
When The Gangster Falls In Love

He hated the man that drove him crazy and would stop at nothing to get him away from his sister. But yet, he found himself falling deeper under his spell, intoxicated by the forbidden affection he knew better than to covet. He had stolen the heart of the man his sister loved, and what was worse, he did not regret it

Riceballs_25 · LGBT+
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33 Chs

The Bastard Cheated!

The gang my father, Jonathan Hayes got mixed in was a Latin American drug cartel, that dished out huge promises to men desperate enough to swear by them.


It wasn't as large as it was now when Dad got involved with them, they were simply looking to expand their numbers. No one could've guessed that the single father from South Carolina who from what I heard couldn't go a night without bragging about his kids, would've caught the eye of the boss and paved a decent rep.

But I hated that he got the respect of these low lives. Him getting jumped on, on Thanksgiving day was proof that he was better off keeping his head down.

"Boss, the car is ready." Elio announced from the door, his hair was still ruffled from making the rounds at fifth, and I could tell that throwing those dogs a bone every now and then was a bad play.

They said don't bite the hand that feeds you, but those crackheads from fifth were probably the ones who tipped the casino we were coming for collecting.

Things could get troublesome if left unchecked for too long.

"Push all of my appointments to tomorrow night, and make sure that no one hears about where I'm headed." I lectured while tossing my jacket over my shoulders. "Not even Bronx."

Elio nodded, "Yes boss." Then stepped aside for me to walk through. Just as I was about to leave he leaned in close and whispered into my ear.

"I heard some of the guys had a fight with the men from fifth, and one of them mentioned a big name as their umbrella."

"How big?" Those guys were either hungover in the morning and talking shit or piss drunk at night and mumbling shit. I didn't take anything they said at face value.

"Said he mentioned Sergei, but the details are still blurred. We don't know if it was a drunk man's slur or if he's accidentally slipped something he shouldn't have." Elio explained.

Sergei? The Russians? That couldn't be possible. This district and all three surrounding it belong strictly to Serpiente, if the Russian Mafia were remotely involved, it indicates nothing but a takeover.

"Find the drunk bastard and discreetly. Do whatever you can to bring him to me, but make sure he's alive." I ordered then stole a second to check the time. It was already nine pm, the party started two hours ago. Camille was going to fuck me over if I didn't drag my ass over to that hotel of hers.

I got into the car and switched on my phone, it was a policy of mine to keep my personal phone off during 'work' hours. And certainly enough, it was filled with messages and missed calls from Camille.

Some from Jas wondering when I was going to come home and the rest I didn't care to go through. There weren't a lot of important people in my life, after my mom died her family tried to separate Jas from us, which prompted dad to relocate.

When family didn't care about me, friends were no different, they all backed out one after the other, until it was just me and Jas after Dad died.

Sure, Camille was every bit my responsibility, but the most important person in my life was Jasmine, and nothing in this world was ever going to change that.


"Haa…Ahh…ngh…" my voice came out in a rasp moan against the feeling of hands all over my body, running down my neck to the small of my back.

My leg which was raised over a shoulder started to go numb, just like all the other parts that weren't being touched. I inched closer, reasoning thrown out the window, yearning for those hands to make a bigger mess of me, until I couldn't think straight anymore.

"More…give me more…" I moaned, but was silenced when a pair of lips seized mine in a hot kiss, that shattered my circuits.


I whimpered when my mouth was pried open and ravaged by a hot tongue that explored the cave of my mouth. I lost the strength in my knees when large fingers ran through my hair making a mess of me, but still firmly kept my head in place. Reminding me not to get sloppy with the kiss.

But how could I not?

The bulge in my pants had never been tighter, I reached into my pants to free my cock, but a hand grabbed my wrist and pinned them over my head, against the wall.

"Eager are we?" A voice whispered into my ears.

"Let me…ngh! I'm close—"

"Sorry but you're going to have to work on mine first, Co…" Right in the middle of what was being said, I felt even more lightheaded but it wasn't because of the pleasure I was feeling.

It was the alcohol from earlier kicking in, and before I knew it, the room and everything else turned into a blur.

The party was shit.

Or at least that was what I managed to remember the next morning when I woke up.

