
Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Infiltration!

The guards were patrolling around the mansion when they heard something, coming from a bush. They raised their weapons and cautiously went near to it. Suddenly a smoke appears, made them coughed. They started to feel sleepy and then collapsed.

Xenon popped out from the bush as he took off his mask, "Yosh! They took the bait!"

"So that's a sleeping gas. They are certainly lived up to their name.", Daiki said, still wearing the mask. Kazuhiko nodded, "And a strong one at that. They won't wake up until morning."

"...But we shouldn't let them in the rain. They might get sick.", Maia said, "Plus the others might see them, should we move them to that bushes?"

"Great idea. Let's do it."

Xenon and Maia dragged the two men to the bush without breaking a sweat. Kazuhiko look at Maia, surprise was written all over his face, "I know Xenon are strong but...I'm surprised that Kinoshita-san are strong as well...even though she's small."

"Ahahah...she probably got that strength from her father...", Daiki nervously laughed, "Though she didn't know her own strength."

They continued to do this until they reached the back door. Xenon walked up to the door and checked to see if it was opened. No surprise, it wasn't.

"Looks like we have to break the lock.", he stated as he reached for his katana.

"Wait! I got this!", Kazuhiko said as he reached into his tools and got to work on the door.

Xenon raised an eyebrow, "You know how to pick locks?"

"Well...yeah. Dad taught me, just in case I ever got locked into a cell or something.", the gunner said, still working on the lock, "...I don't really approve of it but it does have its benefits."

A loud click got their attention.

"There. It's open.", Kazuhiko said as he pushed the door open.

"You're amazing Kazu!", Daiki cheered.

The gunner rubbed his chin, "The lock wasn't even that good of quality. I would expect better from an upper class building."

Without another word, they made their way inside. The building was nearly completely dark, saved for the moonlight that pouring through the open windows.

"Looks like no one's here...", Maia said, "It's kinda suspicious..."

Xenon shook his head, "No...I sensed something from below."

"Really? But I don't sense anything...", Daiki replied.

"Below us? There must be a basement then.", Kazuhiko commented.

They began to look around until they came to a lone door on one of the far walls. Now, they all could hear the whispers of voices coming from the room below. They carefully made their way down the stairs, not wanting to alert anyone of their presence.

"So, have you agreed to sell these bodies once I killed them?", the voice of a man asked.

"Yes.", another voice appeared, sounded happy.

They edged closer to the end of the wall and saw the Mayor Ryuu talking to someone. His clothes indicating that the stranger are not from here. He stood before the mayor with an arrogant air and a smug smile. It took almost all of Xenon's willpower to keep himself from kicking the jerk in the face.

"I need fresh dead people anyway.", the stranger continued as he tossed the sack of money in his hand like it was a ball, "Once you killed them, give me a call."

"Of course. After all, you're my best customer."

Xenon felt his temper boiling with hatred when he saw the Mayor smiled without a care in the world.

"Well, I suppose this will do for today.", the stranger said as he stood up and wear his hat, "But I have one warning for you, Mayor."


"You should be careful. Some people might found out about this. Especially when they heard rumours about you killing and selling dead bodies to me."

"Hah, don't worry about it. I'll make sure to kill that people before they can tell the townspeople."

The stranger went quiet before smiling, "...I see. Well, goodluck. You gonna need it."

With that, the stranger left through a secret passageway that was built into the basement. They could hear that man's chuckles echoing through the room.

Ryuu stood up and went to the cages, "Now, since he's gone, should I kill you this instant?"

"I knew you have something going on in this mansion!"

Daiki and Kazuhiko gasped when they heard a familiar voice, "That voice...that must be Mana-san's husband!", Daiki stated.

The mayor chuckled, "You two already confirmed the rumours and I won't let you go that easily."

"You can kill me but not your brother and my daughter!"

They saw the man took out something, "Too bad. Because I want to kill you!"

Xenon had enough of all of this. Without waiting for the others to make their move, he pulled himself out of the shadows, "Stop right there!!", he demanded, his hand on the hilt of his katana.

Ryuu nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw Xenon standing before him. He was white as a white paper.

"What's the matter?", Xenon asked mockingly, "You look like you just saw a ghost."

"You know that's a really cliché line.", Kazuhiko said as he walked beside him, ruining the atmosphere Xenon was trying to create.

Xenon pouted, "Oh come on! Let me have the scary atmosphere for once!"

"H-how did you get here!?", The mayor yelled once the shock of his guests had worn out. He began to look around frantically, "Guards! Where are the guards!?"

