
chapter one The Loss

The scent of blood hung heavily on the air as Kiara raced through the forest,her paws pounding against the earth,her heart pounded in rhythm with each stride,matching her grief.

The recent loss of her pack weighed heavily on her filling her with indescribable sorrow.

It had being one moons since the fateful night that changed her life.kiara vividly recalled the scream,and the scent of blood and death that enveloped their once vibrant territory.

The attack had being swift and merciless,taking the lives of her pack leaving them torn apart.

kaira had arrived too late,her senses overwhelmed by the scent of blood and the anguished howls that echoed in the night.Her alpha,the wise,fierce and domineering leader that she had looked up to her whole life laid motionless on the ground,his once majestic form now lifeless.

her packmate,her family and friends laid scattered around him,their eyes robbed of their vitality.

A howl of anguish escaped Kiara throat,her voice carrying the weight of her loss into the night,she collapsed to the ground her body trembling with grief,her gur once a vibrant colour of silver and grey now seemed dull mirroring the void that had settled within her.

Days turned into night and Kiara found solace in the quietude of the forest,seeking answers to questions that plagued her restless mind.

Who had planned the attack?.

Why had her pack being attacked?.

And mostly Why had she being spared?.The lingering scent of vampires in her vicinity only increased her suspicion.

As the full moon approached Kiara's instinct pulled her towards her pack secret meeting place,a secluded clearing hidden deep within the heart of the forest,it was the place where her pack had celebrated victories,forged unbreakable bonds and made important decisions ,now just looking at it served as a reminder of her loss.

As she entered the clearing,her senses were immediately clouded by memories of happier times,she could still scent her packmates,as their scent still lingered,the echoing of Thier laughter replaying in her head.Her eyes welled with tears as her grief resurfaced like a tidal wave crashing against her fragile heart.

Kiara lowered her head, paying her last respect to the spirit of her fallen kins "I will find the truth"she took an oath as her voice filled with determination.

I will avenge our pack and ensure that their sacrifice was not in vain,she said as she cleaned the tears from her eyes.

Just as she prepared to leave,a glimmer of moonlight caught her attention. something was nestled in the underbrush, partially concealed within a blanket of leaves.kiara approached with caution,her heart thudding on anticipation.

Her paws gently brushed away the debris revealing an old journal.its pages were yellowed with age,it's ink faded but still legible,...it was her alpha's journal,a testament to him wisdom and guidance.

Curiosity enveloped her as she filled through the pages of the journal ,her eyes widened with each revelation.the journal chronicled his suspicion,his discoveries about a secret alliance between a rogue vampire clan and a traitor within their midst.The alpha had being gathering evidence, preparing to confront this threat head-on.

Kiara's grief transformed into an all consuming rage,The pieces finally began to fall into place....her pack had being betrayed deceived by their own kind.The vampire in their insatiable thirst for power,had planned the assault seeking to eliminate the only obstacle that stood in their way:Kiara's pack.

Determination burned in her eyes as she closed the journal, clutching it tightly against her chest...The oath forward was clear.

Kiara tucked the weathered journal securely beneath her paws,it's weight a constant reminder of her purpose,it held the key to discovering the mystery surrounding her packs demise.and she was resolved to uncover the truth.The pages,filled with her alpha's meticulous revelation and notes,became her guide in the search for justice .

With each passing day Kiara delved deeper into the journal, deciphering the alpha's cryptic entries.The more she read the clearer the scope of the conspiracy became,The vampire plan that had planned the attack had a malevolent leader know as Sefra,who sought to expand his dominion and eradicate any opposing forces.his insidious plot involved enlisting the help of s treacherous wolf within Kiara's pack,who betrayed their trust for personal gain.

The alpha's words fueled Kiara's determination,and she embarked on a quest for vengeance, Guided by the journal clues she followed a trail of evidence, pursing rumours and whispers that led her to the outskirts of a forgotten village.it was rumored to be a den for vampires,a place where Sefra and his loyal followers thrived under the veil of darkness.

As Kiara approached the village,she replied on her instinct,her senses sharpened to detect any sign of danger.Shadows danced along the narrow,concealing the true nature of the inhabitants that lurked within.The scent of blood both old and fresh lingered heavily in the air,serving as a haunting reminder of the lives lost at their hands.

Kiara moved with caution blending into the night ,her steps silent and delibrate.She kept to the shadows,aware that her lupine form would draw attention and suspicion.Her goal was to father information to unravel the threads that bound the vampires and the traitor together and to exact justice on those responsible for her pack's demise.

As she prowled through the village,her senses honed in on a distinct scent...an amalgamation of decaying flesh and the metallic tang of blood.it led her to a dilapidated building,it's doors and windows barricaded with layers of heavy timber.,the whispers of the journal guided her urging her to go into the heart of darkness.

With a surge of determination,Kiara shifted back into her human form.clad in the tattered remnant of her packs clothing,she approached the barricaded entrance,her heart pounding against her ribs,with a swift kick,the weakened wood splintered,allowing her entrance into the derelict structure.

The interior was dimly lit, flickering candles casting eerie shadows against the walls,The scent of dampness and decay filled her nostril,lingering with the acrid aroma of ancient magic.Luna navigated through the corridor ,her eyes scanning each room for any sign of her targets.

Finally she reached a chamber adorned with symbols of vampiric powers,it was a den of secrecy where Sefra and his coven plotted their nefarious schemes.she concealed herself in the shadows,her heart pounding in anticipation.

Voices echoed through the room,their voices reaching her ears.Kiara strained to hear ,her focus unwavering,their conversation confirmed her worst fear...the traitor from her pack had brokered a deal with Sefra,exchanging packs secret for personal power.They reveled in their victory,their arrogance betraying their misplaced confidence.

As Kiara listened,her grip on her fury tightened .The betrayal she felt,the loss that had consumed her,felt a rage that threatened to overwhelm her.

But amidst the tempest of anger,a voice whispered, reminding her of the path she had chosen...the pursuit of justice not blind vengeance.

As she took in a deep breath,luna clunged to the shadows contemplating her next move,the revelation she had overheard in the vampiric den confirmed her suspicion,they had also presented her with a new challenge.revenge burned within her, demanding immediate action but she knew that blindly confronting the vampires would only lead to her own demise.she needed a plan...a way to expose the traitor, bringing down Sefra's coven,and ensure justice for her fallen pack.

Retreating from the chamber,Luna loved slightly through the corridors,her thoughts consumed by the weight of her task,it was in this moment of contemplation that she heard it...the faint sound of footstep approaching.Instinctively she pressed her back against the wall,her senses alert.

As the footsteps drew nearer,Kiara caught sight of a figure immerging the darkness,it was a young woman,her features pale and ethereal with raven black hair cascading over her shoulder.her eyes held a haunting intensity,a mix of curiosity and caution, Kiara's instinct told her that this woman was no ordinary woman.

The woman stopped abruptly,her gaze fixed on Kiara as if she could see the darkness that concealed her,"who are you",she asked her voice laced with an undercurrent of authority.

Kiara hesitated her mind racing to come up with a convincing cover,she knew that revealing her true identity would put her in immense danger."I am a wanderer",she replied cautiously,her voice tinged with weariness,"I seek refuge from the chaos behind these walls".

The woman's eyes narrowed assessing Kiara with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine"you carry the scent of the forest and the night"she remarked her voice mixed with curiosity and suspicion.

"There is more to you than meets the eyes".

Next chapter