
Chapter 1

"Why would you do that insane thing?!" The Captain's voice thundered.

"What insane? Look, it's successful!" I shouted too.

He's over reacting! And that's pissing me off! I don't know why he's mad! He should be proud because i turned some drug lord's down!

"Yeah, successful. And surely they'll hunt you!" He laughed sarcastically.

I shook my head, "No, Captain! They didn't identify me!" I'm about to speak again when the head Commander of this agency coughed.

"Shut up, you two," He says coldly. He looked at me, "Why would you do that thing, Commander Hiraya Swan? That wasn't part of the plan!"

"I-I know. I just find their plans unconvincing!" I said bravely. But the truth is i'm nervous! I just needed to stand the bosh i did!

He laughed without humor, "Doesn't mean you're at the highest position you'll fo everything you want, Tharaya." He said calmly but screams powerful.

I'm about to say something when he spoke again, "You won't come with your team in their next mission."

"What?!" I almost screamed.

He glared at me, "You loath my decision, Commander?"

"Why? What will i do?" I asked desperately.

"I'll give you an own mission, if that's what you want." He says like it's nothing!

I laughed, "What? I'll be a bodyguard?" I sarcastically asks.

"Hiraya!" Our Captain.

"You're really a genius! Yes, you will." My jaw dropped at what Commander Phillips answered.

Irritatingly, i went out of the meeting room when our talks are done. His idea is ridiculous! Seriously? I'll be a bodyguard?

There is nothing wrong about the bodyguard job thing but, i am the second unit division Commander, 00015!

"What happened?" Zoey asked, my comrade.

"I'll be gone for a months!" She's in my team, and i am their Commander. I still should guide them even though i'm not with them in their next mission.

She looked at me with a shocked face, "Suspended?"

I shrugged, "Probably? But i have my own mission!" I'm trying hard to hide my annoyed.

She nodded, "What's new? You're always at missions alone!"

"No! The mission i was saying is not like what you think. I'll be a bodyguard! Like a celebrity guard?"

"What?" Her eyes widened.

"So, while you all are in mission, i'll still watched you. Make sure, don't get killed." I laughed.

She shook her head and smile, "Copy."

I'm packing my things when the Captain came. I rolled my eyes.

"Tsk, that's what the stubborn people gets," He says in a serious tone.

I looked at him, "Excuse me? I'd loved to experience the guard job thing." I says out of the nose.

He smirked, "Well then, i'll take care of your team, Commander Swan. By the way, Commander Phillips wants to talk to you." He says and left me.

After packing my things, i came into Commander's office room.

"Yes, Sir?" I answered.

"Take a sit." He said. I sat in front of him.

"I know you're disappointed with what i have assigned to you. But, i'm telling you Commander, this is no joke. You won't only protect one person like what your missions before. The Zamora's."

My forehead creased. I thought i'll be a celebrity guard? I was wrong. What he's assigning to me wasn't new. I've did it before, but like what he said, either one or two the people i'm protecting. And Zamora?

"The famous and rich family in Davao?" I asked.

He nodded, "You know how big their family was."

I laughed without humor, "That's not possible, Commander. I can't protect them all at the same time. We should let Captain join here." I suggested.

His brow arched, "He have his own mission. I'm telling you, you'll only protect the cousins. The parents can take care of themselves, a normal skilled bodyguard is enough for them, they said."

"Why don't they hired a normal skilled bodyguard then?"

"You're being unprofessional, Hiraya. They don't want their children to get worried. They don't want their children to be scared because of the threats." He says.

"They want to keep their children enjoying their lives without knowing their life is in danger." I stated.

He nodded, "You understand now, huh?"

"I understand from the very beginning. I just wanted to ask." I shrugged.

"By the way, how many are they?" I asked when i'm about to go out.


"What?!" I shouted!


My comrades hugged me. Except to the Captain.

"I'm still sullen. You didn't told me you have a selfish plans! But you're forgiven since you'll leave." Zayn said.

He's the man i'm with when i came in the party of the illegal business man and woman. He's a sniper. A great sniper.

I hit him, "You sounds like i won't comeback, asshole!"

He laughed, "Captain, send your farewell!"

I looked at Wendell, "You won't say goodbye at me?"

He moved a bit, Zayn step backwards.

"No. Take care, instead." He said and walked awayz

"Hoity-toity!" They teased me.

I glared at Zayn, he's the instigator!

"Shut up! Xyne, make him quiet!" I said to our comrade.

Zayn smirked, "Shut me up using your mouth please!"

Xyne pointed the gun on him. I laughed, "Shoot him. When i came back, i don't want to see him again!"

Xyne smirked, "Sure!"

"You two are witch!" Zayn shouted with a pale face.

"Who, Zayn?" Xyne asked.

"You—" He stopped when Xyne intentionally shoot the back of his place.

I laughed and went inside the chopper our agency owns.

Before the chopper leave, Commander Phillips said his goodbye at me.

He smiled and hugs me. I hugged him too. He stand as my father since when i was a kid. I went to this agency when i was 10 years old. I've been working here for 9 years. There's a time when the death is fetching me but i think he's now scared. I love my work and responsibilities, so i guess i'll serve this agency until the end.

It depends if i fell in love and planned to build a family. But it's impossible because that's the last thing i will do.

Who's gonna love me by the way? Would they loved the woman who has a blood in her own hands? I doubt that.

"Take care of eleven dwarfs." He said.

I laughed, "I'm not sure, Commander, but i'll do all the things i can."

He smiled, "I trust you, that's why i gave this mission on you. I see you grow and witnessed all the hardships you've been through. As your father, i am so proud of you!"

My eyes becomes teary, "Do you have any plans to make me cry?" I laughed.

He shook his head, "Take care." I smiled and finally said my goodbye.

Looks like i'm preparing for the war because of the farewells we did. Still, i loved them as my real family. I grew with them beside me.