
When The Gangster Falls In Love

He hated the man that drove him crazy and would stop at nothing to get him away from his sister. But yet, he found himself falling deeper under his spell, intoxicated by the forbidden affection he knew better than to covet. He had stolen the heart of the man his sister loved, and what was worse, he did not regret it

Riceballs_25 · LGBT+
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33 Chs

The Bastard Was Thick And...

The scent of his soap filled my nose, as my fingertips massaged into his wet locks.

"Mhm," I moaned, as he pried my lips apart and shoved his tongue into the cave of my mouth. He kissed me roughly, he forced my hands from his neck and pinned them against the door.

The sound of his lips against mine resounded across the bathroom walls. His tongue wrestled mine, pushing it back and wrapping around it, until I felt my knees weakened. Taking the lead, he broke apart and started planting kisses at the side of my face.

"Fuck." He kissed my chin.

"Shit." He drew a circle with his tongue around my jaw, I clenched my jaw, and took a deep breath.

Breathing against my neck he groaned,"Damn." Then kissed my bulging Adam's apple.

I curled my toes, "Hey, don't tease-"

He brought down one of his hands and covered my mouth, "Don't say a word and fucking take it." He groaned against my neck, then nibbled on my pulsating skin, leaving his mark.