

In a wide green misty forest, a small area where no trees are growing can be seen except for the humungous gloomy looking dead tree at the middle.On a closer look, a part of its body near the ground caved in.

On the interior of that massive tree, a wide cavern filled with chilling mist and darkness can be seen. Trails of blood and rotten wood debris littered around the place. At the end of that trail of blood, a skinny figure with contorted arms covered with blood and dust lying still on the ground like a corpse.This pitiful figure surely is Bryan.

Atop Bryan's body, a flickering tiny azure lights slowly decending like a snow onto its body.The completely shut eyes of his slightly twitched a little then slowly opened.After that, he ask himself with a dissapointed look in his eyes.

"Where am i? Am i dead? Is this the afterlife?"

Bryan felt a cooling sensation from those lights that unknowingly healed his injuries and makes him feel better.

Then someone suddenly spoke and answered in a playful and gentle voice.

"You're in my cavern little lad and yes,you're still alive because of me. If only im not bored enough in here, i wont use a bit of my elemental essense just to save a lad with zero affinity to elements."

When Bryan heard someone suddenly spoke,he quickly jumped to the corner and clenched his fist then ask.

"Who are you?! You can't fool me Naga Bear.If you want to fight, come out so we can end this!"

"Haha" A loud laugh echoed inside the whole cavern. "Are you mentioning that beast chasing you? That bear didn't even dare to enter when sense my aura,haha.You're really a brave one little brat, i like it." After those words are spoken, the temperature drops in a rapid pace and the azure lights drifting around slowly formed a cluster in a spiral manner in front of Bryan. A middle age face with white snow beard and deep blue crystal eyes can be seen if you look at the center of the spiraling azure lights.

When bryan saw the face hovering at the center of that cluster of lights, he doesn't knew what do and tried to run away but his body just wont listen. He gritted his teeth and cuffed his fist towards the light then bowed.

"Thank you for saving my life senior. I don't have any with me except for this 'resonating moss'. I hope senior would let me leave with it so i can treat my little sister's illness."

In situation like this, Bryan didnt dare to provoke an unknown entity so he quickly gave his respect and thanked the latter.

"Good kid, i like you even more.Dont worry, i dont need any treasure from you but..., i do need your help so i can finnally leave this damned place and regain my strenght."

When Bryan heard this, he gave a sigh of relief then he said." As long as it in my reach, ill give my all to help you senior, but i dont think i can help that much with my puny strength."

A bitter smile and helplessness can be seen on the lads face. When the azure face saw these, he smile and said.

"Dont worry lad, i just need to reside on your body temporarily and i have a way to help you gain affinity to the snow element. And maybe also give you some guidance someday if youre doing a great job as a helper. Haha!"

A booming laugh echoed once again inside the cavern.When Bryan heard those words, he cant help but tremble with excitement and spark can be seen on its eyes then he recollected himself for a moment and ask in a doubtful tone.

"Is it true that senior can help me gain affinity to element? Grandpa once told me that only the sacred herbs can help me gain affinity to the elements.Are you saying that you have the sacred herb with you?"

The middle aged azure face gave Bryan a stare and said. "No, i don't have any sacred herbs with me and yes, it is true that the sacred herbs can help you with elemental affinity dificiency but your granda doesnt know that the elements themselves can choose anyone they like even those without elemental affinities.But Elementals are prideful fellows so you people didnt hear someone like yourself gain affinity by the help of an Elemental. sigh"

Bryan widened his eyes in shock and said."In what you were hinting, are you telling me that you're an Elemental?!"

The middle aged face sighed and nod when heard this and said, "Yes, im an Elemental. Although currently i only have this level of strenght, i can still help you with your elemental affinity.Okay introduce yourself first so we can start."

With an excited eyes, he quickly answered.

"Yes! I'm Bryan Wrecker from the Heavenly Weed sect and im nine years of age. May i know what can i call senior?"

A feint sadness flickered for a moment on the azure face' blue eyes then he smiled and said, "My friends called me Snow Elemental, Rexor. Just call me Elder Rexor in the future.Since we now both know each others name, let's start."

