
Chapter four


Three days after leaving the pack house with more questions, I was faced with a more difficult and pressing problem: the full moon. As werewolves, we are not controlled by our baser natures but when the moon is fully out, when Luna smiles down at us, we loose some of our inhibitions but we are never not in control. Since our inhibition are looser our basic characters are amplified. If you were the angry type, you become more angry or if you were sad, more sad that’s how it usually is. It doesn’t make sense when you really think about it but then that’s how it has always been, usually. Our senses are also more heightened. In general, we are just ten times better during the full moon. But… we can lose control. Especially when our senses are taken over, so we watch ourselves, our emotions, what we smell and that has always been the problem with the full moon at least for me.

I am living with someone whose scent makes me want to shift and rub myself all over her but I couldn’t and for whatever reason, I keep smelling Raymond everywhere like he was following me but I couldn’t see him. Smelling him wasn’t even the problem, the problem was my reaction. I shouldn’t feel the urge to purr, I shouldn’t want to bae my neck for him, I shouldn’t want to chase round the forest, I shouldn’t want to curl around him and sniff him all day but worse I shouldn’t want to sink my teeth into his neck and mark him.

The thought of it alone almost drives me crazy with want. I could here myself growling and my teeth itching. I can’t wait till tonight when the sound of the wind and pounding heart will chase away every stray thought and feeling. When I can howl at Luna and be blessed with her gaze, when the thrill of the hunt will take away the consistent uncomfortable and itching feeling under my skin.

I sighed and glanced down when my phone pinged.