
When The Bud Blooms

A Crown Prince cursed by a ghost. A noblewoman hunted for the murder of her family. The tortured souls of Yi Hwan and Min Jay Yi join forcces, forge a rare friendship and risk everything to find out who tried to destroy them, eventually finding, and eliminating their enemy. In the process, they fall in love. Yet the Crown Prince of Joseon cannot marry an orphan and an accused criminal. Even if he finds a way, she is too spirited and independent to be the future Queen of Joseon. Do they have a path forward? Passion and longing cross path with pragmatism and utilitarian as the duty bound Crown Prince Yi Hwan and fiercely unrestrained spirit of Min Jay Yi chart a path to an impossible love. An independent read, this is a sequel to the beautiful K-drama Our Blooming Youth starring park Hyung Sik and Jeon So-Nee.

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The Unexplained


Ga-ram took one look at her and said, "Did you fight with…" she gave a sideways glance to the two students working with Myung Jin, "Scholar Park?"

 "Not really," Jay Yi fibbed. Hwan had stormed out in frustration the previous night. Her curt note earlier in the afternoon could not have helped matters. But she needed to get away, to reorganise her thoughts.

 She needed to know what was wrong with her.

"Aashi! You must get hold of that temper. It will get you thrown out," She admonished in a whisper. 

 "Ga-ram, nothing like that will happen." She whispered back. 

 Myung Jin sauntered to the two women hunched over a tiny bundle on the floor.

"Did you bring these apples, Master Min?" Myung Jin asked delightedly, his gaze adoring the two large red fruits sitting prettily on a plate beside the bed.

"Yes, I did. They arrived fresh today morning." Jay Yi waved the rattle toy at the four-month-old baby, who gave her the most beautiful gummy smile. The little one waved tiny fists and kicked excitedly under the blanket, steadily looking back at Jay Yi. 

Myung Jin picked an apple and polished it with his sleeve. "Will Scholar Park join us?" 

 "Scholar Park has a hectic morning with lectures, so he cannot come." Jay Yi lied with a straight face. 

Myung Jin nodded in between bites of the apple, making "mmm" sounds of delight after every crunchy bite. 

With her legs folded comfortably under her on the bed beside Ga ram and baby Kom Jae Hwa, Jay Yi cooed to the baby. "I cannot believe how big he has already grown."

"He is growing naughty every day. He has started lifting his head and keeping it straight and steady without any support. And he keeps pushing himself off the bed with his heels!" Ga-ram said in mock anger, her voice filled with motherly pride that accompanied every minor achievement her baby made.

Jay Yi squeezed Ga-ram's hand and asked in a low voice, "Are you happy? Is Master Myung Jin taking good care of you?" 

"Yes, Aashi," Ga-ram looked at Myung Jin, who was picking up an assembly of small cups in a semi-circle attached to a large base filled with water that he carried to his work table. "He spoils me, Aashi . Sometimes I feel I don't deserve him."

"You deserve the best; don't ever think like that. It's an order!" Ga-ram gave Jay Yi a tremulous smile, two friends who shared more than kinship and love than most siblings sharing a precious moment.

"I missed meeting Kom Ye Jin. How is she?" Jay Yi asked.

Myung Jin and Ga-ram's one-year-old daughter was with her grandmother, the Chief State Minister's formidable wife and Kim Myung Jin's mother. Lady Kim had taken the child under the pretext of raising her as a 'lady'. Everyone knew the old matriarch adored Ga-ram and had given her daughter-in-law and son space to care for their newborn baby.

"Omoni brought her here two days ago. Had I known you were coming, I would have sent word to bring her over," Ga-ram said. 

"It's all right. I will ask State Minister Kim to bring her to me later this week so I can spend some time with her," Jay Yi said.

Turning to Myung Jin, Jay Yi asked, "Are you working on something new, Young Master?" 

 "Yes, it's a table water clock. Each cup of water indicates fifteen minutes." He poured six cups of water and rubbed his hands. "We just have to wait until it runs its course." 

 "What will happen then?" Ga Ram asked. 

 "Someone I am waiting for will come," Myung Jin smiled broadly. Ga-ram and the students looked at him with questioning eyes. Myung Jin ignored them and plopped down beside his son.

Myung Jin had expanded the space that previously housed his autopsy table, making room for his son's play area and bed. The autopsy table was relocated to the opposite side of the room, which had also been expanded. The additional space now housed a small kitchen, further extending inside to accommodate his newly constructed lab.

