
When Three are reincarnated into Naruto

Hey it's the author here and this is my first story so please do be patient with me, bare in mind that the main characters are directly based on me and my two friends so they'll act how I think we would act in that situation and don't worry they won't instantly be gods or anything, they will work for their strength and earn it, anyway I hope you enjoy and I will possibly do other anime as well based on these same characters After a fatal accident, three friends are reincarnated into the amazing world of Naruto. They only have two goals, save the day and become as over powered as they can.

DLAssassin_56 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The build up : Obito's POV

Me, Kakashi and Rin have been tasked with guarding Kushina while she's pregnant with little Naruto. We take it in turns openly helping her with errands and stuff like that while the other two tail us, not to mention the odd anbu we've spotted. It's currently my turn being seen with her.

"Honestly Obito it's a miracle you're an S rank ninja ya know" Kushina shouted at me angrily, probably because I was spacing out.

"You're becoming really grumpy in your old age you know that?" I immediately regret saying this as I feel her pure bloodlust rise. How does Minato sensei live with her?

"Kushina, Obito! Heyyyyy!" Saved by the angel, Rin must've seen me in trouble and come to save me.


Not quick enough....

"Kushina please don't hit Obito, he barely has any brain cells to begin with!" Both Kushina and Rin are laughing at me now...

Oh that's Shisui, now that Rin's here I guess I can quickly go say hi.

"Yo Shisui" He turns around pretty quickly, whys he so on edge? Oh he's holding his baby sister Danieru, that makes a lot more sense.

"Oh it's just you Obito, you figured out how to use your Susanoo yet?" He's just taunting me now, I doubt I'll be able to due to Kakashi having my other eye, perhaps if we fuse our chakra?

Me and Shisui continue talking for a while as he decided to join me, Rin and Kushina. A massive crowd starts to form. Kakashi joins us and says we should check it out leaving Shisui and Rin with Kushina.

Me and Kakashi slowly make our way through the crowd to try and get a look at the center of attention. God this is gonna take forever....


I love my mangekyo sharingan ability and thanks to that old guy who claimed to be Madara Uchiha fixing my body I don't go blind because of overuse, I wish I could say the same for Kakashi although he only uses it as a last resort.

I just start walking through the crowd, quite literally. As I reach the centre of this crowd all I can do is deactivate my Sharingan as I stare at the two people in front of me. The 'Legendary' Sanins Jiraya and Tsunade.

They're having a shouting match while a baby is in both their hands although neither of them have noticed that the fabric the baby is in ahs started to break....

Kakashi finally breaks through and let's out an audible sigh which stops both the Sanin.

"Ah if it isn't Kakashi and Obito, has Minato sent you to escort us to the Hokage office?" Jiraya cheerfully exclaimed as if he won an argument.

"No we're meant to guarding Kushina but we left her with Rin and Shisui..." As soon as Kakashi finishes his words Kushina barges through the crowd with a terrifying expression on her face.

"I SHOULD HAVE KNOW THAT YOU TWO WOULD GET DISTRACTED!!!" Kushina starts screaming at me and Kakashi, I see Rin and Shisui go over to Jiraya and Tsunade, I can't help but notice that lil'Danieru seems happy to see Tsunade's kid... I must be seeing things after getting smacked about by Kushina because I coulda sworn a glint of red in Danieru's eyes.