

The body shows advance decay and also shows no sign of the virus, but the creature did attack him I am positive about that said Dr, Switzer. I am confused Dr. Hodge said why was he not infected I wonder? It might be because he had advanced alcoholism his liver was only had about 20% functional and I can't tell for sure. I am confident the man was heavily intoxicated at the time of his attack doctor Switzer said.

I am not 100% positive, but I figure that the alcohol had something to do with the victim not becoming infected said, Dr. Hodges. Thank you I need to get this report back to the CDC and colonial Walford she turns and shake Dr. Switzer hand and walk away.

I talk to the medical examiner and that the body found did not have any signs of the virus because the victim was an alcoholic and was most likely heavily intoxicated at the time of the attack. So that must have stopped the transmission of the disease said doctor Hodges to the director of the CDC David Flood on the phone. Yes, sir, we are about to wrap up and shut everything down. The creature that is infecting people has fled the town and is at large, so we need to prep teams to be ready to respond anywhere this begins to turn up at sir. David Flood was already ahead of the game he had quick response teams already prep and ready to go on a moments notice. The president is aware of this and situation and is monitoring it closely Sarah so keep me informed of any changes and hangs the phone up.

I am positive sir that they are cleaning house on this said agent Stevens to the director of the CIA Matthew McDonalds we need to find him and stop him before he starts a mass infection. We can't control George the president is breathing down my neck on this one an intern I will be breathing down on yours understand?

Well, we should be out of here soon Brian said to Patty with a smile. The military has wrapped up operation, and the captain has let me know he has approved my resignation. Also, Steve wants to go too he wants to follow us to California. Patty likes the idea of Steve going to because their son loved that man and Steve was a good person. That is excellent honey I got to fly back tomorrow, and when I return we need to hire some movers and get everything packed up and head west, she said with a big smile.

Steve was sitting at his favorite spot in the café and drinking his coffee when agent Stevens came in and set down next to him. Steve noticed that Stevens looked worried and under a lot of pressure as he slid into the booth in front of Steve. I hear you resigned from the department and planning to move to California agent said. Yep, I need a change of scenery and nothing holding me down here plus I'm up to traveling he said with a laugh.

Well we know this isn't finished Ezafe is out there somewhere, and he has a lot of evil plans to destroy this country with those monsters he has created. Yep, that is bothering me too said, Steve. Agent Stevens looked directly at Steve and said I have opened if you and your partner want to come in as special agents and we can track this thing down and put it to an end. Steve looked at him for a long moment and responded I would need to talk to my partner, but we are moving to California this offer good there? Yep off be good anywhere in the world you guys would want to go.

So, we would be members of the NSA asked Steve? Yes, I will explain more if you two are willing to give it a try. Ok, I call Brian and see if I can get him down here. Steve reaches in his coat pocket and dials Brian's cell phone and on the second ring Brian answers. Yea Steve, what's up? He Brian Steve was saying can you come down here to the café? I want you to talk with agent Stevens he has offered us a position in the California office, and I thought you might like to ask him some question about it. Ok, be right down there brain said and hung up the phone.

Patty where you are going, honey? I am headed down to the café to see Steve and an agent with the NSA he wants to offer me a and Steve a job in California! Oh, wow honey that be great, so you will not be so bored and the benefits we really could use honey. I know as Brian hurried to get a jacket one and find his car keys.

About thirty minutes later all three men were sitting around drinking coffee and discussing the offer over with each other. Ok, Brian said so we would report directly to you, and we will be based out of the Los Angeles office? Yes, Agent Stevens said and we are part of a joint effort with the CIA the Central Intelligence Agency to capture Ezafe Morella.


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