
Chapter Three: Hello Nevy?

"How is she, Doc?" 

"The operation went well but she's still unconscious."

"Is she gonna be okay?"

"Of course, ma'am. We did everything we could to save her. There is nothing to worry about, she will wake up soon."


"Please love, come down. Our daughter is safe now." 

"But what if she won't wake up?"

"Love, the doctor said already that she's fine. It went well. Our daughter is a tough fighter I'm sure she will wake up."


I heard unfamiliar voices talking and the soft beeping of somewhat medical equipment. I can't feel my body and can't barely move my fingers. I slowly opened my eyes and checked my surroundings. The sunlight gently filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the pale walls while I am lying in a bed with an IV drip attached to my arms. This seems like a hospital room. Am I in a hospital? Why am I here? My head hurts as I try to remember what happened. 

"Oh my god! Love, she's awake!" A woman screams in relief while looking at me with a teary eye. I didn't notice that she's been sitting on a chair beside my bed. A man then entered the room hurriedly and checked on me. He hugged the woman and wiped her tears. They both looked at me and smiled. My forehead furrowed while looking at them with a questioning look. Who are they?

"How are you feeling, babe?" A woman asked and pressed my arm, she swallowed hard and smiled. The man also did the same while he slowly tapped my head.

"My sunshine, how are you?" The man said still tapping my head.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I said confused. I tried to get up but a sharp pain shot through my body. I winced in discomfort. 

They both panicked and looked at me with worried eyes.

"I'm your mom, babe." The woman said crying.

"You don't look like my mom. And how about him?" 

The two looked at each other. Their eyes are both swollen from crying.

"Honey, I'm your dad."


"I'm sorry but my dad died years ago." I looked at them still confused. Am I being pranked right now?


"Oh love, this can't be happening. Please call her doctor!" The woman closed her eyes, hysterical. The man then immediately called for someone and hugged her.


I don't know what's happening. What am I doing here? And who are they? As per my observations, I think they are a couple. A husband and wife I supposed.


A doctor came inside and talked to them.

"It's normal Mrs. Pattrinet. Her memory might be fuzzy right now due to the shock but rest assured it will return to normal."

"It's not severe, right, doc?" The man said with a hopeful voice while the woman looked at me full of worries.

"I just have to ask her some questions. Let's see. But I'm sure it's not severe." The doctor looked at me and was about to ask something.

"I'm sorry but I really don't know what's happening right now. All I remember is that, someone tried to-" 

"All right, miss. Please try to calm down. Breath in, breathe out." The doctor said cutting me off.

"Do you remember your name?" He asked.

"Of course. I'm Nevy Ra-"

"She remembers her name!" He again, cut me off.

The couple smiled at me with their hopeful expression.

"That's right honey, that's your name." So, they know my name? But I don't recognize them.


The doctor checked my eyes, arms, fingernails, and toenails. He then waves his three fingers in front of me asking how many it is. I almost rolled my eyes out. Is this really necessary? 

"I'm fine really! My head doesn't hurt and it's not like getting amnesia is real." I said feeling a bit irritated.

"So, I guess she's okay. She's now back to her usual attitude self." The man said laughing, the doctor also laughed but he looked at me in disbelief? And why is he looking at me like that? The woman smiled and hugged me tightly. Seriously, who are these people?

"By the way, Mr. and Mrs. Pattrinet, I need to do a thorough checkup on your daughter. I just have to ask her a few questions. So, can I talk to Miss Pattrinet in private?" The doctor said in a serious tone looking at the couple.

The two sighed and nodded. The man then tapped the doctor's shoulder. He whispered something that I didn't catch on. 

"Don't worry, Tito. She's all good." He said and the couple then went outside.


"What thorough checkup? Is that really necessary? I think I'm all good." I said trying to give a hint of disapproval.

"Can you at least act normal?" He looked at me with an annoyed expression. What the hell? Is this the kind of doctor this hospital has? Rude and impatient.

"What? Did I inconvenience you so much doc? No worries, you can discharge me now! I'm all good." I said irritated.


