
When the Stars Collide

"Oh, then stay here with me." Chaesoo's mother is getting married and she told him to go live with his uncle who is the brother of his future stepfather. Despite the age gap, they seem to get along pretty well. Chaesoo found it suspicious how they all look so young, he is not the one to talk about appearances since his 27 year old self do not match his baby face. It seems like the Andreyevs have a little secret they are hiding. "I know this sounds crazy, but I am what I am. I am a..." (Underwent a lot of editing to really finalize the plot. But this time, it is good to go.) Enjoy and please leave a review!

mamamamay · LGBT+
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6 Chs


Chaeyoung was at loss for words. The reaction of her most precious child was completely understandable. She thought she left him in a state where he can stand up on his own. That he would not constant keep in check the things weighing him down, his mother. Chaeyoung thought that he was ready for her leaving. She was wrong.

It was a huge mistake for her to do so. She knows that it was somewhat selfish. No, it was so selfish for her to assume that he would be alright without her. Seeing the way he reacted he must have felt so hurt by what she done.

"Chaesoo... Chaesoo... Mom is so sorry. Please forgive me." She called for him. No matter how much she wiped her tears, they kept on falling one by one. No matter how much she was hurting, not once did it cross her mind that what she has with Christopher was wrong.

Everything about him felt so right. She knew that loving him had a price but it was worth it. He was worth it. She never felt so happy being with him. She knew that she was in love with him and what they have is genuine and special. She has to stand for that. No matter how much she was hurting, she did not want to change or push back the schedule of their wedding.

As much as she did not want to hurt Chaesoo, she di not want Christopher to feel devasted. They both waited for the wedding. They worked hard on the preparation and before that date, she must make amends with Chaesoo. But how? She did not know where to start. Clearly, Chaesoo did not want anything to do with his mother.

"What do I do? I don't... I don't know..." She was so confused. "I have to fix this. I have to fix us. I'm so pathetic..." After a couple minutes of sobbing, she got up and composed herself. "I should stop being so weak. My son needs me and I should take responsibility for everything that I have done to him."

She was right. She should learn to take responsibility for everything she has done. She will start with clearing things up with Chaesoo and teach him that Christopher means well and that she is happy being with him.

Meanwhile, Chaesoo let his tears silently fall as he drank coffee. He went up to his room and he sat by the window. Just looking at the sky. The endless wonderful hue of blue. He sipped little by little regretting what he has done to his mother. He knew that it needed to be said and he should feel relieved. He felt a little lighter but majority to what he was feeling, he wanted to just punch him in the face.

He was scared. Why wouldn't he? Who is to say that Christopher will not hurt them? Hurt his mother? "I should go apologize..." A part of him wanted to say sorry for the way he acted but he should stand to everything he said. She should realize how hurt he was.

"I hate how stubborn I get sometimes." He sighed.