
When the reincarnated lady loves

I reincarnated into a body of a baby from a nobel family in a novel I read. After dying in a truck accident, heartbroken because of an unrequited love with my step brother who was getting engaged this week. But Wait, I was supposed to be a heroine in that novel ..not a villainess!! I swore I will not be naïve as my previous life and never fall in love ..But why is this handsome guy staring at me ?

Nightingale_888 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

My New Family ?

Those thoughts kept popping in my mind about how I will change the plot of the novel.

Unexpectedly someone barged into the door again.

Yeah, it didn't happen once.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm a noble lady or not?

I saw one friendly figure coming towards me.

Curly light brown hair and eyes which resembled just like mine.

She was Katherine McGlynn, the 2nd oldest child in the McGlynn family.

She rushed towards me with a cold look in her eyes and started poking my cheeks.

"So, this is the brat which is responsible for mom and dad ignoring us now?" she yelled.

"Let's see what stunts she could pull up in front of me?"

"Wtf is wrong with her?"I thought.

Of course, she couldn't understand me.

I haven't gotten my teeth yet and coz of this I couldn't defend myself.

But I had one superpower beyond anyone else


I started crying and Katherine pulled up a disgusting face as if she had a duty to change my diapers.

"Ughhh!! How stupid this girl can get!! Maid, you're right here!! Do your job!!! Stop her!! And don't be such a cry baby!"

"I am a baby, you funny wannabe sis." I thought again.

Couldn't she just straight walk towards the window and jump right from this.

It was indeed a brilliant idea.

That's when I realised, I was thinking just like a villainess.

"Positive thoughts! Positive thoughts! " I yelled.

"Pujjj! Puj!", that's how it sounded to everyone.

I tried to do yoga while sleeping but my hands couldn't meet my knees.

Being a child is sure difficult.

"Milady I instructed you not to scream in front of a child before. You also got permission to enter the room by telling the Duchess that you'll behave well."

The head maid glared at Katherine.

She and the head butler had full authority in overlooking the education of every child in the household.

And had authority for even correcting them in the absence of the duke and duchess.

She humphed but later continued to stare at me.

Ok, I literally pissed in my pants due to the continuous stare.

I can't even take a nap nor I could drink my milk.

I literally choked while drinking.

Now I had to use another weapon of mine.


I looked at her, smiling with at most appealing manner and innocent eyes which could bewitch anyone.

She gave in. I couldn't believe it myself.

Her cold gaze soon turned into a warm friendly one.

It was so foreign to me, it was the first time someone looked at me with such a warm gaze.

I now understood the meaning of family.

I lived in slums in my previous life, my father died early which I later understood that he belonged to the noble family when my brother came to pick me up.

My mother became a prostitute and clung to any rich man she would find.

She drove me out of the house because of a money crisis.

I had to survive on my own.

And when my stepbrother came to pick me up it was as if the only rays of sunshine that could bind my worries.

I pity the naïve me.

My father might have abandoned all the luxuries and his first wife just for the sake of my mother but I won't be like him.

After such sorrowful sacrifice, he gained nothing.

My mother betrayed him after 6 years of marriage.

He suffered from a chronic disease and had a weak body.

Even in such a pitiful state, she chose to abandon him and I was left alone to take care of him.

The 6-year-old me couldn't do anything for him.

He just wilted away like a flower right in front of me.

That's the most frustrating part when someone lies in the bed all day long and you can't do anything for them.

The guiltiness seeps you in.

Oh, I got off-track again.

Seems like my previous life still haunts me.

My sister Katherine suddenly got very close to me.

She visited me every day and bought chocolates along with me even though I can't eat them.

I'm not going to lie but I loved her company even though she was annoying at times.

Wish time would pass just like this.

I would love to stay in a baby's form and enjoy the riches.

Won't fall in trouble shortly.

But alas, good times must come to an end.

I've to meet my other family members as well.

And the time came soon than I imagined.

I met my 3rd brother, Reynard McGlynn when I was taking a stroll in the garden with the head maid, Helena and my sister who was still suspicious of me.

Who the fuck gets suspicious of their little sister who's only 2years old ??

But there was one thing that I liked about Reynard,

"Finally, someone didn't barge inside my room." I heaved

But why did I had to meet him in this huge McGlynn garden?

One can never find a person for days when they get lost in here if they visited it for the first time of course.

And I'm not even exaggerating.

Reynold was described as a very immature person who couldn't hide his feelings well in that novel.

He would become a young genius magician and was 3 years older than Sienna.

He was having his sword lessons when we were taking a stroll.

The sun scorched throughout the villa but he continued to practice.

The was reeking of sweat but that unsurprisingly smelled nice.

I know you'd think of me like a perv.

But trust me, that's something very common in novels when you have an important role to play there.

Black wavy hair which shuns in daylight and pink eyes that looked so precious.

His wet body looked like diamonds.

I was literally drooling.

It was not time to stan one of my favourite characters God damn it.

Pardon my slang language.

Umm...Previous life habits?!....

And then Reynord's eyes met mine.