
Chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Mysterious Girl.

Xenon finally regained his consciousness as he slowly open his eyes. All he saw a sunlight passed through the leaves. That's when he realized it was already day time so he jolted up, "I'm alive!?"

He then groaned. Maybe moving so suddenly was a bad idea, "Ow ow ow...my head..."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine---"

He finally realized that he was with someone else and look at the direction. He gasped, "Y-you are... you're that person from the forest...!"

It's the cloaked girl from before!

"We probably should stop meeting like this. People might say it's our fate to meet each other.", the girl said as she mixed something. She went to him and give him a spoon, "Eat this. It will help recover your health."

"Uh...o-okay...", he replied awkwardly as he took the spoon from her and ate the medicine. He cringed, "Ugh! So bitter..."

"It is bitter."

He then felt something cold pressed against his lips.

"Drink this.", she ordered.

He didn't protest as he drank the water, which felt heavenly against his dry throat. After another moment, he felt his head cleared from the effects. He felt the cup being pulled away from him and he did feel much calmer.

"Do you feel okay now?"


For some reason, he wanted to sleep but Kazuhiko was out there, looking for a way out. He was about to stand up when he felt hands on his shoulders and pushed him back, "You're tired. Go back to sleep."

"N-no...Kazu...he's out there...", he protested.

"Worry about your friend later. Right now, rest. You got injured really bad. And I'm sure he's safe."

"What do you even know about him!?", he yelled, "He's not strong as I am!"

"When I said rest, rest. Unless you don't understand what am I talking about.", the girl stated. Xenon swears his heart were boiling with anger so he yelled, "You can't boss me around!"

"I'm not bossing you around. You just have a problem with your anger management."

"What did you say!?"

"I said you have anger management issues."

"Why you--!! That's it! I'm going!"

Xenon was about to stand up but the girl pushed him harshly to the ground. He did not expect for a petit girl to have such strength, "Ow! Watch it!"

"Nope. I'm not going to watch your injuries since you rather treat people with such disrespect.", the girl said bluntly, "Now go to sleep or else."

"Or else what?", he challenged, "Kick an injured person?"

"No. This."

She hit his head, enough to make him collapsed. She finally sighed, "Finally. I didn't know he would be this temperamental."

She wiped her hands before she heard a sound, "Hm...?"

She heard a sound from Xenon's bag. She widen her eyes in surprise when she actually heard a voice from the bag, "Hello? Hellooooo?"

She slowly went to his bag and took it. She gulped, she don't want to open his bag without his permission but she had to. So she hesitantly rummaged through his bag. It was kinda...spacious for a small bag. She took something out and stared at it. It's a walkie talkie from Takashi! She accidentally dropped it when she heard a voice from it, "Hello? Please answer me Xenon! Are you okay out there!?"

"What is this thing...?"

She slowly took the walkie talkie and stared at it, "How should I respond...? This boy sounds really concerned about this rude man..."

She noticed a button so she pressed it hard and said, "Oi."

She let go of the button.

"H-huh!? A girl!?"

She finally figured it out so she pushed the button again, "By any chance, are you 'Kazu' that vampire looking man keep talking about?"

"Y-yeah! My name is Sawatari Kazuhiko! I'm a friend of Xenon!"

'Ah. So his name is Xenon...', she thought before responding, "He's sleeping. He got injured so I have to heal him."

"I-I see...I'm glad he's safe..."

It went quiet before a new yet familiar voice talked, "Hello..."

"Hm? Daiki, is that you?"

"Yes. It's me.", Daiki spoke, "I'm heading to Milky Town with Sawatari-san. We can meet there."

"That's a good idea but..."


"Vampire and I aren't in good terms right now...should I carry him?"

She swears she heard Kazuhiko's laughter as Daiki talked, "Sawatari-san was worried about him so you probably should."

"Alright. I'll meet you at Milky Town."

She puts back the walkie talkie into his bag. She stood up as she look at Xenon, "Now to carry him..."

Kazuhiko & Daiki...

"I didn't expect that one of your friends was with Xenon."

Kazuhiko said as they walked. Daiki chuckled, "I guess it's a coincidence then?"

"But don't you guys travel together?"

"We did but we decided to get separated for now since we couldn't found the plants we're looking for."

"Oh I see..."

They walked in silence before Daiki's curiosity got the best of him, "By the way, why did you laughing when we were talking?"

