

''I heard you volunteered to teach the needy students before joining university? 'Chris asked.

''Yes'' I replied. 'It helps me kill time. I was dying of boredom considering that I will be joining college next year and I think its one way of me giving back to my community''.

''Am happy for you Rissa'', Chris said' ''and we will miss you a lot since we wont be studying in the same college''.

Chris was my sisters boyfriend, I wont say he was the handsome type but he was above average, tall dark and handsome with nothing particularly catchy about him except for his attentiveness and good listening skill. He is the type of person you will share your woes with and walk away feeling like you just talked to a priest,he will neither tell on you nor condemn you. I used to wonder what made my sister fall for him but I guess he has his own attributes.

We are busy chatting and Pickering when he receives a phone call. He excuses himself saying he is going to pick his friend who was helping him with his college admission. We are left wondering who can that person be since Chris is sort of a loner, the quiet type who cannot talk unless he is talked to.

After some few minutes he comes back in the company of his friend who is exceedingly handsome. He has the perfect eyes and jawline.one look at him and could tell he is a work of art. When he smiles you wish time will be on standstill. Looking at him I feel like I have met my Mr.right. He looked tired and worn out as though he had spent the entire night being wasted however i found his look haggard look intriguing particularly his ashen eyes and pursed lips.He looked as though he was retorting as to why Chris brought him where we were.

Although his whole body screamed of leave me alone I was not going to let that deter me from making myself noticed by him. If you take away the anemic look, the man was a wonderful sight to behold. With the black fitting khaki trousers and a deep blue stripped V-neck t-shirt he wore, one could tell that he had muscles in all the right places.

We exchanged a few words after which Chris got busy flirting with my sister. Taking it as the best chance to strike I try to initiate a few talks but this man was unmoved. He seemed bored by my unending attempts initiate a conversation however he tries to act polite by answering with ''mmhs'' and ''ahhs''.I excuse myself as I have errands to run and not wanting to come along as a chatterbox and unreasonable but not before I collect his contact details from Chris.

Time passes by quickly and it is time for Chris to resume his studies, since penny will be seeing him off I tag along to get a glimpse of my Mr.right who hasn't been taking my calls.We meet him at the hostels corridor shooing away some girl who seemed reluctant to leave. Looking at him I can tell that he hasn't been sleeping well and I wonder what is it with the haggard look that he always wears .From Chris I learn that the girl has been into him since their first year and ever since she has been on his case. Taking this as an opportunity to be noticed I act coquettishly''sweetheart'', I call him,

''what's with the annoyed look on your face?

seems like you cant bear to be away from me even for a day.

Obviously,my sudden intrusion seems to have hit the bulls eye. The girl who I came to know as Maggy gives me a questioning look. Along with my act I tag my Mr. Right's shirt giving my ever sweet smile believing it will work wonders as my big brother usually gives in to my whims when I use and crossing my fingers that he will act along since he wants to get rid of Maggy.

Samoa eyes me, I don't understand his look but I take it as an approval. I grab the golden chance and rattle Maggy's cage. She eyes Samoa who gives her a blank look,turning to me he acts like a nagging grandmother. With our award winning act she's convinced that we are a thing thus withdraws reluctantly like a rejected and dejected man.With her leaving Samoa shrugs me of however to the stubborn and undeterred me, that is the start of our beautiful, bitter and sweet love story.