
When Mechanical Heart Beats (The Story of Angela’s Lover) #MLBB

The mad scientist from lab 1718 is a secret member of an evil organization, when angela escaped his plans of imitating Dr.Baker’s creation has vanished. After moths of research and many trials he created his own artificial life creation and named in Angelo-X, he is a perfect weapon atleast for the other people on Evil Agila Organization. death, hatred, and sorrow is what he want to bring in all the creatures at the land of dawn but Dr. josseff, the mad scientist, can’t see the perfection on his work. The whole organization is using Angelo-X on their evil jobs, his mechanical heart is having pleasure while killing innocents, and his artificial brain continued to learn different things everyday. Dr. Josseff is still researching to make the perfect warrior, he is informed about the strong warriors of Eruditio, the city of scholars, he know that angela will go there to seek for help. And because he is seeing Angelo-X as a trash and failure, he plans to destroy him by giving him a mission that will took his artificial life. “You can gain my trust if you bring me Angela’s body tied up on her own strings, Dead or Alive”. Angelo-X then accept the mission with happiness that he just learned that day. Angelo-X arrived at Eruditio, he saw angela, but his mechanical heart beats faster than it should be. He dont have idea that it is love he is feeling at that moment. What will happen next? Is it possible for Angelo-X to fall inlove when he is programmed to bring sorrow?

doughnuts · Video Games
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8 Chs


Saber and Jawhead started their mission of finding the flight capsule where Angela is sleeping.

"We will now enter the forest of the moon elves" Saber stated, "be careful, they are mad at every trespassers on their territory" he added.

"From what i heared, moon elves has enormous magic power, combat skills, and effective strategies" jawhead replied with nervousness.

They continue to walk through a grassy and muddy path, they entered the forest of the moon elves, from that point, they necome more alert and ready but they can't help to be amazed by the beauty of the forest, every leaves of every tree is shining with brightness, most of the animals are not familiar to them, and the water that is flowing from the river is as clear as diamonds. But they have not forgotten their mission. While being amazed, they started the search for the flight capsule, they searched on the wide forest but they have no luck to find it, they decided to rest under a huge tree for a while

"Maybe if we split up we can find the flight capsule easier" Jawhead suggested.

"No, this forest is too dangerous, Moon elves has strong warriors and they are always guarding their territory, if we split up, one of us might captured or killed" Saber replied with the seriousness in his face.

While they are in the middle of their conversation an arrow passed in front of their eyes, it hits the trunk of the huge tree where they are resting under, then a loud voice is heared.

"Who are you? What are you doing in our territory?"

They looked at where the voice is comming from and they saw a group of moon elves, they are all beautiful girls that are holding bow and arrow as their weapon, all of the moon elves are pointing their bow and arrow to the two Mechanical bodies.

Jawhead shouted, "THEY FOUND US, RUN"

Then he runs as fast as he can, Saber followed him and together they run with nervousness on their mind.

"AFTER THEM!" The squad leader of the moon elves ordered.

The moon elves are loading their bows with arrows while their running, they are shoothing the two but they cant hit them, the pursuit continues Until they reached a wide grasslands. While they are running, Saber looked back to see if the moon elves are still following them, he saw the group of moon elves disappered while running, "STOP, JAWHEAD" he shouted, they stopped running "They are gone" he added, but after a second the whole group of moon elves suddenly re appeared in front of them, they kicked the two and they fall on the ground. "What are you doing on our territory?" The leader of the moon elves ask them with anger, when Saber is about to speak, they heared a loud noise with the sking of the ground, then suddenly a giant golem monster appeared it is holding a trunk of a tree and it is running towards them, it wants to attack them. "Shoot the golem" the leader comanded, all the moon elves took their bows and fire at the golem, but the arrows are not peircing the golem's body that is made of rock, it continued to approach closer and closer, it lifts the trunk of tree that it is holding it's about to slash them with its full force, because of that all the moon elves was petrified by surprise of the golems attack,

"LOOK OUT!" Saber warned the elves, after he shouts, he jumped and use his sword to fight the golem, he throw his four swords and it floats in the air, he stabbed the golem's chest but it also does not have any effect, Jawhead also fight, with all his strenght he charge the golem and tackled it, it puts a crack on the golem's rock body.