"Looks like you do not agree with me, Master Min."

Jay Yi rattled the toy louder, earning another toothless curve of a smile as baby Jae Hwa followed the sound with his eyes.

" Aashi , I will make you some Jasmine tea," Ga Ram said in a low voice so only Jay Yi could hear her.

"Ga-ram, I don't want tea, but please fetch me some plain hot water," Jay Yi said. She turned back to the baby. "Master Myung Jin, have you heard of any disease that distorts someone's sense of smell?" She asked as casually as she could.

"Another case?" Myung Jin asked excitedly.

 Jay Yi nodded without elaborating.

"Wait here," Myung Jin fetched three fat books and sat back on the mattress. Ga-ram handed Jay Yi a bowl holding warm water on a plate. 

"It's not too well researched or recorded, Master Min. But it's been documented mostly in older patients," Myung Jin ran his eyes over some pages in one of the books.

 "Is it a serious disease?" Jay Yi sipped the soothing hot water.

 "It looks like not much is known. However, physicians have noted that it is linked with cases of dementia."

Dementia? Jay Yi felt her flesh dry up with a lack of blood, and her face leach colour. She gripped the bowl of hot water tightly, her hands turning so cold that not even the heat from the bowl could transfer itself to warm her numb skin. 

 Ga-ram picked up her son from the bed and laid him across her folded legs. She had a small copper bowl of water with a small copper spoon resting on the floor beside her folded knee by the edge of the bed. 

 Raising her baby's head with the crook of her arm, she started feeding the child small spoons of water. The baby gurgled loudly, drinking some and spluttering some. "Drink, don't spew," Ga-ram admonished her naughty child lovingly, who sprayed and dribbled some more water happily. "What is dementia?" Ga-ram asked curiously.

 "It's a disease where the person gradually goes mad," Myung Jin supplied informationally, still occupied with the page he was going over. 

 Her hands shaking, Jay Yi placed the bowl back on its plate on the floor. "Does it happen to young people too?" Jay Yi asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

Myung Jin was turning the pages of another book. "It does happen with young people, though little is known about the connection between people going mad and problems with their sense of smell. Is there a case you are working on, Master Min?" 

 Ga-ram was the first to notice Jay Yi's fearful expression. Worried, she put her baby down and scooched over to Jay Yi.

 "What is the matter? You look ill," Ga-ram grasped Jay Yi's cold hands, forgetting Jay Yi was dressed as a man, and they had an audience sending furtive glances at them from across the room. 

 It took a few more minutes for the sun of comprehension to rise in Myung Jin's head, but as soon as it did, he called out to his students, sitting at the far end of the room, seemingly engrossed in their work but their body language indicating otherwise. "My dear apprentices, you can leave today. We will resume the work tomorrow." 

The two young men obediently gathered their things and left quietly.

 "Aashi, what is the matter?" Ga ram-squeezed her hand. 

Clenching her eyes shut, Jay Yi took deep breaths. 

The usually funny, goofy man across her turned suddenly serious, looked at her with careful attention and cut to the chase. "Are you ill, Your Highness?"

 Clamping down on a rising feeling of terror, Jay Yi gave a slight nod.

 "Since when? Does His Majesty know?"

A negative shake of the head from her increased the force of Ga-ram's grip on Jay Yi's white-knuckled hand.

"He does not? You must tell him," Ga-ram said worriedly. "How can you keep something this serious from him? You will get the best help in the world."

 "How do I tell him I could be seriously ill without attracting the attention of every ill-meaning person in that Palace?"

 "You are running ahead of yourself, Your Highness.," Myung Jin said firmly. "It's important to know what the real issue is. This is not a proven theory, either. Please, I beg you, let the physicians figure it out –"

"You do not understand. Once the physicians know ... the Dowager will know, and the court will know. You cannot keep something like this a secret. I have not been able to give him a child yet. And now I could be seriously ill. They will make his life miserable."

"Your Highness, this is not the time to think about anything else. You must get help."

"Your life comes first. You must tell His Majesty." Ga-ram looked stricken, her eyes brimming over in panic.

 "Before the Court knows, I have to start looking for a concubine for His Majesty."

 "You cannot worry about that right now, Aashi !" Ga-ram almost shook Jay Yi in frustration.

