I got tired of.Yet,she won't give up."Oh,Hi nice to meet you Haru.I see you already met my boyfriend."She said while stretching out her hand for a hand shake."Umm,yes.Nice meeting you too.I didn't know he was your boyfriend."Haru said accepting the handshake while pulling away from me,but my grip would not loosen.I was not letting him go,I don't care if I just met him.I love him already."Now babe,let go of the poor neighbor.Your squeezing him to death."Sunny said trying to pull my grip off of him,but I wouldn't let go."Don't call me babe.We are not dating you creep."I said pulling away from her.Haru gave me a look of confusion,but then quickly turned to a look of annoyance."Ok.Thats it.Let go now.I want to go into my apartment.Not cause drama."He said starting to get angry.He looked cute when he was angry,but I let go anyway and watched him storm of."So beautiful."I said out loud without noticing,until there was a little giggle from behind me.

A/N:Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!I will update as much as I can so please continue to read my story and future stories!😊

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