"I'm afraid they won't come.", Maia said casually as she revealed herself, "They're slacking off on their job so we have a great time knocking them out."

Ryuu hands clinched as he shook angrily, "Is this why he warned me...?"

"It's over Mayor Ryuu!", Xenon yelled, "We may be outsiders but we can't let a mayor who used his title for his personal gain and get away with it!"

They heard a small dark chuckle coming from the mayor, "...Really now? You guys are so naive."

Xenon unsheathed his katana and pointed it at him, "Be careful guys!"


Ryuu suddenly transformed right before their eyes to a creature with black skin, long yellow horns and spikes coming out of his back. He had long claws on his fingers and toes and his golden eyes were like a cat. He also had a long scorpion-like tail with a sharp point at the end.

"What are you!?", Kazuhiko demanded. His mind was not comprehending what was happening.

The Mayor smiled at him, bearing his fangs, "What a lucky day. I can kill you people so I can sell your dead bodies!"

"But...how can you transform to such a hideous creature?", Maia asked.

"I was given new powers that wouldn't have been possible for a human like me. I can transform and shape my body into any form of my choosing. I can even mask my mana to the point of perfection", He glanced at Daiki as he said this.

Daiki frowned at him. So, that's how he do it. He knew nothing of this creature's existence.

Xenon shook his head, both in disgust and awe, "No wonder you were able to fool everyone. But not me! I can sense the incredible amount of darkness here!"

"...Oho. So you figured me out from the start. Interesting. How about you work with me?"

"In your dreams.", Xenon spat out before he attempted to behead the beast but the Mayor easily intercepted the sloppy blow with his tail.

"You naughty boy.", Ryuu teased and chuckled, "Now the game is up, I'll have to kill every last one of you". Dark magic started to swirled around him.

Xenon ran in and attempted to impale the monster's heart. Ryuu finished his spell and Xenon barely had time to move as a dark sphere of mana nearly tore him apart.

"He can cast spells faster than I thought.", Daiki noted.

"Don't get cocky, boy!", the Mayor screamed as he seemed to disappear from sight.

"Where did he go!?", Kazuhiko exclaimed.

"Fukumoto, behind you!", Maia yelled as she deflected his tail.

Xenon attempted to cut off the monster's tail. He, however, was nearly impaled for his trouble. From the corner of his eye, he could see some kind of green liquid oozing out of the tail's sharp end.

"Be careful, he's poisonous!", he warned as he jumped back.

"Light Laser!", Daiki yelled as the laser hit the mark.

The mayor gave a piercing scream as he grabbed his back. A large burn mark could actually be seen.

"He's weak against light magic.", Maia stated.

Xenon gave a small curse under his breath. If only he knew some holy powers, this fight would have long been over. This beast deserved a painful death.

"You...!", the Mayor screamed as he ran towards Daiki.

He was so focused on Daiki that he failed to sense Xenon running beside him, "I would suggest you respect them.", he sneered as he rammed his bag into Mayor's side. While he was stunned, Xenon charged in and delivered several sword slashes across the Ryuu's body.

"This is far from over!", he cried as he released another wave of dark mana.

Daiki was ready for this and released another Light Laser into the spell, cutting right through it and hitting him dead on.

"Kazu! Go and rescue the hostages!", Xenon yelled.

"Eh!? But--"

"Just do it! Take Daiki and Kinoshita with you!"

Kazuhiko hesitated but he need to trust Xenon, so he went to the cell with Daiki and start working on the lock, "Hang on! I'll get you guys out!"

Xenon and Maia had to stop the Mayor from nearing Kazuhiko and Daiki, "Fukumoto, are you sure you can handle him? He's weak against light magic and you doesn't seem to have that skills."

"I can manage. You should go once they free the hostages."


Kazuhiko heard a loud click and hastily opened the door, "Come on! I need to escort you guys to safety!", he then look at Maia, "Kinoshita-san! I'm done!"

Maia jumped back, "Let's go."

Xenon watched as they ran off with the hostages. He smirked, "It will be over once they manage to escape this mansion!"

Takurou growled, "It's not over yet! The guards should be arrive by now!"

*Kazuhiko & his team...*

Kazuhiko led them to the entrance but suddenly they got surrounded by guards, "I thought they won't wake up until morning!"

"Sawatari, I hate to spoil this but we've been stuck in this mansion until morning.", Maia said as she got ready for a fight, "And the Mayor managed to call for help."