 "With all due respect, I agree with Ga-ram, Your Highness. Moreover, His Majesty has a right to know if you are ill. What kind of symptoms do you have?"

She tried to sort through the problems she had started noticing about a fortnight ago. Odours repulsed her. Every scent was magnified and not in a good way. Her sense of smell was so messed up that she felt frightened stepping out of her chamber.

 She would get a whiff of something out of nowhere and feel nauseous. A court lady's body odour would make her dizzy. She dreaded inspecting the kitchen. Certain vegetable smells would twist her insides. Sometimes, she could smell everything separately; other times, there would be a jumble of horror wafting through her nostrils. She would walk in the garden, and a random plant would disgust her, though it was not as bad out in the open air as it was when someone was in proximity and wore a fragrance or had body odour that did not agree with her.

Like Hwan, Jay Yi thought achingly.

"Whatever smell I liked before, I find it foul. Some more than others. Each smell is either magnified or jumbled up. It hurts my head and makes me want to throw up. Sometimes I am all right, other times -" Jay Yi paused, pushing a ball of emotion down.

"Is it causing you problems with His Majesty?" Myung Jin asked perceptively. Colour began to storm her cheeks as she nodded in embarrassment. The implications elicited a gasp from Ga-ram, who exchanged a worried look with Myung Jin.

"Is anything here bothering you?"

Jay Yi shook her head. 

"I have not heard of something like this, but I work on dead bodies and have not worked in any case where I came across this. Please, Your Highness, you must immediately -"

 A loud bang on the door interrupted their miserable conversation. The sound startled the baby, and it started crying.

Ahn Ban Rye had the most inopportune timing of making appearances. 

Ga-ram cursed under her breath, trying to soothe her son by rocking him over her shoulder. For a change, Myung Jin was not in the mood to entertain Ban Rye.

"What do you need?" Barely acknowledging his greeting, Myung Jin asked tersely and jumped to his feet.

 "I have come to take the draft copies of - " Ban Rye broke off as he spied

Jay Yi. "Master Min! I have not seen you for so long!"

Myung Jin tapped his feet impatiently. "Ban Rye, Master Min and I need to discuss something. Come back later."

"Brother, you cannot be so cruel as to deprive me of catching up with young Master. Where have you been, Master Min?" 

 Jay Yi smiled while neatly sidestepping his questions. "It's all right, Master Myung Jin. Congratulations on your marriage, Master Ahn."

 "Thank you. I already have a two-year-old son and a six-month-old daughter, and I am expecting another baby soon." He beamed.

 Jay Yi's throat caught a poignant lump. "Congratulations," she managed. 

"I met your twin at Master Myung Jin's wedding," Ban Rye told her eagerly. Despite herself, Jay Yi chuckled, recalling having to pretend her ignorance of acquaintance with Ban Rye at Ga-ram and Myung Jin's wedding. Even though he was newly married, Ban Rye did not attempt to hide his open admiration for Jay Yi. Hwan had spent the entire time spearing Ban Rye with the icy harpoons of his eyes, which, much to Hwan's peeve, had bounced right off his oblivious back. Ban Rye could never understand hints, even if they slapped him across the face.

"She looks just like you. How is she? Is she married now?"

"Err, she is an old maiden now," Jay Yi lied uncomfortably.

"An exceptional beauty like her will not lack offers if she wants them! I hope you do not mind my saying it."

 Jay Yi averted her eyes. "Yes, people say that to me all the time. What is your daughter's name?"

 It provided the man with the opening to drone on for a good part of the next hour to ramble about himself and his ambitions to clear the state exams. In his own weird way, Ban Rye helped Jay Yi decompress by distracting her with his irksome chatter. Marriage and fatherhood had changed nothing in the manchild, including his blatantly inappropriate adoration for Jay Yi's non-existent twin. Which earned him reprimands from Ga-ram.

"She is a noble lady; do not speak of her in such irreverent terms to her brother!"

Ban Rye looked sheepish, but Jay Yi suspected he was faking it. She had a staunch admirer. No wonder Hwan had started hating Ban Rye's guts. Since Hwan had discovered his connection to the Dowager, Ban Rye had only seen Hwan's unpleasant side. Unbeknownst to him, mooning over Jay Yi had shot him further up Hwan's hostile list. It was fortunate their sovereign was not a vindictive man by nature. 

The sixth cup tilted, starting to empty its contents, accompanied by a loud chime. 

