
When two worlds meet...

Stephen Xerx returns home after a 6-year absence, seeking respite from a traumatic incident. His family, the Xerx Clan, one of the world's wealthiest, is in turmoil after the death of his brother, Ethan, who was meant to inherit leadership. Stephen, the reluctant second son, grapples with the pressure to take over as clan leader amid his father's insistence. Stephen's return stirs tension within the Xerx Clan, as his father urges him to embrace his destiny. The fate of the mega-rich clan, controlling trillions of dollars and influencing top countries and industries worldwide, hangs in the balance. Time is ticking for Stephen to decide whether to accept leadership or risk a new lineage taking over the Xerx legacy. In a parallel narrative, Cassie Blake faces challenges in her world, living with her aunt and compelled to work as a companion to men to support their household. Her cunning attempts to escape this predicament form a significant part of her struggle. In contrast, Cassie's world is a stark contrast of hardship and survival. Her clandestine night job becomes a source of both shame and necessity, fueling her determination to break free from the chains of her aunt's control. Stephen, unaware of Cassie's hidden struggles, becomes a beacon of support in her tumultuous life. As their worlds intertwine, the central question emerges: Can two individuals from such disparate backgrounds find common ground? The Xerx Clan's looming leadership crisis and Cassie's clandestine life converge in a story of unexpected connections and shared burdens. After the collision of their worlds, a deep bond of friendship blossomed between Stephen and Cassie. However, beneath the surface, Stephen found himself developing romantic feelings for Cassie, who reciprocated but kept her emotions concealed. When Stephen discovered Cassie's hidden struggles, he made the difficult decision to distance himself from her. Month later, returning to find Cassie independent and thriving, Stephen confronts the undeniable truth – his love for her never truly faded. Yet, complications arise as he learns that someone else is expecting his child. Caught in a web of emotions and unexpected turns, Stephen grapples with the complexities of love, responsibility, and the consequences of decisions made in the past. Writer: ADAMS_SDA

Adams_SDA · Fantasy
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9 Chs

You saved a billionaire.

(5. You saved a billionaire.)

Cassie looked to her watch. It was almost half past ten and she's still not yet home. She had to get home quickly. She began walking into the private road with a heavy man resting on her. After much walks, a gate became visible in sight. It was big and enormous. Three men sighted her from afar and came forward with shortguns on them. They crocked it ready to shoot the oncoming stranger. They came running from their hiding spot, now surrounding Cassie.

"Wait...Hold on" She yell out in fear. She was in so much shock that her legs gave it in and she found herself kneeling. "I mean no harm. I'm just trying to return him back home"

"Master Stephen." One of them recognized him. "Where did you find him?" He became serious with the gun close to his eyes.

"He was drunk at a bar...so I decided to bring him back after he passed out. I swear I didn't extort him. Everything he owns is there right on him, his wallet, car key, cash, all is still on him, you can find his car probably still at the Night Owl Bar, that's all I know, please don't kill me" She hid her face not wanting to see the guns being pointed at her. They all lowered their guns, taking Stephen from her hands.

"We can't thank you enough Miss. You are kind to bring back Master. We all were beginning to worry."

"Its...it's no problem. If you'll please excuse me, I have to get going" She said speedily and hurriedly in fear and left them. She could hear them calling on her, probably to reward her but she wasn't in for it. She still loved to live and wouldn't want her death to be with a short gun. She walked on and at some point, she ran. She flagged down a taxi and together, they drove to her apartment. She was so terrified having being the first time someone points a gun at her, even seeing a gun. She was so glad not being questioned on why she was late by her aunt. Infact, she seemed not to care and that was a relief to her. She knew if her aunt wouldn't care, someone will and she has to explain what happened.

"Oh my God Cassie! Where the hell have you been?" Abigail asked, immediately seeing her enter the room speedily.

Cassie made several exhales, definitely in relieve of death. Her actions were getting Abigail worried. "Cassie are you okay? Did something happen?"