"Jaw! Throw me!" Saber asked jawhead, then jawhead focused his energy on his arms and thrown Saber up, Saber then used his sword skill and slashed the golem's head repeatedly while Jawhead is using his missiles to bring the monster down. They defeated the giant golem monster, it's pieces was scattered in the surface, they are all exhausted from the battle.

"Thank you for helping us" said by the leader of the moon elves,

"you're welcome" Jawhead replies,

"we are not enemies, were here because of a mission" Saber added.

Saber tells everything to the moon elves he told them about their mission and he ask the moon elves for help.

"We need to find the flight capsule as soon as possible, maybe you guys can help us we will do anything in return" Saber begs for help, "We will help you, we need to payback your help recently, maybe we were killed by that golem if you didn't help us, but first you need to come with us on the moon elf palace, you need to ask permission to the king if you want to wonder our forest" the leader replied with excitement.

"But before we went to the palace, i would like to introduce myself, i am Miya and we are the archers of the moon palace" the leader added

"Iam Saber and this is my friend, Jawhead, please guide us to the palace so that we can get permission from your king"

Miya and the other moon elves guided Saber and Jawhead to the palace it was afternoon already and the sun is about to sunk, the rays from the sunset has strike the forest, and it became more beautiful and more magical, the red and orange sunlight are reflecting from the leaves of the trees and the clear water of the river it was a peaceful afternoon, they continued to walk, they reached the palace and before they enter, Miya speaks

"King Estes is the greatest moon elves, do not be surprised and afraid of his incredible magic power" she told them that King Estes has good heart and always willing to help others even if they are from different races but one day, a part of the forest is destroyed by human poachers, they capture uniqe animals to sold them and take down trees to get its shining leaves, that was the moment when kung Estes cut his connection with other races, he feel so sad because he treat others with respect and he felt like they are not respecting him, also because of that he ask the moon elves to guard their territory and kick out every trespassers.

They enter the huge palace, inside they saw a huge chandelier on the ceiling it was made by diamonds and it keeps on shining, the whole palace is surrounded by golden things and equipments, and there is a long staircase, each steps of the stairs is made of gold and the red carpet has made it even more fancy. At the top of the staircase there is a throne, it was made of gold, wools and diamonds, and there is a man sitting on that throne, he is the king, he is has long white silky hair, his skin is as white as milk, and he is wearing a fancy, violet robe with gold outline on the torso, he is holding a scroll, he is the king and his name is Estes.

Saber and Jawhead bowed as they see the king. "King Estes, we are here to ask permission to search for something in the forest" Saber started a conversation

"And what is this something that you are looking for?"king Estes replied

Saber explained everything, he told the king about their mission and the things that happened, the king understand their situation and let them searched in the forest.

"But it is too dangerous if you two have no one to guide you, Miya, can you help them on their mission, if they dont have guide, they will lost in the forest or worst, they will be killed by the monsters" king Estes suggested

"Yes your majesty, it will be a pleasure to help them" miya agreed

When they are about to leave, an elf soldier stop them for a while, it heared the whole conversation between king Estes and Saber, and it is claiming that he knows where the flight capsule is...

"One morning i was on the duty to guard the forest, suddenly i heared a Loud BANG i knew that something fall from the sky, but i don't dare to check it because it falls near the Emerald Lake, and i was too scared on the monster of the lake" the elf soldier stated

"If thats the case, we should be very careful" Miya replied

And the three started their way to the Emerald Lake where the flight capsule could be....

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Btw. I love grammatical errors ?

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