
The city of blood

Tell me everything about the Cuvan," I asked

"It began about 30 years ago. Life was normal and the rains were falling as they should but then they stopped and a period of drought began. Many died, and that's when the disappearances began kids were vanishing out of thin air and never to be seen again after about 2 months people were getting concerned as the number of kids going missing doubled and it was after those two months that the rains began to fall once more. The disappearances stopped for a while and a calm settled once more but then they returned and that's when I was taken."

*** 20 years ago ( The Strangers POV)

Finally, after months of drought, the heavens have graced us with the rain. I stood in the middle of the village catching droplets on my tongue. The sky was dark and thunder boomed across the landscape. I was surprised to not see anyone else outside usually the other villagers are grateful for the rain and the life it gives us. My Father was always apprehensive to let me go outside not unlike many adults they still thought that the rain men were around or as the elders call them Cuvan, but I know I'm safe the rain will protect me. As a wave of boredom overcame me I sought entertainment I skipped towards the river to watch the fish as they swam past. Upon reaching it, it was very quiet I went to the banks and looked into the rushing waters. I lost my balance and tumbled into the depths suddenly.

Almost immediately I was swept downstream by the fast current struggling to keep my head above the water I screamed for help, " help, anyone!" I shouted repeatedly I began to lose energy and slipped under the surface letting the darkness overcome me just as I was going to pass out, two strong arms grabbed me and pulled me out of the river. I coughed severely as water left my lungs and air came back I looked to the face of my rescuer and shock filled me "Cuvan" I whispered

After that, I passed out once more.

I woke up slowly my eyes adjusting slowly to the darkness, a throbbing pain echoed in my head I clutched the area as I looked around still dazed

" Where am I?" I thought to myself confused and scared. Carefully I got up my vision still blurry and stumbled to the window outside I could see nothing recognisable just trees for miles and miles. Suddenly I heard footsteps down the hall quickly I hid behind the door looking for a weapon to defend my self I picked up a paperweight of the desk and waited. I didn't dare breath as the door opened and the person entered quickly and quietly as possible I threw the paperweight and hit them on the skull the person feel to the ground in a cry of pain and was unconscious I then searched them for anything useful that I could use. I took the keys from his pocket and exited the room. The hallway was empty and creepy. Tapestries lined the cobblestone walls and archaic scriptures were inscribed on the walls itself. I decided that I didn't want to stay any longer and made my way across the hall down the stairs avoiding the Cuvan and out of the gate I ran as fast as my legs could carry me not looking back once as the trees passed in a blur.

***Present day (y/n POV)

"Why did they abduct you" I questioned my Curiosity still needing answers

" Opportunity I suppose they took children because they needed them for what purpose that is beyond me" He replied

" I need more than that" I sighed

" Perhaps you should speak to the viper" he suggested

" who?"

" The viper" he whispered, " People say that he used to belong to the Cuvan and has knowledge of them"

" Maybe he knows where my brother was taken," I said hope filling me again

" Where can I find him?" I queried

" They say he is usually as The River inn not far from here," the stranger told me

I got up quickly eager to leave

" Thank you..." I stopped realising that I didn't know his name

" Kalvir," he told me

"Thank you Kalvir," I said

I turned and left rejoining the crowd of Sangaza once more. " I'm coming Arzan just hold on."