"I know! I am aware of your situation. But please don't give Mr. and Mrs. Pattrinet that attitude, they've been through so much." 

My brows furrowed at what he said.

"Wait, do you know me?" I said surprised.

"Of course. Nevy entrusted me to you."

"Hello? Nevy? I'm Nevy!" I said pointing at myself. I almost rolled my eyes again.

"Yes, you are. What I mean is that, their daughter Nevy. She is the one who puts you in this situation."

"What? Do you mean she-


"She saved you from your kidnapper." Oh, I thought she was the one who kidnapped me. But what? Why would she save me? Did she even know me?

"Why should I believe you?"

"You are not here, alive, if it's not because of her." He said without leaving my gaze. He looked at me unbelievably as if I made an implausible mistake. 

"So, where is she now? Wait, don't tell me, she's dead?" I almost feel the goosebumps all over my body. A sudden gust of wind blows. I can feel my cold hands now.

"She wants you to pretend you are her. She wants you to live her life." I looked at him with a frown.

"Is she crazy? Why would I do that?" I rubbed my arms as I could still feel the cold. Is her ghost here with us right now in this room? I think I am the one who's crazy.

"Maybe she is crazy. But she's doing this for you. To keep you safe."

"I don't need that! I can handle myself." I said with full conviction.

"Really? Then I guess you are ready to rot yourself in jail then."

And they also know about the incident?

"Nevy knows it. You may not know her but she knows exactly who you are. At first, I really can't believe it but you look exactly just like her."

I stayed silent.

"She doesn't want you to live like what you used to. She wants to give you her life, her freedom. I don't even know what she's thinking." He shook his head in disbelief.

"But what if I don't want to?"

"I guess, I don't have a choice. I will tell them who you are. But don't you want to give this a shot? You are given a second chance so why waste it?"

I sighed and thought about what would happen to me after I got discharged here. I will face the rage of my aunts and uncles. My mom, I'm sure she'll be disappointed. She will think that I am a misfortune. And my brother? I don't know what will he feel but I am sure he will think that I am no longer the older sister that he used to look up to. I will be in jail of course. I can't pursue my dreams anymore. I can't give my family the life that I picture. 

Maybe this second chance is worth a shot? But I will be living in lies. I will deceive those innocent people.


"Do I really have a choice?" I stared blankly at the white ceiling.

"I am giving you a choice but Nev said you don't have any. You must live her life." 

"Where is she right now?"

"Living her best life." I don't know what that means. Does that mean, she is alive? I hope she is. I don't want to replace a dead person's life.

"Wait, are you really a doctor?" I stared at him for a second. Maybe he is also deceiving Nevy's parents. Can't believe I thought about this and also 'Nevy's Parents' I am also Nevy. How chaotic!

"Don't look at me like I am such a con! Of course, I am! I may look young but I am three years older than you. Nev's parents know me too. Our family is closed."

I nodded. He sure has a lot to say.


"So, I guess I don't have a choice but to go with the flow?" I sighed hard.


"That's settled then. I will tell Tita and Tito that you have post-traumatic amnesia but it's not severe, just to cover up. And if you want to know something, you can ask me."

"So, what are their names? Where did they live? Am I the only child that they have? Are they good people?"


"One by one, please. They are Mr. and Mrs. Pattrinet, your dad is Andrew and your mom is Diane. They are not from Cebu, they live somewhere in Eastern Visayas, you will get to know that since after you get discharged here you will be transferred to their City Hospital. And no, you are not the only child, you have a brother but he is in New Zealand. And of course, they are good people."


I stared blankly at the ceiling while trying to process all that information. Do I really have to do this? Is this the only way for me to live a normal life again?


"Did you copy that?" He asked while raising a brow.


"Yeah. Yes. Copy that." I said closing my eyes. I can't stand my own decision sometimes. 

"I'll provide you the details after you get discharged." 

He looked at me seriously and I just nodded.

"And please act accordingly, miss." I rolled my eyes at that remark. He then went outside to tell them what we decided to tell them.



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