
Two Wishes

"Ahhhhh!" a woman's scream was heard, it came from a room.

The door of that room was open, the room was dark inside and the floor was slippery.

Not because of water, but due to the blood that was spread all across the room. Inside the room were three dead bodies; they were killed recently because the blood on them was not dry.

The woman who screamed was lying on that same floor; she was unable to move. Knives were inserted into her thighs and she was pinned to the floor with them.

She was trying to grab the gun which was a few steps away from her. She stretched her hand as long as she could and tried to take the gun.



She was stabbed in the palm she was trying to take the gun with; now her hand was also pinned.

"Why try these stupid things when you know you're going to die? At least entertain me a bit," said someone, it was a male's voice.

He was the man who stabbed her in the hand and was sitting on his knees beside her.

He picked that gun and stood up; loaded the gun and pointed it toward the woman.


She screamed; he had fired three bullets into her legs.

"Ahh how boring, you guys are no fun," the man said with a disappointed look on his face.

He then left the room and went somewhere else. A few minutes later he returned; with a chainsaw.


She turned on the chainsaw and walked toward the woman. The woman's face which was already white with fear became even paler when she saw the chainsaw.

"No! Please! Don't kill me!" the woman pleaded as tears flooded out of her eyes.

The man ignored her words and sat beside her before he gently touched held her chin.

"Every time, the same goddamn reaction. Can't you get scared in a more interesting way?" he said as he bring the—now turned-on chainsaw, near her face.

She was so scared that she could pass out any minute by fear.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you right away or it'll ruin my experience," said the man.

Instead of her face, he now placed the chainsaw right above her hand which was pinned to the floor.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" she let out a very, very loud scream.

Blood sprayed everywhere as the man begins to cut through her hand with the chainsaw. This hell continued for a minute before her hand was completely separated from the elbow.

"Yes, that's it scream more!" he said in excitement.

The walls of that room were dyed with blood as the man's excited laugh filled combined with the darkness inside the room, making it look like a scene from a horror movie.

After he was done cutting her arm, he moved to the next one, and then a leg, another leg. One by one he separated all the limbs of that woman by the chainsaw.

She was already dead due to the insane amount of blood loss. When she stopped screaming a disappointed look appeared on that man's face.

He pulled out a bottle of alcohol from his pocket and poured it on her —now dead body. He then pulled out a lighter from his other pocket, lit it, and threw it at her corpse.

Her body burned in flames while he walked and stood near the window. Moonlight fell on his face revealing his face.

He was not someone could call a 'man'; from his looks, his age could be predicted as nineteen or twenty. Taking the maximum he was no older than someone in their early twenties or late teens.

On the roof of a building, was lying a man dressed in black. Holding a sniper rifle his body almost had no movements. The level of concentration he had was insane; after all he was a sniper who went through a hell lot of training.

He looked through the scope of his gun, the crosshair was at a male standing behind a window in a building.

"Unit #856 reporting: Target confirmed, requesting permission to eliminate the target. Over," he said.

"This is headquarters: Unit #853 permission to eliminate target has been granted. Over," a voice from a device he had answered.


A sound was heard as he loaded his gun. The crosshair was locked at the head of the person standing near the window.


He pressed the trigger and a bullet was fired from his gun. Traveling at great speeds, the bullet hit and pierced the forehead of the person standing in that room which was covered in blood.

It was a one-shot kill. He died on the spot.

His body fell to the floor as he lost control.

"Unit #856 reporting: Target eliminated."


"Huh, the hell is this?" said a boy as he opened his eyes while a confused look covered his face.

But that was understandable since according to him he just died after being shot in the head.

He covered his eyes with his hands because of the blinding light that was in front of him. Soon the light disappeared and he became aware of his surroundings.

He sat on a pure white chair in an unknown location. The floor looked like a chess board while everything else from the walls to the roof was pure white. He swallowed out of nervousness as he gazed at his surroundings.

"The way you are looking, this place is not *that* strange," someone said, it was a male's voice.

The boy quickly looked in the direction that voice came from; he saw that there stood a person, a man, dressed in a black suit and tie. He had his hair blonde hair combed perfectly while he wore rectangular-shaped glasses.

He was looking like a typical businessman.

"Who're you?" he asked.

"Me? Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. You might not believe me but I'm Coeus, a god," said the man in the suit.

"A god huh, though it sounds like absolute bullshit but considering the situation I'm in, it's not that hard to believe," said the boy.

"Well then that makes it easier for me," said Coeus as he adjusted his glasses with his middle finger.

"So? I'm dead I suppose, are you gonna take me to hell now?" asked the boy.

Coeus chuckled before he said, "You sure know that you will be going to hell."

"I'm the type of person to accept what I've done, it's no fun committing a crime if you can't openly claim that 'Fuck the world! I'm the one who did that with a sense of pride on your face," said the boy with a smirk.

"Hmph, you sure say interesting things, however, I'm not here to take you to hell nor heaven. I'm here because I want to give you a second chance," said Coeus as he narrowed his eyes and walked toward the boy.

"A second chance?" the boy said while he raised his brow.

"Yes, a second chance. It seems like your life was not a good one, but I can reincarnate you into a different world, you can live a different life, you can even start as a baby if that's what you want. That's what I mean by a second chance," Coeus explained.

"If you really are a god then you should know that I will do the exact same things even if it's a different world," the boy said as a grin appeared on his face.

"Yes I know, and that's exactly what I want you to do," said Coeus, adjusting his glasses again.

"Oh ho," the boy chuckled as if he was amused by what Coeus just said.

"I want you to keep on doing your stuff in this world I'm sending you to, exactly like you were doing here."

"But what'll I get in return?" asked the boy.

"Fun! Isn't that what you want the most? There are species other than humans in that world, you will get many new reactions out of them," Coeus said.

"Hmm, I'm interested," the boy said with a big smile as he looked genuinely interested in what Coeus said.

"Of course, that won't be the only thing you will get. I will even grant any of your two wishes if you are willing to work for me," Coeus suggested.

After that the boy did not say anything for a while, it was like he was lost in thought. Busy in making a kind of decision. But then he lifted his face as he gazed directly into Coeus's eyes.

"I'll take on to your offer," he replied.

A smile appeared on Coeus's face after he heard the boy's reply.

"And about those wishes, if I go by the part you said you will grant *anything* then first, I want the ability by which I can create any weapon I want. I love my tools so it will be great if I can just create them," said the boy before he continued.

"And my second wish will be XXXXXXXXXX."

Coeus looked at the boy while he carried a smile on his face, he was impressed by this boy no…he was impressed by himself for choosing this boy as his candidate.

"Very well, I will grant those wishes of yours," said Coeus.

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Thanks for reading!

-Peace out

moon_senpaicreators' thoughts