
Chapter 20

Emelda was having a good time with her younger sister when Donald badged in with bunched brow. When he saw her with Favour, he tried to control his temper not to utter anything obnoxious until later.

But Emelda was already alarmed. She got up immediately and approached him. Held his hand and asked what was wrong. He said nothing and smiled wryly. Turning back to leave as soon as he had come, he said they would talk later. But on reaching the door, he paused and turned back; Emelda was standing, speechless, staring at him.

“Why can’t you admit that you like him?” Donald said finally without intending to.

He looked at Favour instead of her as though he was reporting her to the sister. He wanted to see the shock Favour would express in learning that her sister cheated on him.