

Harissa Camargo, a mature woman aged 44, widowed for more than 10 years, dedicated herself entirely to her life's work, Teacher, Psychopedagogue, Neuropsychopedagogue, Therapist, Specialist in Emotional Intelligence, Violinist, writers in her spare time, she and owner of a clinic specializing in NLP, DISC, and HMI, had her life on track. She sees her life turn upside down, but everything happens when she receives a proposal to speak at the headquarters of a multinational, and meets the CEO Willian. Willian Negrao and a man in his 38s has never married, after the heartbreak he owes to the bride who left him at the altar to run away with his cousin, and promised himself that he would never give his heart to a woman again, he is outgoing, and funny, owner and CEO of a worldwide, London-based multi-national enterprise and business in his own private retreat. But everything changes his mind when he sees Dr. Camargo at a conference In Brazil, he was impressed by the woman's beauty and friendliness and wanted to have her. She didn't count that in the middle of the way a ghost of the past would rise from the ashes...

Noize_Cristina · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 08 Will & Hari

"A confession: I love you

One wish: to be with you

One vote: Your happiness

A dream: To have you forever

An emotion: Our first kiss

One Goal: A life for two

A request: Please love me

A reminder; I love you so much;"

Author: Noize Cristina

When I knocked on her bedroom door I imagined seeing a beautiful and charming woman waiting for me, but to my surprise once again, there was a woman dressed in a simple blue dress, and I can already tell that she is and her color, she she wears an outfit without much adornment, but beautiful that fits well, on her body, there were a few more curves, nothing outside the silver, this meant that she took care of herself, the perfume was soft and pleasant for anyone, nothing too flashy and another thing that catches my attention, no exaggeration, that's good...

We went out together, and on the way to the car, everyone only had eyes for her, I couldn't tell if it was because she was with me or the fact that no one knows about her and she's in a relationship, I couldn't say anymore there were a lot of curious eyes watching us along the way, drive as Bento said for 1 and a half hours until reaching the place indicated by him, the place was really beautiful at night I could already imagine what it would be like during the day, I prepared everything so that we could spend the night here, I just hope that she doesn't freak out when she finds out...

During our conversation she went above and beyond what I expected again in sorting everything out with calm care and it seems that she already had everything ready, even my proposal didn't question I think until she replied too quickly, my proposal to go to London with me, this was favorable for sure, and it makes me think that it will be easy for me to go further with her, I won't find a barrier, so I hope, right now after enjoying a delicious dinner based on seafood and fish, each one more delicious than another, and discovering that we have similar culinary tastes makes my heart happy and seeing the happy face she shows, this discovery makes me happy in fact I have never met a woman with a diverse personality like her, and every minute by her side increases the my desire, and desire to know more about her, there is something that tells me that she may be the right woman to be by my side, at this moment i am here watching her look at the horizon of the night with Even if nothing was important around her, and seeing her happiness just gives me hope to continue and maybe advance a little tonight, I'll pay to see....

- Willian Negrao soon you don't have anything else you pay to see.... my subconscious told me and I couldn't help but smile what caught his attention... and he sees coming towards me walking with elegance, and charm...

-What was William what the funny thing...

She asked me but this is like an invitation and I won't waste time...

- There is nothing funny but wonderful...

-What for example?

With that word I didn't wait, I got closer and pulled her by the waist and I looked into her eyes and caressed her face the lips and kissed her, I felt her mouth on mine and without being rejected but accepted it was good the kiss was soft and I like it , I had never felt what I feel with any woman before, I squeezed her more pulling her closer to me and she passed her hand on my head making my body desire hers with more intensity and every minute I felt her lips and her body desire. the more it only increases, we stopped kissing and kept looking at each other... and when I least expected it I was kissed by her with a passionate and intense kiss that made me feel weak in my legs, I didn't want to stop but continue , I ran my hands over her body and squeezed her hot ass and I felt that it was and hard over the clothes, for her age she is in shape, with this attitude of mine, she let out a moan that was like music to my ears and made me move on, with my used hand, I turned it over coast and expressed it on the wall she passed her hand on my chest, and she dropped a button and glued her hand to my abdomen and this time I was the one who moaned, we stopped the kiss and I looked at her, in her eyes there was fire of desire. .. she blinked several times then closed and for a second opened and looked at me...



Me me...

She lowered her head... after a few seconds she got up...

-I'm sorry....

-For what, hey look at me Harissa we are adults, with desire for each other, there's no reason for you to apologize...

-Yes I know, and it's been a long time, and you must be thinking that I'm a frantic widow looking for a man, I'm not like that, but you make me feel something, a feeling that even I don't even know existed inside me ...

Hearing her say that made my heart rejoice....

-Harissa, I know it's been a while since you've had anyone in your life, and I'm not thinking anything about you, but feeling, I also feel something I've never felt before when you're around, so we're no different from each other. oct...