Not only did Camille insist on flaunting me to all of her engaged friends who never made it into wife territory, but her father, Richard Crawford, never stole a single glance my way. He stayed for about twenty minutes, no less, and then left when one of his subordinates came with some news.

Just when Camille was about to introduce us.

"Don't worry, daddy is really busy this time, but I'm working hard, I'll get him to squeeze out some time for a private dinner. Just the three of us, how does that sound?" Camille promised while snaking her fingers up my shirt, feeling me up.

I was displeased but tossed her a half smile, "That would be nice."

It was always promises with Camille, I knew she was trying her hardest. It was Richard who was making it clear he didn't want me around his business or his daughter.

After Camille dragged me to meet even more guests my memories began to fade. I recalled drinking to one too many toasts, for both me and Camille.

She was a lightweight, who couldn't hold her liquor to save her life.

But after being coaxed into taking just more glass, I started getting drowsy and snuck out into the lobby to call the driver to come pick me up.

"Yes—Damn it!"

I cursed at the brick wall I had crashed into. My annoyed gaze rose from my smashed screen to the wall staring back at me.

"You fucker!" I slurred, not too sure who I was even talking to. As far as I could recall, I swung a punch at the person, but ended up collapsing right after.

And when I woke up, I was changed and dressed up in my bedroom.

"Shit, that hurts like a bitch." I cursed while popping the painkillers on my nightstand. Everything up until how I got out of the hotel, to me waking up on my bed remained a mystery.

"Bad morning?" Jas chirped over the sound of the coffeemaker.

"The worse, I feel like my head's getting banged on by these little elves with tiny hammers."

She made a face, "That's a vivid description, why don't you think they're lumberjacks?" she asked pouring coffee into two mugs, and then sliding them over the kitchen counter.

"Because lumberjacks cut trees." I smirked, then sipped from my cup of black coffee.

Jas rolled her eyes and poured some milk into hers, "And it was dwarves not Elves." She snarkly retorted, putting the last word in.

I scoffed and took another sip from my coffee.

"Are you going to work today?"

I placed the coffee down, "Not until noon. You have me the entire morning."

"Lucky me." She sarcastically responded, stirring her bright yellow mug.

"Something the matter?" My tone dropped, "I hope you weren't planning on sneaking Ferrari here while I wasn't around."

She sighed and held the cup to her face, "Fat chance, Alé isn't in the city, said he was his parent's death anniversary and he drove to Mississippi to pay his respects."

"Away on the weekend. How convenient." I aired out my thoughts.

"Not this again," she grumbled and rolled her eyes, "I need you to have a bit more faith in my choices, just like how I trust you completely."

"You are too trusting Jas." And I meant that in every way possible, for her to have faith in someone as pathetic as me, meant she could believe right about any scum that walked the earth.

"I just want you to be careful," I said getting up from my seat, I quickly emptied my mug and said on my way out of the kitchen, "Especially around Ferrari, I don't like that guy, not one bit."

Jas and I dropped the issue of Ferrari and spent the rest of the morning by ourselves watching movies and just talking. She never missed a second to put in a snarky remark about Camille, but aside that, we had a decent morning.

However, my day was ruined completely, the moment I arrived at my base of operations, and was fed an update on Elio's investigation of that kid, Ferrari.

"What? He was at the hotel last night?!" I spat out, the fucker lied he was out of town, but it seemed I was right once again.

"But that isn't all. Please take a look at this Boss." He said and passed me a video on his phone. I eyed it cautiously and pressed play to see what it was about.

The video was of a couple, one of Camille's friends had uploaded it and Camille reposted it. It didn't seem like much at first, it was just a group photo in the hallway but the person taking the picture accidentally hit on record instead.

However, right behind them, for some seconds, Ferrari was caught on camera, walking out of a hotel room carrying a person in his arms!

I couldn't see who it was, because they had a long black coat draped over them. But, I saw the demon clearly, and he was rushing out like his life depended on it.

"Twenty minutes."

"Boss?" Elio leaned in.

I curled my fingers into a tight fist and punched the table. "You all have twenty minutes to drag that son of a bitch here! Or I'll force a hammer into your fucking brains!"

Ferrari had messed with the fucking wrong person, and he, and that bitch he cheated on Jas with, were both going to fucking pay!