 As if on cue, there was a gentle knock on the door. 

 Jay Yi's heart leapt, immediately followed by the alarm she was coming to dread. Myung Jin rushed to greet Hwan profusely, giving him an embrace that Hwan reciprocated warmly. Hwan looked over his shoulders at her with worry-swamped eyes until he spotted her companion. Icicles travelled across the room to hit Ban Rye, who, for some inexplicable reason, stopped his chatter immediately.

Tae Kang entered behind Hwan and left to do a check around the premises.

"Who is that? I have always seen that man with Scholar Park," Ban Rye asked Jay Yi under his breath. "They both scare me."

Even though Ban Rye was pretty annoying, he was harmless. And Jay Yi was feeling charitable because her sensory problem of smell seemed to have taken a back seat for now. "Scholar Park is a wonderful person but is a little short-tempered. Do not worry so much."

The baby had fallen asleep. Ga-ram and Myung Jin joined Hwan, Jay Yi and Ban Rye at the table. 

Polite conversations ensued that Jay Yi only gave half an ear to. On purpose, she had sat across from Hwan, next to Ga-ram. Her insides churning, Jay Yi worried her lip as they waited for food. She did not want to embarrass herself in front of others. To her relief, Myung Jin ordered rice cakes and bean soup, two things she did not have trouble with. 

Hwan and Myung Jin started discussing the politics of the country.

"I heard that some of the scholars are against the proposed reductions in taxes for essential crops that His Majesty has been advocating. Is that true, Scholar Park?" Myung Jin asked.

"Some of them," Hwan replied noncommittally. 

"I heard he is appointing inspectors for audit all across the country," Myung Jin nodded approvingly.

"His Majesty has some outlandish ideas," Ban Rye muttered darkly.

All the eyes around the table turned to him. The man had the habit of saying the darndest thing out of the blue.

"Like what?" Hwan frowned.

"Did you know he refuses to take concubines, even though his Queen has not produced any children in four years?"

Jay Yi, who was quietly focused on eating and trying not to pay attention to the sudden dizziness that had hit her earlier, snapped her head up and met Hwan's eyes, who had an inscrutable expression on his face.

"It's much less than four years! It's been hardly three years since they have been married. Why are you talking about concubines all of a sudden?" Ga-ram's antsy voice could peel off skin but rolled off Ban Rye's as if it had butter smothered over.

"He is making it difficult for others to take any," he sulked.

"You just got married, you do not even work, and you are already thinking of concubines?" Irate, Ga-ram all but yelled at him.

Ban Rye turned to Jay Yi. "Do you not think it's too much for His Majesty to limit himself to just one woman? No King does that. It is against Confucian ideals."

"No, it is not," Hwan interjected mildly.

"Master Min does not even have a wife!" Ga-ram, flabbergasted, threw a worried look at Hwan and answered for Jay Yi. "Master Ahn, please drop this topic now," Ga-ram was utterly embarrassed.

As was Myung Jin.

"Do you want to die?" Myung Jin burst out uncharacteristically.

Ban Rye belatedly realised his folly of speaking about concubines before a wife and proceeded to make it worse. "I apologise. My brother also would not want any concubine, Sister-in-law Jung Ga-ram. You are a lot like my Aunt."

"Can you just shut up?" Myung Jin lost his patience and chewed on a rice cake ferociously.

Jay Yi watched Hwan eat his soup expressionlessly and finally said, "Master Ahn, first you cribbed he was not getting married, and now you want him to get a concubine. You can get one if you want. I do not think it is any of our business how His Majesty manages his women." 

Jay Yi noted the slight smile of approval on Hwan's otherwise stoic face, focused on a spoon he was using to make neat little cuts of the rice cake that he made no attempt to eat.

Ban Rye looked lost at the lack of support for such an important topic. His tenacity to be annoying was becoming legendary. "What does your sister think about this?" Ban Rye asked eagerly.

Hwan's expressionless face transformed into shades of rolling thunder. "What does Master Min's sister have to do with this?" Hwan had enough. He glared at Ban Rye with an intensity that could burn him to ashes.

Ban Rye sputtered. " "She m-might be over the marriageable age b-but she is very beautiful and one day might need a companion -"

"It won't be you, Ahn Ban Rye," Hwan said ruthlessly.

"You don't know that," Ban Rye muttered bravely.

"Trust me, I know that."

