
When Three are reincarnated into Naruto

Hey it's the author here and this is my first story so please do be patient with me, bare in mind that the main characters are directly based on me and my two friends so they'll act how I think we would act in that situation and don't worry they won't instantly be gods or anything, they will work for their strength and earn it, anyway I hope you enjoy and I will possibly do other anime as well based on these same characters After a fatal accident, three friends are reincarnated into the amazing world of Naruto. They only have two goals, save the day and become as over powered as they can.

DLAssassin_56 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Team Kakashi vs The Immortal Rogue

It had been a year and a half since Danieru and Naruto left on their respective training journeys, both had seen significant growth however that doesn't mean those who stayed in Konoha hadn't grown stronger. Haris training in Sage Jutsu had bore significant fruit even if he couldn't activate it yet, his control over his Wood Release had gained a significant boost thanks to his exposure to Nature Energy. Taiyo had also successfully created a prototype to the Kaioken Technique which doesn't actually apply a buff to any of his skills as of currently it's just a bluff skill that raises the amount of Chakra he releases with a red aura. Sakuras skill in Genjutsu skyrocketed with the help of Taiyo and thanks to Kakashi weekly lessons with Kurenai, her training with Tsunade was still as effective with her quickly surpassing where Danieru was before she left the Village.

Team Kakashi was deployed to a Village on the border with the Land of Water which hadn't responded to any letters for trade after being enthusiastic in previous communications, Lady Tsunade had ordered a simple survailance mission with a test of Taiyo's leading capabilities. "Taiyo from here on out you're leading the mission, I'll only interfere if absolutely necessary." With that the new Team 7 rushed towards the village, when they where 500 meters away Taiyo activated his Byakugan when he saw what was happening in the village he froze. "The Villagers are tied up, they're surrounded by Rogue Shinobi but they're kneeling down facing towards a man with a giant three bladed scythe, he's wearing the same kind of cloak as Kisame..." Kakashi immediately got on guard questioning about the different Rogue Shinobi, Hari began weaving hand signs and summoned in a portion of Lady Katsuyu "Please let my Mother know we've encountered a member of the Akatsuki and are requesting possible support." Lady Katsuyu unsummoned and Hari nodded to the rest of the team as they began to formulate a plan of attack with Kakashi taking on the Leader, Hari and Taiyo would remain at distract the Rogue Shinobi while Sakura uses her Genjutsu to safely move the Hostages to safety then return to back up Kakashi.

"Listen up you worthless Maggots, the target is taking too long so we shall appease our Lord Jashin with a sacrifice!" Two of the Rogue Shinobi grabbed one of the Civilians and forced him to kneel before Hidan, "Rejoice for you shall appease my Lord!" A fancy looking Dagger was used to cut the mans cheek, a stream of blood trickled down the blade catching in a sphere at the top of the hilt, the Dagger was handed to Hidan who used it to draw a Ritual Circle on the floor and then he drank the remaining drops. As he took on the appearance of a GrimReaper he tossed knife to the Man, "You get the first hit my friend." The Man picked up the Dagger and rushed forward slicing Hidans throat, almost immediately the Mans own throat exploded into a fountain of blood. It didn't take long for the wound on Hidans throat to close up which is when one of his subordinates came over and whispered something in his ear. "We've been made Kakashi." Taiyo relayed to the their Squad Leader as multiple Shinobi surrounded them and launched multiple long ranged Jutsu causing Team 7 to jump into the small Village, Sakura landed next to the hostages Kunai in hand with Taiyo and Hari waiting for Kakashis signal. "Dipshit one are these the guys we are supposed to kill right, mask.. check, white spiky hair.. check, covered left eye with a Sharingan lets find out!"

