
Chapter 12

Chapter 12; Living Dead Route.

They entered the forest with a bad feeling. Unidentified noise and laugh can be heard from somewhere, making the group feel uneasy. They look around cautiously.

"Um...Kinoshita-san...I had a bad feeling about this...", Kazuhiko said, breaking the silence among them.

"...You're not the only one with a bad feeling, Sawatari...", Maia finally spoke up, "All of us have this bad feeling..."

Suddenly a noise can be heard nearby, causing them to flinch.

"Eek..!", Daiki look around with fear, "Wh-what is that noise!?"

"I-I don't know...it can't be good though...", Xenon said as he look around.

As they walked, Daiki felt a hand grabbed his ankle, made him scream in fear, "GYAAAAAAA!!"

The rest flinched and turn around to see Daiki started sobbing, "I-I want to go home..."

Kazuhiko look at him in concern before grabbing his hand. Daiki stared at him in confusion, "Eh...?"

"Don't worry, we're here for you.", Kazuhiko comforted him.