Ban Rye's ego was inversely proportionate to his intellect. Turning to Jay Yi, he defended himself. "Master Min, I mean no disrespect, but I asked because I value her thoughts."

"You know nothing about her!" Hwan's fingers curled around the spoon in a death grip, pretending it was the weasel's neck.

"Nor do you, Scholar Park," Ban Rye said defiantly.

"Stop it, Master Ahn, Scholar Park!" Jay Yi cringed at both. Upset at Hwan for losing his cool with someone as stupid as Ban Rye, she turned on him. "You should know better than to engage in this drivel."

"Then, just ensure your sister doesn't engage in this drivel either!"

Jay Yi's eyes widened .

"Maybe my sister thinks His Majesty should get a concubine," Jay Yi replied softly. Ban Rye broke out into a wide smile at the unexpected validation.

The wooden spoon cracked with the force Hwan banged it on the table. "Careful what you wish for, Master Min."

"W-why are you angry, Scholar Park?" Ban Rye was truly baffled. "We are only speaking because it is normal to take concubines and -"

"Enough!" Hwan barked, making Ahn Ban Rye jump with fright. "I have it on a guaranteed source that His Majesty desires to be exclusively with the woman he's already married to. Shall we conclude the discussion on this note?"

Jay Yi cast her gaze downward, sensing Hwan's anger and distress. She loved this man so much. Jay Yi knew how immensely fortunate she was to have his unwavering love, yet she also knew she might have to convince him of decisions he would not want to be a party to.

Ban Rye never had the bravado of crossing Hwan directly. But he was not backing down either. Impressing 'Master Min' was his new purpose in life. He hastened to change the subject and take everyone's attention from the scary Scholar Park to the sweet-as-sugar Master Min. "I never asked what brought you here today, Master Min?"

"I came to meet baby Jae Hwa," Jay Yi smiled. "It was long due. I had promised Master Myung Jin and Jung Ga-ram that I would visit the baby before he learned how to sit."

Hwan looked at his beautiful wife, who looked like a very handsome young man and had given more smiles to the clown next to Myung Jin in the last fifteen minutes than she had given him the entire previous week. 

"I never knew you were so conscientious about keeping promises," Hwan drawled. 

"I have not broken any!"

"Are you sure? For I think your memory serves you wrong."

Jay Yi's loving thoughts towards Hwan started to slip. He was goading her. Her eyes pleaded with Hwan to stop it. "Yes, I am sure."

"Good. I do not like people who do not keep promises," Hwan said curtly.

Ban Rye completely missed the undercurrent of sudden animosity.

"You must come to meet my daughter, Master Min," Ban Rye inserted himself like unwanted lemon juice in a pan of boiling milk.

"Soon. I will try my best," Jay Yi smiled warmly at the man.

That smile she gave to Ban Rye did something red to Hwan's insides.

"Instead of meeting babies created by others, you could have one of your own if you develop some patience and try harder yourself," Hwan interrupted their personal little chat caustically.

Ga-ram gasped and coloured up, and Myung Jin turned his face away. 

Jay Yi could not believe Hwan had uttered those words. So off-balance she was at Hwan's underhand reference about her recent lack of interest in sleeping with him before, of all people, Ga-ram and Myung Jin, that her mind went blank. Ashen-faced and seething with anger, Jay Yi felt fingers of wrath curl around her by his hurtful, unfair words. She couldn't meet Hwan's gaze; all her focus was on restraining herself from flinging the bowl of soup at him.

"So it's my fault? When did I stop trying? Did you always not say having children should never be someone's life priority? How hypocritical, Scholar Park!" 

Hwan closed his eyes in self-disgust and had the grace to look ashamed. "I am sorry, I didn't mean that." He didn't know what made him say something so awful. Hwan felt mortified at being so base, but he was at the end of his wits with Jay Yi. She was hiding something from him; he was sure of it now, and it made him feel left out. "I still think the same, and it's not me who craves for children. Also, you cannot disagree that it will support your case if you don't push away people who trust you to come to them and wish to offer their support."

Ga-ram caught hold of Jay Yi's sleeve and tugged at it. "Scholar Park is right. You must tell –"

"No!" Jay Yi burst out. Pale and furious, she stared at Hwan. "If you stop assuming the worst about people, it would help your case too! It was nice meeting you, Scholar Park; please live well. I will take your leave, Master Myung Jin," Jay Yi bowed in the general direction of the men and hurried out before her tears could spill over. 