Team 7 jumped into action quicker then the Rogue Shinobi as Hari revealed himself to be a Wood Clone which changed into Haris <Wood Stand: Heirophant Formation>, Heirophants legs transformed into multiple roots catching a the enemies nearest to the Villagers so with the help of Sakura they were effectively freed. The ground opened up as the real Hari appeared using a mix of Earth Release and Wood Release to dig a tunnel, "Sakura get these people to safety, the tunnel comes out at the rendevous point where our reinforcements will arrive... Here take this." He handed her a flower which had her blushing slightly, "If you get into trouble run your Chakra into it and if we can we'll head straight to you now go!" Sakura and the Villagers ran to the mouth of the tunnel, when a Rogue Shinobi went to block them she punched him straight to Taiyo who kicked him into the ground, all the Elders who had objections to a young girl protecting them quickly shut their mouths. A smoke bomb went off as Kakashi returned to the side of Taiyo and Hari "I won't lie to you two, I stabbed him straight in the throat and he's still moving." He through a Kunai with a paper bomb at the entrance of the cave with it closing the mouth with the explosion, a Wind Release Jutsu blew away all the smoke to reveal even more Rogue Shinobi with Hidan standing in the middle of them twirling the Kunai covered in his blood.

Taiyo quickly ran through the hand signs "Summoning Jutsu: Omega Guard!" A giant black furred wolf appeared immediately pacing from side to side behind the remaining members of Team 7 ready to support its Master, Hari pulled Heirophant over to his side. Kakashi chuckled as he pulled another Kunai from his ninja tool pouch and lifting up his headband revealing his Sharingan, "Kakashi, these guys were looking for you so it's likely he can outlast you in a drawn out fight.." Taiyo explained as he activated his Byakugan, Kakashi nodded as he stepped forward as Hidan began swinging his Scythe. "Then you two had better not take too long in taking out his band of merry men!" With that he rushed forward sliding under a swing and drawing Hidan away from the Children of Madara cult members and more importantly the students of his best friend. "You take the twenty on the left and I'll take the twenty on the right?" Hari offered beforethey noticed more Shinobi appear out of the trees, "Fuck counting them, take out who you can cause a group of them just split off and are heading towards Sakura!" Taiyo shouted as he rushed forward with the wolf transforming to its werebeast form which rushed after a group who went to make distance for longer range Ninjutsu.


Sakura wasn't as skilled in sensory Ninjutsu as the rest of her squad, she more than made up for it with her Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Medical Ninjutsu skills, however even she could tell that she and the villagers were being followed. She'd done her best to hide that fact from the people she was trying to protect but by the time they reached the exit almost all of them had caught onto the fact there was likely an ambush on the other side. "I'm going to go out there and see if our reinforcements are out there, keep the children and the elderly in the back as a safety procaution please." As she stepped out she saw five Rogue Shinobi with a couple hidden in the trees, Sakura looked at her surroundings looking for anything she could use to her advantage when she noticed a flower the same exact flower Hari had given her. She began circling towards the flower while they mocked her, that's when they said she wouldn't be able to beat them because she wasn't as strong as the rest of her team, "I may not be as strong as them, they come from some of the strongest Clans the Hidden Leaf has to offer but I've trained hard.. Harder than you can imagine so that I can stand by my friends side." She walked away from the flower, as the first of her oppents rushed towards her with a kunai Sakura simply caught his arm and punched him into the ground leaving a small crater, two more fell to the ground as Sakura unleashed a powerful Genjutsu. "My name is Sakura Haruno and I won't need Naruto or Sasuke to protect me when they come back to the Village!"

