
When two worlds meet...

Stephen Xerx returns home after a 6-year absence, seeking respite from a traumatic incident. His family, the Xerx Clan, one of the world's wealthiest, is in turmoil after the death of his brother, Ethan, who was meant to inherit leadership. Stephen, the reluctant second son, grapples with the pressure to take over as clan leader amid his father's insistence. Stephen's return stirs tension within the Xerx Clan, as his father urges him to embrace his destiny. The fate of the mega-rich clan, controlling trillions of dollars and influencing top countries and industries worldwide, hangs in the balance. Time is ticking for Stephen to decide whether to accept leadership or risk a new lineage taking over the Xerx legacy. In a parallel narrative, Cassie Blake faces challenges in her world, living with her aunt and compelled to work as a companion to men to support their household. Her cunning attempts to escape this predicament form a significant part of her struggle. In contrast, Cassie's world is a stark contrast of hardship and survival. Her clandestine night job becomes a source of both shame and necessity, fueling her determination to break free from the chains of her aunt's control. Stephen, unaware of Cassie's hidden struggles, becomes a beacon of support in her tumultuous life. As their worlds intertwine, the central question emerges: Can two individuals from such disparate backgrounds find common ground? The Xerx Clan's looming leadership crisis and Cassie's clandestine life converge in a story of unexpected connections and shared burdens. After the collision of their worlds, a deep bond of friendship blossomed between Stephen and Cassie. However, beneath the surface, Stephen found himself developing romantic feelings for Cassie, who reciprocated but kept her emotions concealed. When Stephen discovered Cassie's hidden struggles, he made the difficult decision to distance himself from her. Month later, returning to find Cassie independent and thriving, Stephen confronts the undeniable truth – his love for her never truly faded. Yet, complications arise as he learns that someone else is expecting his child. Caught in a web of emotions and unexpected turns, Stephen grapples with the complexities of love, responsibility, and the consequences of decisions made in the past. Writer: ADAMS_SDA

Adams_SDA · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Her World

(3. Her World.)

Stephen was boiling hot of anger. He walked to the garage, took a key from the hanger and entered a Ferrari. He ignited the car and made a quick reverse. With full adrenaline, he accelerated the car out of the building. He drove outside the gate and to the confidential street. His speedometer was reading over 80 km/h and still increasing. He was driving extremely fast. He swerved from the private road to the main street where he drive more faster. Just in a flash, a memory of a crash took his vision. He put the brakes on slowly and parked the car by the side of the road. He slightly slammed his forehead on the steering wheel. Drop of tears slowly watered it's way down to the wheel horn. Stephen sniffed continuously indicating that he was crying.

He raised his head after some while and wipe out the years in his eyes. "Get a hold of yourself Stephen" He said to himself. "You promised yourself that you won't cry over it anymore. It's not your fault." He wiped his eyes again and adjust his rear-view mirror. "There's only one place you can forget about all of this." He ignited the car once again and this time, he drove slowly and steady..


Cassie told the car to halt at a particular destination. She came down and paid the taxi driver. She placed the rest change in her purse and brought her phone out.

"7:45, I hope I'm not too late"

She walked down to the apartment building. She climbed up the stairs until she got to her apartment, well, it's not fully hers though.

"You are late" A lady immediately said after seeing the doors opened.

"I got held up at work. There was nothing I could do"

"Who cares! Don't interfere your work time of mine to your daily job. Both are separate and different. Quit starring at me and get dressed. I'm sending you to someone"

Cassie exhaled, heading to her room. She slowly opened the doors not to disturb her roommate. "Cassie!" Her roommate screamed of joy, running to hig her after she entered. Her roommate is her little 17 year old cousin.

"Hey Abigail. How did your day go?"

"Worse. I'm just glad you are back. I wasn't able to show up in school today. Aunt Gloria asked me to accompany her to a place that was no good Cassie....it reeks of alcohol and cigarette."

Hearing those made Cassie mad. She had a deal with her so called aunt not to involve Abigail in whatsoever she was up to. "Dont worry" She said with a gentle and caring pat on her shoulder. " I'll talk to her. She won't do that again."

"I'm also worried about your Cassie. She sends you to odd places to meet various men. That's no good."

"The last thing I want from you is to worry over me. I'm fine and trust me, I always find my way out and I'll do it again this time. Just focus on your studies and keep being the 'A' star you are"

"I can't even focus on that. Christine is also a problem. She's a bully and a total downer"

"Christine is just an obstacle you have to face."

"I don't like it here Cassie"

"We'll find a place of our own. I promise you that. For the main time, this is where we would lay low"


"I promise. Listen, I have to go"

"A Job?"

"Most likely. Don't worry, get some good rest. I'll make it back early."

"Fine. Be safe Cassie"

"I will"

She quickly took a refreshing bath and applied deodorant and various perfumes on her body with a moisturizing cream for her soft fair body. She slid into a blue disco off-shoulder skimpy dress and wore an overcoat to cover them. She became more tall, elegant and ravishing when he wore her silver heels and applied light make up to give a dress up a final touch.

"You smell nice and look so so beautiful."

"Thank you" She said finally and closed the door behind here. She approached to the living room where she met her aunt and her daughter.

"Is this what you're wearing?"

She unbuttoned her overcoat to reveal her beautiful dress and closed them back in a flash.

"That'll do."

"Are you giving me this man's address or not?"

"His name is Lance. He's always on suit and he's meeting some friends. He'll be at the Night Owl."

"Anything else?"

"My money should be transacted and not in cash. I've discussed my price with him. I don't want any bad feedbacks from him. That's all"

Cassie was about leaving when she remembered about Abigail complains. "Abi said you took her out"

"Yeah and so what?"

"I don't want Abigail involved. We've discussed this"

"She's not getting involved. I just took her out like you said."

"You weren't supposed to. She should be in school and not out."

"Don't scold me. Get on with your work"

Cassie muttered some unheard words before leaving the apartment. She flagged down a taxi and entered it.

"Where miss?"

"Thr Night Owl"

The taxi man put on his meters and drove away to the said destination.