Hwan sat frozen. 

 "Scholar Park, there is more there than meets the eye, and I would be gentle with it," Myung Jin advised kindly, but it was obvious that his usually jovial friend was upset with him. And knew more than he let on. Hwan knew he could order Myung Jin to tell him what Jay Yi had confided, but it hurt that she chose to go to them instead of him. It did not excuse his bad behaviour, though. He had only himself to blame for the look of disappointment reflected in Ga-ram's and Myung Jin's eyes.

Hwan nodded gratefully. "Then, I shall take your leave, too. I apologise for causing you stress."

He nodded at Tae Kang, who handed a parcel to Myung Jin. "It's for the baby."

Myung Jin and Ga-ram stood up and bowed. Hwan strode out, followed closely by Tae Kang.

Ban Rye blinked after Hwan. "If I did not know better, one could think Scholar Park and Master Min are married to each other," Ban Rye emitted a baying laugh at his own joke.

 Myung Jin looked down at his foolish cousin. The man would never know how close to truth he was.

"Sometimes friends fight. Don't pay attention. Now, what is it that you need?"

Ban Rye nodded uncertainly. If his genius cousin was saying, it must be true. 

Myung Jin and Ga-ram looked at the door worriedly.

Jay Yi's tears fell as she let the door slam behind her. Jay Yi's bodyguards immediately materialised, though she hardly noticed them. They didn't make it too far before Hwan caught up to her. 

He grabbed her wrist. "I am sorry."

 "It's a public place, Your Majesty. Please be mindful."

He let go of her hand. Jay Yi swept her sleeves against the offending tears and kept walking.

Hwan felt the remorse hitting him like a stone slung from a sling.

"Please don't cry, Jay Yi; I did not mean it. You must believe me."

"How can you be so irreverent about our personal life to others?" Jay Yi's tone stung with disbelief and anger. 

 "I am ashamed. It does not excuse my behaviour. It was uncalled for. I was angry. I am worried, Jay Yi. You know I do not like you coming out alone."

 "I cannot always wait for you to come with me. That was the whole point of bodyguards, wasn't it?" 

 "I do not like you meeting that fool either."

"He came by chance. Moreover, Ban Rye does not know I am a woman, and his interest means nothing to me."

"To me, it does. I will get him hanged next time he so much as thinks your name."

Angry though she was, Jay Yi could not help but feel a sliver of pleasure at Hwan's possessive words.

They had reached the turning to the Palace, a secluded alcove that hid the entry to the secret passage.

 Hwan stopped her. "Jay Yi, my stance has not changed. I don't need children. We will adopt."

 "Joseon's needs will supersede what you want, Your Majesty."

 "Do you think I have not given this a thought?

 "The Court will never agree."

 "Let me figure that out. We will cross the bridge when we come to it. Don't upset yourself over this anymore. I am so sorry I overreacted," Hwan clasped her hands and cupped her face. Their bodyguards, used to their sovereign's intimate habits with his Queen, turned around to give them privacy.

"I am sorry too, Your Majesty. I know you are worried. You are right. A few things are bothering me. Can you please give me some time?"

Hwan nodded, happy with what he considered progress. He sighed silently as he watched his wife disappear into the foliage.

Jay Yi felt confused and anxious, unable to figure out what she needed to do next. The urge to confide in Hwan was intense, but the aftermath could not only amplify Hwan's sudden insecurity about her but also endanger their relationship in the eyes of the court. A sick, childless Queen was a sitting duck for deposal. 

Hwan enveloped her from behind in the little secret room of the library, his love and remorse evident from every pore of his body. 

"I will never be so crude again. Forgive me?"

"I am sorry, too, for making you angry," Jay Yi held onto his arm and rested her head against his solid chest. It felt so good. 

Hwan gently turned her around in the circle of his arms. Unbidden, their need for each other rose like a surging wave, and their lips met. 

Suddenly, a draft of unmistakable musk, spice and other chaos of smell hit her nostrils, making her want to retch. Jay Yi pushed at Hwan hard, panicked, and tore herself free. 

"Please, not now", she whirled and dashed out. Uncaring who saw her, which, thankfully, was no one, Jay Yi didn't stop until she was in the sanctuary of her chamber, gulping for air and trying to stop her sudden splitting headache from smashing her brain.