"Well well well, I came to make sure Hidans mission was going well and I find a Leaf Shinobi all alone keeping our sacrifices... You lot may return to deal with the other two for I shall deal with her!" A masked man appeared from the trees, all the Rogue Shinobi bowed before quickly returning to the fight against Taiyo and Hari. "Sakura Haruno was it? From the intel my brothers cult has aquired you are training under the Slug Princess and are on Team 7 with Naruto Uzamaki correct?" The Masked Man sat down on a log across from Sakura who didn't let down her guard, "You can forget about your Genjutsu, it's strong enough to deal with these idiots but it won't have any effect on me!" He appeared behind Sakura and Kicked her across the clearing, "Although I am impressed, Genjutsu without hand signs or any form of sensory stimuli..." He appeared next to her and lifted her up by the back of her neck,l "How does somebody like you from a Clan of no renoun acquire a technique such as that!" Sakura went to punch the Man but he simply side stepped it while still holding onto her, the punch created a shockwave denting a tree. "Impressive strength, you definetly deserve the title of student of the Fifth Hokage!" He then threw her away towards the center of the clearing, "If you were left alone you would surely blossom into an amazing Shinobi however..." The Masked Mans whole demeanor changed as he appeared next to Sakura again, "You had the misfortune of encountering me, my part of my Fathers plan is to weed out the budding flowers and have them waste away." Sakura went to stand up when a sharp pain hit her in the side, she quickly lost motor funtion as the Masked Man walked over to her pulling a serated curved sword out of its hilt. 

"Any last words Sakura Haruno? If so make them quick before you lose the ability to talk." Sakura was about to stay something when a shuriken hit the Masked Mans hand making him drop his sword, a brown haired boy with a low ponytail wearing a mask resembling a lizard appeared at the edge of the clearing. "Who the fuck are you to harm me!" The Masked Man shouted as he kicked Sakura to one side of the clearing, "I was in the middle of killing a promising candidate for my plans!" The boy said nothing as he walked further in the clearing, he threw a couple of shuriken as he walked forward which were swatted to the side by his new opponent. The Masked Man retrieved his sword and rushed forward to slash at the boy however his slashes met nothing but air as the boy vanished and appeared next to Sakura who was in worse shape as her skin tightened as her muscles shrank revealing more of her bone structure. "So is your ability a really effective weight loss routine or are you draining her life force?" The Masked Man stopped in his tracks, "How did you figure it out?" The boy moved Sakuras hand over so that it was touching a flower she'd been reaching for before she lost the strength. He turned to face his opponent, "I've seen the technique used before in a..." The Masked Man shouted at him, "Impossible! I am the only one to possess this ability for it is the power of.." The boy landed a swift kick to the Mans stomach, "The ability of your Mangekyo Sharingan right?"


"TAIYO WE HAVE A GIANT PROBLEM!" Hari yelled as he launch two Rogue Shinobi away with a <Massive Rasengan> before launching to his friends side, Taiyo used <rotation > to launch several opponents back to buy him and Hari sometime, Hari showed him a wilting flower "I placed a flower in the clearing where Sakura was supposed to meet our reinforcements and she's just touched it, she's on Deaths door..." The two Leaf Chunin looked at each other, "If you can buy me sometime I can send enough Chakra to stabilise her!" That's all Taiyo needed to hear as he rushed forward his hits landed harder with more precision, his summoned wolf sensed the change in his Masters mood and responded in kind as its claws dug into their victims deeper. "I'M YOUR OPPONENT NOW SO YOU'LL HAVE TO GIVE IT YOUR ALL IF YOU WANT TO DEFEAT ME!" He stopped, a Rogue Shinobi under his foot, "Body don't let me down... KAIOKEN!" A red aura flared up around him as he attempted something he'd thought would be the next step in perfecting this technique, internally Taiyo ignited the Chakra in his body with his fire Chakra nature. Vanishing for a split second he appeared infront of one of the Rogue Shinobi in the back who had began weaving hand signs, after Hari got over the shock he sat down crossed legged and began to channel Nature Energy through himself into the root system he'd created and changed its nature to Healing Chakra.