"Oh man...let's protect them and get out of here alive!"

It was a living chaos at the entrance. Daiki was busy protecting the hostages while Maia and Kazuhiko had to fight their way out.

"Can you handle them any longer? You look really tired!", the girl, Yumi asked Daiki. The man agreed, "Yeah! You're shaking like a leaf!"

"I-I'm fine.", Daiki reassured, "Besides, I promised Mana-san to bring you guys back safely."

"Mana...? You talked to my wife?!"

"Y-yes. Sh-she was crying and worried about y-you two so we decided to help her out..."

"Mana...", the husband look down before he took out a sword, "Okay. I had enough of playing damsel in distress! Let me join in the fight! Young man, protect my daughter for me!"

Before Daiki could protest, the husband ran off and started to fight the guards with Kazuhiko and Maia.

Daiki feared for the husband's life, "Oh god! I hope he's okay..."

"Don't worry about him.", Yumi reassured, "He practiced sword skills everyday. I'm sure he'll be fine."

"Ah...okay then...", he look at his friends, who tried to fight their way out but he look back at the girl, "Yumi-san right? Once we managed to escape, I need you all to go and tell everyone about what you saw and hear in this mansion while we will prevent the guards from touching you."

"Roger that!"

Daiki suddenly gasped and look at the Mayor's older brother, Haruto, "Oh, that means we have to..."

Haruto smiled, "...Please don't worry about me. I'm fine. I need you to knock some senses into him. Just...don't kill him."

"Of course we won't.", Daiki smiled back, "Mai-chan and I will accompany you while Kazu will help Xenon convincing the Mayor."

"Daiki!", Kazuhiko ran towards Daiki and pat his back, "I'll be leaving this mission to you and Kinoshita-san!"

"Leave it to us!"

Daiki, Maia and the hostages ran off and managed to escape the mansion. Kazuhiko immediately ran back to the basement to help Xenon convinced the Mayor.

*Before Kazuhiko came...*

Xenon blocked Ryuu's attack and stepped back, "Why are you doing this!?"

"I'm doing this because I want to become rich!", Mayor responded and then started laugh maniacally.

"What kind of ridiculous reason is that!? Once they heard that the current Mayor is selling the recently dead bodies, the townspeople will hate you and--!"

"--And what? Kill me?", The Mayor gave Xenon an annoyed look, "I don't care about all that! All I wanted is money!"

'I wish I could kill this jerk right now. But I doubt that Mayor's brother want me to kill him.', Xenon got irritated by how the mayor kept on talking about money. He sighed, "We all know that money is important but...why are you doing this!?"


"You even try to kill your own brother! What are you, a psycho!?"

The Mayor went quiet before smirking, "...I guess so.", he look at the family portrait, "I have that psychopath trait inside me."


Xenon was cut off by the shadow surrounds him and kept him in place, "What the--!?", he gasped, "Th-this is--!?"

"Hm...so you can see it after all.", the Mayor chuckled darkly as he approached Xenon, "As I would have suspected. You're one of those rare..."

Xenon widen his eyes and started struggling, trying to escape from the shadow's clutches, "Damn it! Don't touch me!!"

Suddenly a gun sound can be heard and Ryuu yelled in pain. Xenon look at the direction and gasped, "Kazu...!?"

Kazuhiko panted heavily, probably from running, "N-Nii-san...! Are you...okay...!?", the gunner was about to help Xenon when the prankster yelled, "Don't come here!!"


"Heh...", The Mayor smirked, "I suppose I should run for now...see ya later folks!"

Ryuu ran towards the secret passageway that the stranger had used earlier and disappeared from their sight. Xenon was finally freed from the shadow's clutches and let out a sigh of relief.

"Glad that's over...", the prankster widen his eyes, "Wait--! W accidentally let him escape!"

Xenon was about to chase him when Kazuhiko stopped him, "Let him be. He may be a threat but at least we finally freed the hostages."

"...Yeah...yeah.", Xenon rubbed his neck, "Let's go back to the inn. I'm pretty sure Daiki and Kinoshita were done with their part."


"...What's wrong?"

"...No. It's nothing.", Kazuhiko smiled, "Yeah. Let's get going."

Kazuhiko turned around and started to walk to the entrance, leaving Xenon in the dust. The prankster scratched his head, "He look troubled for unknown reasons..."

He shook his head and rushed to Kazuhiko's side. A thought crossed his mind.

"But that Mayor...how did he managed to change into a monster...?"

To be continued...