Bryan smiled and nodded excitedly.

"Just tell me what to do elder rexor, and rest assured that i will follow it with heart!"

Elder Rexor chuckled when he saw that excited expression and said.

"All you just need to is to clear your mind and endure. If you can't even endure the cleansing process, forget about getting the affinity of my snow element.This is a little bit harder for you because you got zero affinity to begin with but with your determination, i think it will do. If you succesfully finish the process,your affinity of snow element will be a lot more purer than the others because of me directly cleansing your mana. Okay, close your eyes and focus. This will be my first test for you. Because of the violent nature of snow element, if you fail... you will lose your life."

When Bryan heared the last sentence, he pause for a moment then gritted his teeth and solemnly said in heart.

"If i can't even pass this test, what's the point of living if i don't even have the strength to survive in this dog it dog world. This is the only chance to change my life. It's do or die!"

After musing on his heart, he sat on the ground like a meditating buddha and slowly shut his eyes.

When Elemental Rexor sense the brat's determination, he smiled and nodded.Afterwhich, he explode into countless azure particles like a raging snowstorm enveloping Bryan's body. A moment later, azure particles are swirling around before slowly tunneling into the latter's pores in an orderly fashion. When Bryan sense the cold aura sipping onto his body. He felt a excruciating cold stabbing pain on his entire body.


Inside Bryan's body, the snow essense are upgrading the organs and muscles one by one by destroying the older ones then replaced it with a more stronger and more purer ones.Rich snow elemental essense steadily circulating on the arterries then to the muscle tissues until the impurities are fully removed from the latters body. Meanwhile on the outside, you can see dark and filthy sweat dripping on his whole body while black sticky substance keep oozing from his pores. Painful cries can be heard inside the cavern.It lasted for three hours before the the cries died down.

After the painful cleansing process, Bryan slowly opened his eyes and tried to observed the changes his body. But bofore he did so, a a foul smell instantly filled his nose that he almost threw up. Then he frowned and ask.

"Why the heck am i covered with dirt.Where the hell did this filth came from? Elder Rexor, pls stop doing prank with me, its not funny!"

Elder Hexor chuckled before he appeared in front of the latter and said.

"Didn't you know that all those filth came from your body? Those impurities are the reason why you didnt have any affinity on elements, i even spend a lot of snow essence just to cleanse your organs and muscles. You better be a good helper in the future so that my effort wont be useless.Here, let me help you clean up."

Before Bryan could talk, snow quickly gathered around him and completely covered his whole body like a snowman.


A moment later, cracks appeared on the snowman's body then it exploded. Bryan wiggled his body and remove the remnant of snow then turn towards the wall of the cavern.

Bryan's body flickered before he suddenly vanished on the area where he currently standing in. A second later Bryan already appeared before the cavern wall, he clenched his fist and send a casual punch.


After that booming sound, a massive hole can be seen before the Bryan's body. Wild joy with a tinge of shock covered his face he cupped his fist towards Elder Rexor.

"I don't know if i can repay this huge gift in the future but rest assured that i'll give my all to be a good helper to you Elder Rexor."

Rexor silently nodded when saw the grateful eyes of the latter before he chuckled.

"You better remember what you said right now brat. And don't celebrate too early, were not done here yet. I still have one more final test for you."

Bryan startled when he heard Rexor words.He really thought that the painful cleansing are done, who would've thought that those painful experience are just appetizers.He clench his fist with determined eyes and said.

"Even if i go to hell and swim a pool of lava, ill take that final test! Elder, just tell me what to do."

Rexor doesn't know if he would laugh or cry when he heard it.

"Just relax, i know you can do it. Your organs and muscle are already upgraded, what's left are your bones. This will be a bit more painful than the first so never pass out in the middle of the process, once you did, im afraid i can't save you with my current strength.Normal people doesn't have this kind of opportunity so you better grasp it. Once you finish this, you'll have the body that can ignore and absorb ice damage."

Bryan's eyes are burning with determination when he heard the last part.

"Elder Rexor... Let's do it!"