A shuriken skimmed across Hari's cheek leaving a trickle of blood to poor down his face, in a blink of an eye it healed, Taiyo grabbed the Shinobi who threw its face and slammed him into the ground before dashing to the next. He launched a <Lightning Style: Lightning Javelin>, the lightning glowed a lilac hue, the Javelin seperated hitting multiple targets however multiple were blocked by either Earth or Wind Release Jutsu. "How.. Much... Longer..." Taiyo panted as he landed next to Hari who offered his hand, "Can I offer you some Chakra in these trying times?" The two idiots smirked as Taiyo grabbed his hand, the aura of the <Kaioken > flared, "Alright, lets do this! KAIOKEN X2!" He dashed forward landing multiple strikes, then a Rogue Shinobi landed a hit square on his jaw but he rolled with it kicking him in the face then flipped backwards landing on another slamming him into the ground. It wasn't long before Hari rejoined the fight and after a couple Wood Release Jutsu, "Now go support Kakashi and I'll go to Saku.." Kakashi landed next to them with Hidan walking slowly out of the treeline whistling, "You guys did well and I'm sorry I could finish this guy off..."


The Masked Man swung at the boy multiple times, "HOW! HOW COULD YOU KNOW I HAVE THE SHARINGAN!" The boy dodged slash after slash before jumping up and landing on the blade, "The same way I know you have a Byakugan..." The killing intent The Masked Man let off was enough to force the boy to jump back, "I'll take that as I got the right answer then huh?" He dropped his sword and took off his mask, "I'll admit boy you've suprised me, my name is Byoki Uchiha and I am a child of Madara Uchiha!" The boy took of his mask revealing an average looking boy with acne and freckles along his cheeks and nose, "You haven't earned the right to know my name!" Byoki nodded and teleported behind the boy, "Well child it has been fun but now that you know my secret I can't let you live!" Just as his hand was about to grab the back of the boys neck a fist connected with his lower jaw, "You wanted my last words right, eat this bastard CHAAAAA!" The Child of Madara flew back landing on a low hanging branch, "HOW ARE YOU ALIVE! YOU SHOULD HAVE WASTED AWAY!" Sakura lifted up the flower which was now emitting a bright green glow, "Don't underestimate Hari Senju the Wood Release and Medical Ninjutsu Prodigy!" Sakura turned to the boy who now had a smirk on his face, "His ability is a Genjutsu, it forces the body to believe it's in a state of extreme malnutrition or some sort of disease, it seems to require contact with the spine to activate." She was about to take a step forward before she turned again, "I don't know who you are but thanks you saved my life!"

"Wait you don't recognise me," The boy looked genuinely hurt, Sakura shrugged apologetically, "I know I've changed a lot but that's no excuse Sakura!" The Boy paused a moment before quickly smacking his head, "The Transformation Jutsu right sorry my bad!" After performing the release hand sign a large cloud of smoke covered the boy, as it dissipated two bright red eyes were suddenly Sakuras height, "Well I'll be damned, you're the Mimicry Ninja: Danieru Uchiha of the Sharingan!" Sakuras eyes widened as the girl with dark raven hair in a navy blue outfit not too different from Inos was stared daggers at their enemy. "Mimcry Ninja? What's that about?" Sakura asked, Danieru just lifted her hand, "Step back and I'll demonstrate why I'm already in the black market bingo book!" With that she vanished kicking Byoki to the ground, "You really should be using your Byakugan more, maybe then you could keep up!" She then appeared next to him again punching him in the gut then releasing <Wind Style: Gale Palm> launching him back a few paces, weaving hand signs she slammed her hand on the floor "Shikotsumyaku: Danse Macabra!" with that spikes of bone launched up all around her opponent. Standing up straight she weaved more hand signs and pillars of sand sprung up from the ground, "Sand Shower!" The pillars began swirlling around her as she crossed her arms, bullets of sand shot forward at the trapped Child of Madara. "I don't understand! The intel said you used Genjutsu to copy the Kekkei Genkai why can't I release it!" Danierus smirk grew to a full sized grin as she began to laugh, "That's a rumor my friend Gaara the Fourth Kazekaga gracefully had his Shinobi spread to give me an edge in battles such as this one against people who understand that knowledge is power." Sakura couldn't believe her eyes as Byoki took more and more damage from the <Sand Shower>.