"O-oh!", Kazuhiko immediately snickered, "That's because...sh-she's the first one to bravely call him a 'Vampire'! No one never called him that because he's too scary when he's mad."


Unknown to Kazuhiko, Daiki started to imagine scary images of Xenon so he definitely didn't look forward to meeting this vampire boy.

Xenon & the girl...

Xenon slowly opened his eyes and groaned, "Ugh..."

"Finally awake?"

He rubbed his eyes as he look around, "Hm..."

It took him a few minutes but he finally realized that he got carried on the girl's shoulder.

"Wh-what the---!?" He struggled to escape but her grip on him was too strong, "Let me go!"

"No. You got injured."

"Is this how you carried an injured person!?"

"Only your legs got injured so I don't see why not."

"Let me go you freak!", Xenon then struggled to escape her grip, "I can walk on my own!"

The girl went quiet before purposely dropped him, earning a yelp from him. He growled, "Can you drop me gently!?"

"No. Since you're too annoying."

"What did you say!?"

She had to close her ears as Xenon was yelling angrily at her. She sighed, "...I was carrying you because Sawatari was worried."

Hearing that statement made Xenon stopped yelling, "...Huh?"

"My friend was with him.", she sighed in frustration, "Well, since you don't want to corporate with me, I guess I have no choice but to let you go alone."

She folded her arms, "Good luck on looking for him."

She was about to walk away when he yelled, "Stop! Y-you know where he is!? Moreover, how did you know Kazu!?"

"...From that weird device."

"Device...?", he thought for a moment before he realized she was talking about the walkie talkie, "...You touched my bag, didn't you?"

"I did. Since I keep hearing his voice and you were asleep."

"Why you--!?"

"Okay bye."

The girl merely ignored him. He popped a vein as he tried to stand up but his legs immediately gave away, made him fall down, "Wait! I said wait you freak!!"

Suddenly the girl went into a defensive mode, "...Ah. Looks like you just attracted some monsters."

What she said is true. He look around to see monsters or to be specific, a pack of hyenas.

He tried to get up but unfortunately he don't have the strength to stand up right now. The girl took out her bracers and put it on, "Looks like I have to fight on my own."

One of the hyenas tried to pounce her but she stepped aside and punched the hyena in the gut. The leader pack of hyenas howled, catching their attention, "Argh...I don't have time for this..."

The other hyenas arrived and started to growl. She look around, "...At this rate, we'll be their food..."

They attacked the girl again. She either dodged or attack them back. She spotted a hyena were getting ready to pounce Xenon, who look defenceless, "Hey--!"

However she was caught off guard when a hyena suddenly attacked her and managed to injure her. She grunted before grabbed its legs and throw it to the hyena who tried to attack Xenon.

"Whoa!", he ducked.

After a few minutes of dealing with monsters, they finally ran away. She then kneel to the ground while holding her injured arm, "...."

He spotted scratchs from her cloak and her arms. It look like she have a deep wound. He tried to stand up again and this time, he smiled brightly when he can stand up but then he slowly went to the girl, "O-oi! Are you okay!?"

However she didn't respond. Instead she stood up and winced, "Ugh!"

"Y-you got injured..."

"I don't need your pity. And let's get going, your friend will be worried."


"Be quiet.", she stated rather harshly. She then walked away while holding her arm. He frowned before grabbing her unhurt arm, "You got some serious injuries than I do! You'll need medical attention!"


She snatched her arm back and plainly ignored him, 'Since when he's start caring about me? Just until a minute ago, he keep yelling at me.'

The rest of their journey was quiet and she preferred it that way. But the pain got increased by the minute. She could use her own healing powers but she don't want to use it in front of him. Xenon frowned, 'This girl got on my nerves but I'm not heartless! She's seriously injured!'


"...If it's about my arm, just be quiet."

"...No...I never got your name."

"...It's rather useless to tell you my name since we won't see each other again."

"Wha--!!", however he stopped himself from yelling and sighed, "Just tell me. I don't want to call you nameless."

"Fine.", she sighed, "Kinoshita Maia. I only heard your name is Xenon."

"Fukumoto Xenon is my name."

"...I see."

The silence took over again as they walked. They took their time, thinking.

