
The Past


a three year old girl crying and screaming for her grandmother, "waaaaaaaaaaaahhhh grand ma, waaaaaaaaahhh" little girl

"ssshhhhh stop crying now little lou, grand ma is here, we will escape, grand ma will save you" grand ma wang told to the little girl. "grand ma what happened ? they killed Mother yue and father ling" the girl still crying

"dont worry the heaven will help us. he will seek for justice" grand ma comfort her grand child while running and escaping to the fores.

they didnt know where to go and how long they are running. and then they heard a gun shot, and the old lady took a glance at her back and she saw a man running towards to them and has a gun.

the old lady alarmed and run quickly as she could until they reached the land, (outside of village or the land of city) but the man fired a gun shot that is why the old lady kneeled when she felt the shot to her back and she vomitted a blood.

the little girl was shock and screamed without a sound. she felt the body of her grand ma and the man who killed her grandma ran away from them.




she opened her eyes and slowly rose up to her bed.

"5:45" she said

and then she heard some noise outside her room. her grandfather screaming outside to wake her up


she open the door

" grand pa your so noisy, please wait me at the dining hall okay" the she kissed his fore head

then the old man smile

"how sweet my grand child"

"oh prepare the food!!!" he ordered to the maids

"right away master" maid said

he walked away to the room of xiao lou and go to the dining hall to wait xiao lou.

he waited for 5 minutes and he saw her grand child coming to his way withe her school uniform

"good morning grandpa, have you already eaten?''

"nope, i waited for you darling, so lets eat, you are so early to dress up to your uniform?'' he said, he knows that his granddaughter hates to be late. being professional at all times.

"mmm" she just nod and started to eat until she become full

"have you already see the proposal of Li Corporation?" Granpa asked

her grandchild is still college student but since high school she started to manage the company with her grandpa guidance.

"yes and i didn't accepted it" she said

"why? they are one of prestigious company and their proposal are very nice. well i know that we are still no. 1 but you should consider them " he said to his grandchild. he knew that she has a purpose and she is very smart. he is the one who taught her to run business and become strong thats why shes very cold and did not give any expression at all times

" i understand grandpa that would be great if we will merge and accept their proposal, however, i see that they have bad motives that's why. also they want me to date her son for the future and i do not want it. In addition, they already threaten me regarding that proposal that 's why i chose to not accept otherwise, Mu corporation already signed for the partnership" she explained and when she said the Mu Corporation he was amazed to his grandchild. Mu Corporation is one of the top ranked corporation nationwide also in underground battles and its really amazing

"how did you do that?"he asked

"i'll explain that when i got home grandpa, i need to go now" she said and kissed her grandpa at cheeks.

"my keys dom?"

"here master" butler said

and she get her car and drive to Beijing University.

And she left the mansion her grandpa asked Butler Dom "Call Assistant Ju Long, tell him to investigate the Ceo of Mu Corporation and set an appointment to him tomorrow"

he knows that her granddaughter won't tell him regarding this matter so, he will find it.

"yes master" butler dom said and contact Ju Long


Hi, Im newbie here. and i hope that you will like my story. I'll promise that i will do my best to satisfy you guys in reading my stories.

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