A giant explosion suddenly made Danieru stop smirking as a sickly grey skeleton rose up, "WHAT WILL YOU DO AGAINST THE SUSANOO!" Danieru looked over to Sakura and gave a cheeky smile, "I'm gonna break his arm now yeah?" With that a large portion of sand gathered on his arm and broke it at the elbow, the Susanoo wavered just enough for Danieru to threw a <Wood Release: Cutting Technique> which implanted itself in the Chakra avatar and began to grow and spread across it until it was completely covered. "Hmm I wonder if that's enough then maybe.." The Curse Mark spread across Danierus skin however instead of the tendrils that she used to have she sprouted wings and tail, her hands and feet became the claws of a reptile. Sakura watched on as Danieru weaved more hand signs and released <Draconic Ninja Art: Fire Dragons Roar> engulfing the area in a massive fiery inferno. "Do you think I got him?" Danieru asked as the Curse Mark receeded back to it's origin, when the flames died down Byoki Uchiha had disappeared "I don't sense him anymore so who cares, look at you Sakura you're beautiful!" Danieru hugged her friend who was still in shock at what happened, "Why thank you, but what are you doing here? Where Obito and Rin also what about you disease and.." Danieru put a finger on Sakuras lip and winked before going to grab her mask, "I'm guessing that tunnel leads back to the others?" With a nod the two Shinobi rushed off back towards the Village that was under seige.


Hari stood defiantly infront of Hidan as Kakashi and Taiyo caught their breaths, use of the Sharingan/Kaioken respectively drained them of their Chakra. "Wood Release: Toad Head Seal!" A dozen wooden toad heads sprouted from ground and shot their tongues out at Hidan who swatted them away before rushing forward swinging his scythe. Hari launched multiple wood constucts which were swatted aside with relative ease, "I'm disappointed, I thought you'd give me a worthy challenge to please my Lord Jashi..." The wooden constructs homed in and pierced through Hidans left leg, "Is that better?" Hidan just glared at Hari before drawing the symbol of Jashin on the floor, he then raised his hand catching a shuriken covered in a small bit of blood. "One of these idiots has Magnet Release or some somethin' comes in handy against people who attack from range like you!" Taiyo and Kakashi went to rush forward but it was too late as Hidan licked Haris blood off of the shuriken that hit him earlier taking on the GrimReaper esc appearance, pulling out one of his retractable spears, "Shall we experience pain for my Lord Jashin together!" With that he stabbed his left leg clean through, Hari shouted out in pain as a fountain of blood began to leak from the wound. As Haris teammates were rushing forward multiple Rogue Shinobi jumped in their way, Taiyos rage boiled as he reckognised them as the group that went after Sakura, "KAIOKEN!" He burst forward at a speed that shocked Kakashi who began fighting off four at once, just as Taiyo was half way between Hari and Hidan the immortal Akatsuki member stabbed himself through the heart.

