
When Mechanical Heart Beats (The Story of Angela’s Lover) #MLBB

The mad scientist from lab 1718 is a secret member of an evil organization, when angela escaped his plans of imitating Dr.Baker’s creation has vanished. After moths of research and many trials he created his own artificial life creation and named in Angelo-X, he is a perfect weapon atleast for the other people on Evil Agila Organization. death, hatred, and sorrow is what he want to bring in all the creatures at the land of dawn but Dr. josseff, the mad scientist, can’t see the perfection on his work. The whole organization is using Angelo-X on their evil jobs, his mechanical heart is having pleasure while killing innocents, and his artificial brain continued to learn different things everyday. Dr. Josseff is still researching to make the perfect warrior, he is informed about the strong warriors of Eruditio, the city of scholars, he know that angela will go there to seek for help. And because he is seeing Angelo-X as a trash and failure, he plans to destroy him by giving him a mission that will took his artificial life. “You can gain my trust if you bring me Angela’s body tied up on her own strings, Dead or Alive”. Angelo-X then accept the mission with happiness that he just learned that day. Angelo-X arrived at Eruditio, he saw angela, but his mechanical heart beats faster than it should be. He dont have idea that it is love he is feeling at that moment. What will happen next? Is it possible for Angelo-X to fall inlove when he is programmed to bring sorrow?

doughnuts · Video Games
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After a day Dr. Baker still don't want to speak, he continued to bear the pain of being hanged in the dark room without any food and water and Dr. Josseff is so mad about it, because of that, he asked Alpha to beat him up until he speak, and commanded beta to find Dr. Baker's laboratory diary in the ruins of his house.

After a few hourd of beating Dr. Josseff enters the black room with a fake smile in his face.

Dr. Baker: "You cannot get any information from me..."

Dr. Josseff removed the smile in his face and walks slowly towards Dr. Baker, He slapped his face with tremendous force...


Dr. Baker remained quiet...

Dr.Josseff: "answer my question, WHAT DID YOU DO TO MAKE ANGELA WORKS PERFECTLY?..."

Still there is not even a single word that comes out from Dr. Baker's mouth and it makes Dr. Josseff feel so angry, he was furious and because of that he punched Dr. Baker's face repeatedly until he become unconscious. after that, Dr. Baker's blood splattered in the surface of the black room and it continues to drip from his mouth and his wounds that he got from extreme beating.

Dr.Josseff continue his research at his laboratory. After several hours, Beta has arrived from the ruins of Dr. Baker's house.

Beta: "Doctor, sorry for waiting, i have found the diary. At last, our dreams will now be full filled."

Dr. Josseff: "Thank you Beta, now this diary is the key to my plans, the world will now know my name all the creatures of the land of dawn will praise me as i, the genius doctor, bring them sadness and pain...

Beta: "Doctor, now that you are holding the key, what will we do on Dr. Baker? Should we kill him?"

Dr. Josseff: "No, we are not gonna kill him right now, when angela returns we will destroy her in the front of Baker's eyes. For now, put him in a cell, give him water every 5 hours, but do not give him food to eat."

Beta then left the laboratory and proceed to Alpha to inform him about the order, while doctor Josseff studied the diary and planned to improve Dr. Baker's research. He noticed every materials that used to make Angela, and the most important part of it is Angela's heart. It is where emotions and feelings are stored, it is made up of Metallic parts with a battery that stores unlimited ammount of power, the diary also showed the process of making this Metallic heart and the program that needed for it to work.

Dr. Josseff has found the key to make his evil plans and he found out that angela is made to bring love and hope, so he planned to make a soldier using a real human body that he will modify, this soldier will be the opposite of Angela he is planning to make a soldier that can bring pain and sadness. In order to do this he need to find a human body that he will modify. He gave command to Alpha and Beta.

Dr. Josseff: " Alpha, Beta, i need you to find me a vessel, you have seen Angela right? I want a human that is just a little bit taller than her, so go to the nearest city and find me a perfect human for this experiment, i want him dead and not moving"

Alpha: "But doctor, it is too much, you want us to kill an innocent for this experiment?"


Alpha and beta obeys his command, they went to the nearest city and found a 12 years old kid, they knock him unconscious and injects a poison on his neck, after a few minutes the kid has stopped breathing. They immediately brought this to the EAO laboratory, when they arrived, Dr. Josseff become so happy, he starts to laught loudly and dance like a crazy.

Please comment your suggestion and reviews, I don’t know if i will continue to write this or stop coz i am not getting any feedback

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