"You wouldn't believe what happened Abigail" She said and took the glass of water she saw on the table, not caring how long it has been there. She drank it all and was still in need for more.

"Jeez...you couldn't get yourself out?"

"I did but luckily, I managed to get myself away from death"

"Death? Now you're making me scared. What transpired?"

"Okay, so I met the sent client which we talked a bit but most of the times, he was talking with his friends and fortunately, he got to leave. I was so joyous that very moment after he said those words. I walked myself to the bar to get myself some drink then, I noticed this dude, taking multiple shots if tequila. Totally, one would know that this dude is close to drunk so we talked a bit. I think he was passing through a lot that he couldn't handle for a moment. I offered my advice to him and was ready to leave but this guy passed out on me."


"Seriously speaking Abigail. I couldn't leave him there so I got his wallet out of his pockets to check for an I.D and get his place of stay. His address was stated in 3 words, ''The Xerx Residence'"

"Woah woah woah, The Xerx Residence? Did you just say Xerx now?"

"That's what I saw. The taxi I flagged down took us there. it was private and confidential as I thought but it wasn't Abigail, it was nasty and scaring as hell. Guns were pointed at me Abigail. I almost died. I handed the man to them and ran away . Gosh, this night was the worse of all nights I've ever experienced.".

Cassie waited for an expression from Abigail but didn't get any. "Hello, my life flashed before my eyes Abi. You should thank heavens I am still able to see you."

"Sorry Cassie, I'm just trying to comprehend all what you've said. I need to ask again, did you just said The Xerx Residence, as in Xerx...X...E...R...X?"

"That's what I saw. That's the spelling I guess. It sounds familiar doesn't it? Do you know who they are?"

"Hold in a sec, did you get the guy's name?"

"I think his name is Stephen. Stephen Xerx I guess"

"So you saved a drunken Stephen Xerx Cassie?" Abigail sounded excited which made Cassie bewildered.

"Is that meant to be an achievement or an accomplishment?"

"Cassie, FYI, you saved the next heir to a multi billionaire family clan. You saved Stephen Xerx. Rumors has it that he's back in town after 4 years of going AWOL. I really don't believe but your story made me believe Cassie, don't you know what you have done? You saved a billionaire girl."

"Saved seems heroic and I am not heroic in this scenario. I only returned him back to his home, that's all."

"If you hadn't come to his aid, I can bet my whole life that people will hold him custody and extort millions for his ransom. You might not look heroic but you are a savior. I bet that he'll never forgets you"

She immediately gave a short pitiful laugh "If he remembers me. That dude won't remember anything of what we said in the bar"

"Cassie, you need to hook up with him. He could in turn be our savior from all of these."

"That's a No Abigail. I won't expect a favor back from him just for the kind gesture I did. I am not such person. Cancel and kill those thoughts of yours. Besides, he's way higher than me. We are struggling to make ends meet and he is swimming in ocean of wealth, both worlds can never meet."

"But what happens when your worlds meet?"

"Nothing. Nothing happens. It's pretty late. We have to wake up early tomorrow to do some chores."

"I hate Saturdays" She groaned in resentment. "Fine. I'm just glad that you're okay. I don't want to lose you too Cassie.''

Cassie gave a reassuring smile and drew her closer. She pecked her forehead and enclose her in a hug. "You're not losing me Abigail. We're in this together. I promise to get us out of here."

"That's reassuring. Thanks" She said and went to bed. "Goodnight Cassie"

"Goodnight Abigail"

Cassie watched her as she covered herself with the sheet. She kept thinking of her words as she smiled. Good thing Abi was already asleep or else, she would have commented on Cassie red cheeks, exploding to a total blush. "I saved a billionaire " She said smiling. She doesn't hear that everyday but today, she heard it.


Other books by the same author:

~Watched By A Night Eye

~Cursed Me

Still to come on WEBNOVEL

~A Culprit In Disguise



~The Witches of Avalon