Hidans laughter echoed throughout the village, the cheers from the Cultists only amplified the fear Taiyo felt as he turned around to look at Hari who was on his knees staring at Hidan, "O..Obito Sensei?..." Out from behind Hidan popped Obitos half covered face, he launched Hidan out of the circle the second Hidan left Obitos grip there was an explosion of blood as the spear finally connected with its target. "Looks like I made it just in time to use my new Kamui ability," Obitos typical grin appeared on his face as the three bladed scythe went straight through him, "I can make anyone I touch intangible, pretty cool right Danieru had a field day." The sound of fighting drew the members of Team 11s attention to Rin trapping all of the Rogue Shinobi in coral, "The amount of Ninjutsu she had me blast them with was a pain but it perfected the Jutsu so I have no complaints." Hidan began shouting at the lot of them before trying to attack Obito again and again it passed straight through him, "It wouldn't take much for me to beat you however I have to give my student a chance to show off to her friends not don't I?" With that the caved in tunnel burst open with a large amount of Wind Release Chakra, two black flashes flew past Hari and Taiyo with Hidan being the target of the missiles trajectory. When the dust settled Hidan was haing his arms restrained by the Twin Wyverns Ramiel and Oceana, "An interesting opponent. I'll assume Kakashi Sensei was the target to weaken Obito and sending someone immortal to fight a battle of attrition is pretty smart." The sound of blood dripping to the floor drew everyones attention to Danierus hands which had two giant gashes, her Mangekyo Sharingan was active, "Yeah I didn't think I could copy it but it was worth a shot, you two can let him go now I'll handle this," The two Wyverns released Hidan, quickly retreating to guard the villagers who now left the tunnel to inspect the damage of their home, "Please young lady try not to cause anymore damage to our village."

Danieru moved almost as quickly as her Wyverns which allowed her to easily dodge all of his swings especially when it was with his Scythe, "I get that you were sent here to wear Kakashi down before killing him but honetly you're pathetic!" Danieru land two swift kicks to Hidans stomach then hitting him with a <Wind Style: Gale Palm> launching him into the air far above the village, the Curse Mark began to spread over Danieru as her wings sprouted again much to her closest friends suprise. "Danieru don't kill him!" Rin shouted but Danieru just smirked as the air around her flooded with a thick mist, "Ice Release: Mangehyo.." countless ice spikes formed from the mist, they rapidly sped towards Hidan who attempted to block them with his scythe only for it to be encased in a giant block of ice and fall from his hand. Hidan quickly met the same fate as his favoured weapon as he crashed to the floor his lower body resembling an ice sculpture, the only part of his body unaffected was his head. "From what I heard your immortality comes from your God right, I wonder how happy he'll be when his offerings stop coming." Before Hidan could say another word she placed her hand on his mouth freezing it shut.


The Hidden Leaf reinforcements arrived a couple hours later due to outside interference, when they arrived they were given the task of transporting Hidan back to the Village as a prisoner. Hari, Danieru and Obito used Wood Release to repair the houses, Taiyo taught basic Taijutsu to those who wanted to learn. "So how do you know Ice Release? Only one person in the series had that and it ws Haku right?" Taiyo asked Danieru when they were given a chance just to hang out by everyone however Taiyo still used his Byakugan to make sure nobody was eavesdropping "Normally yes but in the Canon the Third Mizukage was Isobus Jinchuriki and Obito put him in a Genjutsu which made him more aggressive which lead to the Clan Massacres of the Yuki and the Kaguya Clans respectively." Danieru created a snowflake in her hand, "No offence Hari but I think this is my favourite I've gotten so far." There was some back and forth before Taiyo asked the all important question, "How many Jinchurikis have you met so far?" Danieru stopped for a moment before letting the snowflake melt, "We've been going in a really weird order to be honest, we spent a while in the Hidden Sand with Gaara to figure out Magnet Release." Danieru began to suddenly float as a cloud of sand appeared under her, "Then we had a look at the relations the other Villages and well it's not great.. We headed up to the Hidden Stone but Obito doesn't have the best relationship with them after he and Minato basically held the border between the Lands of Stone and Fire, anyway that doesn't matter we managed to find the Four Tails Jinchuriki Roshi who decided to attack us on sight!"