She looked at me, sighed...

-I don't know, I'm not a young woman anymore and I'm not even a virgin to get frills but I'm afraid... I can't say what I'm afraid of but I'm afraid...

- Calm down, we can go to your time, and calmly, I want to know more about you as I understand your fears and fears, I also have mine...

She looked at me... with a different twinkle in her eye, and every moment I don't know how she does it...

-Ok then we can go slowly, and calmly, give time to time, and not just go in my time, we can go together...


Having said that I approached and kissed her again, she makes me feel special and the lucky man, feeling difficult to describe in words at this moment....


How can I describe what I was feeling at that moment kissing a man who awakens in me dormant and new feelings, each kiss and his touch, my desire only increased for him, but I couldn't let it go, if not what he would say about me, I have to control myself, with the chemistry between us, he could say that our night would end in the bed between the sheets, but I can't give myself up like this, I've known him for less than 72 hours, after many kisses we're here on the porch of the place from my refuge that used to be called paradise, but because of me the owner who is my client today changed the name to Pousada Refugio da Alma, and it was here that my worst days turned into joys and I got up, we are hugged and time and time again he kisses my neck and ears and hugs me and as incredible as it seems I feel at home in his strong arms, I looked at the clock, and I got scared with the time...

-Willian we need to come back, it's late tomorrow I still have an appointment at your company...

It was after 2 am, he looked at his watch, then looked at me...

-We can sleep here and in the morning we go back to the capital what do you think...

I looked at him, and felt my cheeks burn...

-No need to blush, we'll sleep in a separate room if you want, but we can sleep together too, we've done that before, actually last night...

I looked at him, I already knew about this episode of him sleeping in my room last night, and not taking advantage of me so it wouldn't be a problem if we slept together without having anything with each other, remind me that Lourdes always had clothes on my guard. ..

-Ok we can then just slept in the same bed and nothing else sir...

-You can let me, I'll behave, but I'll have to take off my shirt, lady...

-Oh don't worry I'll get you a t-shirt for you to sleep sir...

-Ok Harissa let's stop with this lord and lady, we are not old, we can call you by names or as you think is best you can call me Will...

- Okay Will you can call me Hari...

-So, let's go to the room...

-Let's see if there's a room, right, available...

-Hari is all under control, I booked it when you dozed off a few minutes ago...

- I wasn't napping, I just relaxed and was thinking with my eyes closed, okay, I'll fix our sleepwear just a minute...

I went to the reception, it was Domingos who was there and when he saw me he opened a smile...

-Hello Harissa with this my Dr. favorite?

- Hi Domingos, I'm fine and you...

-I'm fine thanks to you, if you came to talk to Lourdes about you sleeping here, she's already arranged everything, she's already in her room when Dr. Ali said she wanted two double rooms, she already predicted that this would happen so everything was already set up for this one when you arrived...

-I had forgotten how you all know me so well, but let's just stay in one, preferably the wave of my clothes...

I looked at him who was looking at me with his mouth open.... I couldn't stand it and laughed...

-Calm down is not what you're thinking, and you can get a hotel shirt for Dr...

-Why, he already has clothes in his room...


-That's right earlier when the documents arrived with the instructions saying to book a room, and put his stuff in there, and now he asked for another one for you, and then you tell me you're going to stay in the same room, that's a surprise for me Dr....

-I know that even for myself and surprise Domingos, no and what are you thinking, you know never mind send me my clothes for when the dr.,

- Okay, it will be done now...

So he called room service and I went to where the smart guy was... I arrived without him seeing me from behind and surprising him, and to my surprise he pulled me into a hug and kissed me longingly...

-Wow, this is already longing, and it seems that you were already waiting for me...

-Yes and no, actually I felt you arrive Hari your perfume moves me even from afar your scent makes me alert for your presence...

-Wow, this is serious, but tell me why not say that I intended to sleep here on a skewer...

-I didn't have a man like me anymore, he doesn't walk unprepared, you know unforeseen happens now come let's sleep late and I don't want to see a dr. In skirt just for staying up late...

-Let's go, but that doesn't happen to me, I'm prepared for these things and I'm never fair only when something unexpected, unexpected and unheard of happens...

-Okay Dr. Smart let's go...

I enjoyed being called Dr. The way he spoke came out sensual in the voice he spoke...

We went to the room and each one went to change, I went first and as soon as I left he was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and hugging his own body so I arranged the pillow and covered it with the pillow because I knew that later preferably in the morning It was cold, so I fell asleep without worrying...

I woke up in the morning feeling strong arms squeezing me, and I opened my eyes he was sleeping, but he hugged me tight as if he was afraid that I would leave him, and I stood there thinking how I could wake up with him by my side and I thought about what my sister said, so I wrapped my arms over him and closed my eyes, again...