'...Now I think about it, this is my first time talking with a girl...usually they start fangirling over my appearance.', Xenon sighed, 'While I'm glad she's not like that, she's really blunt and awkward it actually pissed me off.'

Maia rubbed her arm gently, 'Ow. It hurts...Daiki will get worried sick again when he see this deep wound...'

They finally see a glimpse of a building and hurriedly went there. There, they spotted Kazuhiko and Daiki waiting for them at the entrance. The gunner smiled brightly when he saw Xenon, "Nii--Xenon! You're okay!"

"Y-yeah...", the prankster replied.

Daiki went to Maia and gasped when he saw her clutching her arm, "Mai-chan! Y-y-y-you got injured!"

"...Yeah. I was being reckless again.", she winced in pain, "Ow."

"Geez! Stop making me worried about you!", he pouted, "You know I'm not always there to help you."


Daiki grabbed her hand and look at Kazuhiko, "Well Sawatari-san, I guess we'll have to get g-going. Sh-she have some serious injuries."

"Alright.", Kazuhiko nodded and waved his hand, "Good bye."

They then walked away, leaving Xenon and Kazuhiko. When they were sure they were out of hearing shot, the gunner asked, "So what's wrong Nii-san? You're being creepy right now."


He explained everything happen to Kazuhiko before he heard some snickers coming from the gunner, "Th-that's the first time a person bravely made a comeback! I like her already!"

"Wha--!? Hey!! You're supposed to empathize with me!"

"Aww come on! Everyone except Takashi-san always scared of you and the girls like your appearence so much! This must be pretty new to you right?"

Xenon frowned, "That...may be true but it doesn't change the fact that she actually made me feel annoyed!"

"That's because you keep yelling at her.", Kazuhiko gave a deadpan expression, "She only mimicked your actions by treating you with disrespect."

"You sound like a mother."

"That's because I am.", the gunner said jokingly before chuckling, "Oh well, it's been a long day so we should go look for an inn and think what will we do here afterwards."

"Great idea.", Xenon said and they entered the Milky Town.

They look around, the town look unusually gloomy. Most of the plants and trees were dead. Only a few of them were alive. Even the people look...unstable.

"Whoa...it feels like I'm in a zombie town.", Xenon remarked. Kazuhiko responded by jabbing his arms on his ribs, "Ow."

The man who was sitting in a chair spotted them, "...Oh. Travellers? We don't get them very often."

"What happen here?", Kazuhiko asked politely.

"Something bad will happen to this humble town.", the man said sadly, "A monster will come to destroy upon this town again..."

"A monster...?"

"Yes. This particular monster has a habit of destroying towns and since this town is the nearest...well, as you can see, most of the plants and trees were burn to ashes..."

"Th-that's terrible!", Kazuhiko exclaimed, "Why it would do such a thing...?"

"What is the monster's name?", Xenon asked.

The man sighed, "...Logi Skrímsli. It's been a year since that monster attacked the village."

"Don't you guys had to fight that monster so you can defend your beloved town?"

"...We did but...we didn't win...in fact, most of the people here got injured."


They had to say farewell to the man and start looking for the inn. Kazuhiko look around, the kids and adults alike doesn't seem to be happy. He look down, "The condition here look even worse..."

"...Yeah. Logi Skrímsli huh...it's not that surprising since a volcano is near."


"Logi Skrímsli are said to be lived near volcanoes and always burned the nearby villages just for his entertainment."

"Oh...wait--how did you know that?"


Xenon sweatdropped before spotting the inn, "Hey look! I found the inn!"

"Oooh! Let's go then!"

Kazuhiko then run ahead of Xenon, who sighed in relief before chasing after him. When they arrived, they opened the door and saw Daiki talking to the innkeeper.

"Hello Ozawa-san!", Kazuhiko waves at Daiki, who look around and smiled, "Oh! S-Sawatari-san! Hello!"

The white haired boy went to them, smiling, "Nice to see you again."

Kazuhiko smiled back before realizing something, "Oh right! You haven't introduced yourself to Xenon!"

"O-oh right!", Daiki bowed at Xenon and smiled, "My name is O-Ozawa Daiki. S-sorry for not introducing myself sooner."

"Nah. I didn't say anything either. I'm Fukumoto Xenon.", Xenon smirked.

Daiki stared at him, "Now I look closely...you look like a vampire...", he gasped, "Unless you--are you a vampire!?"