Danieru went on to talk about their fight with the Four Tails she also display her very limited use of Lava Release, "It's great and all but the tax on my Chakra is too much for me to use it effectively but yeah so we managed to talk him down so that we could warn him, we did try to entire the Hidden Stone but they were pretty much on sight when two of the Leafs strongest Shinobi rocked up." She went on to explain that Roshi promised to find Han the Five Tails Jinchuriki so they used Kamui to head to the Hidden Mist because the Hidden Cloud Village was even more hostile. "We were just about to start our search for Utakata when we sensed your guys Chakra and rushed over, congrats on figuring out how to make the Kaioken by the way!" They joked a bit more before they were called back for food, afterwards Danieru and Sakura went off to exchange notes, Taiyo cornered Obito with Hari not far behind, "How could you let her copy so many Kekkei Genkei Obito! You realise how dangerous that is for her!" Obito simply waved his hand before getting up, "I don't understand the medicinal side of it but she said that she managed to hit equilibrium once she figured out a power that was hidden within the Curse Mark, I'm sure you saw the change in how it manifests now compared to how it used to be."

"Hari I want you to understand, that if I hadn't been there and seen what he did to your leg you would have lost the fight and most likely have died." Obito placed his hand on Hari and Taiyos shoulder, "Danieru has been training none stop no distractions, she can comfortably fight Rin before she uses Isobus Chakra, you two are extremely talented but you need to apply that talent if you want to keep up with her." He went to leave before Taiyo grabbed his wrist, "Fight me Sensei!" Obito glanced over at his student a grin forming on his face, "DON'T HOLD BACK ON ME!" Taiyos Chakra flared as he went to strike Obito but was quickly launched away, Obito looked over at Hari who was debating whether or not to step in but he didn't get a choice as a kick launched him into Taiyo. "I won't tolerate lazy students especially when your potentials are so high! Where is your pride!" Obito shouted as he rushed forward at his students, Taiyo rushed forward but Obito ran straight through him engaging Hari in hand to hand combat. Whenever Taiyo went to get close he was pushed back by either ninja tools or Ninjutsu and whenever Hari went to make distance for Ninjutsu of his own Obito would rush forward to re-engage in Taijutsu. "Your teamwork is still flawless however you have become too comfortable in your roles," Obitos hand caught Hari by the throat, "Taiyo you should have learnt Shuriken Jutsu like I recommended to you, Hari if you are so dead set on being a Ninjutsu specialist you should have learnt close range Ninjutsu or figured out a way to make distancing yourself a priority." 

A scroll unraveled from under Haris sleeve, a number of shuriken flew from the scroll catching Obito off guard leading to him dropping Hari who quickly recovered with a small blue ball forming in his hand. Recognising the Jutsu Obito jumped back as the orb quickly grew in size, "Big Ball Rasengan!" Hari shouted as the Rasengan hit a certain size holding it between himself and Obito who had a smirk on his face. Hari smirked as he looked at Obito, "I really wanted to impress my Dad when he got back with Naruto by improving my use of the Rasengan but the best I could do was increase its size until I did something by accident one day now Rasengan: outburst!" The Rasengan exploded outwards launching multiple spiralling arcs of pure Chakra at Obito, "My Sensei is rolling in his grave Hari," Obito exclaimed jokingly as he dodged around the multiple arcs, "Ok maybe I was too quick to judge.. Ninja art: Wack-a-mole Jutsu!" Obito disappeared into the ground before appearing next to Taiyo who jumped away towards Hari with Obito vanishing again, activating his Byakugan he searched for Obito. "He's dipping in and out of Kamui, jump!" Hari jumped as a hole appeared under him with Obitos arms appearing to try and grab his legs, "It's a version of Earth Release: Headhunter Jutsu using Kamui to improve it!" Sakura went looking for her temporary teammates to find their heads sticking out of the ground and Obito sitting next to them, saying their goodbyes Hari and Taiyo swore to Danieru that they wouldn't slack off anymore. With that the two groups split off from each other Sakura turning to Hari, "Hey don't you think we should have told Danieru about Lady Tsunade?" Hari chuckled as he pulled out a small picture of himself, his mother and a baby with silver hair "And ruin the suprise, nah she'd abandon her mission to be a big sister!"