Xenon popped a vein as he gave him an annoyed face, "JUST WHEN I THOUGHT YOU'RE NOT WORST LIKE THAT GIRL!! I'M NOT A VAMPIRE DAMN IT!!!"

"KYAH!! I-I'm sorry!!", Daiki closed his eyes tightly as if he was participating Xenon to hit him. Kazuhiko smacked Xenon on his head, "Look what you're done to him!"

"Ow! He started it!"

"No he didn't! He only stated your appearance facts!"

"I hate it when people called me a vampire!"

"Even so, you need to control your temper!"

While they were busy arguing, Maia happened to be looking for Daiki and spotted him, "Dai--Huh?"

She saw two duo arguing while Daiki clamped his hands over his ears repeating his fear mantra in his mind. She sighed as she went to him and shake him, "Daiki. Daiki!"

He jumped and look at Maia, "M-Mai-chan!"


He suddenly hid behind her, she could even feel him shaking in fear, "S-save me!"


Kazuhiko immediately spotted Maia and stop his scolding towards Xenon, "O-oh! Don't be scared Ozawa-san! Nii---I mean, Xenon can be scary sometimes but once you get to know him, he's nice!"

However Daiki still hiding behind Maia. She gave them a deadpan expression, "So he's the cause? Not surprising."

"I heard that!!", Xenon yelled angrily.

"Look! She's like that because you keep yelling at her.", Kazuhiko stated. Maia shook her head, "For a Vampire, your hobby is weird."

"What do you mean by that huh!?", the prankster yelled again.

"I mean, do you like to yell randomly to people?"

"Grr...you pissed me off!"

"Well, you're the one who started it."

"I didn't!!"

"You two! Stop arguing in front of my inn!", the innkeeper scolded Xenon and Maia, "So, the two new travallers, do you want to stay here?"

"Y-yes! How much?", Kazuhiko asked, relief that their fight stopped. The innkeeper told them the price and Kazuhiko paid him. The innkeeper then gave the keys to their room and told them to scram since they will attract unnecessary attention. Xenon grumbled when they relaxed at their room, "It's not my fault that I yelled..."

"Nii-san, you really should stop holding grudges like that. You know she spoke some truths about you."

"Hah!? Are you sided with her!?"

"Ugh. You're hopeless.", Kazuhiko sighed as he lay down on his bed, "Anyway, did she always a cloak? I didn't even see her face!"

"...Now you mention it, you're right."

Xenon remembered the girl always wear that cloak, even though her cloak was tattered thanks to his carelessness. He sighed, "....Well, I haven't thank her yet..."

"Tsk tsk. You're really hopeless. Thank her already!"

"Shut up Kazu."

They hang out and planned their next plan at their temporary room. Xenon couldn't help it but feel uneasy when thinking about going to Estoark, even though he said he don't care about being caught.


The Knight walked through the empty corridor, thinking about how will he explain the situation to the king. He hesitantly opened the large door and greeted the people inside.

"Y-Your Majesty...I have come to report some bad news..."

A man with blonde hair sat at the throne with his wife, "Bad news? What is it?"

"Y-yes...our search on Fallmont...Fukumoto Xenon fell on the cliff when the unit who chased him...asked him to come with us."

"Oh no...that is certainly bad news.", the king immediately covered his mouth, look really anxious, "Is he...alive?"

"...According to my captain, he is alive. He got carried by someone before he was suddenly out of our sight.", the Knight reported.

"Thank goodness!"

"But we have failed you! W-we let Fukumoto get hurt and..."

"Oh, you did not failed us. Especially when you tried to convince Xenon-kun to come back.", the queen said happily before whispering to the king, "...They still don't know about this right?"

"No...but I will tell them when we confirmed he really is the Fukumoto Xenon."

The queen nodded before she look back at the knight, "...Since he is alive, we want you to keep on looking. We have faith in you."

"Y-yes your majesties! We will not fail you!"

The Knight suddenly thought he's lucky to serve them as a knight. He's determined to try and convinced Xenon to come back, well, if they managed to find him anyway.

To be continue...


Kazuhiko: Looks like my prediction was right.

Xenon: About what?

Kazuhiko: About how suck you are at thanking people.

Xenon: Wow thanks for that Kazu. *Roll his eyes* Very helpful indeed.

Kazuhiko: You're seriously bad at it...welp, look forward to next chapter!