
when Kevin loves

Kevin a socially inept boy. who prefers to stay alone receives a gift. He falls in love but an event leads him to being expelled. He faced a lot of hardship and problems after the incident getting raped and getting sent to military school is just a tip of the iceberg. 10 years later meets Tricia again, memories of her gift to him Still fresh in his mind he supposedly thought she still Loved him. only for him to discover the dark ugly Truth. said gift wasn't even meant for him

Alpha_craze · Realistic
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28 Chs

Doing the unexpected

I felt the pain even before Mike's fist landed true on my face, and it hurt like hell. And as I fell to the floor,: my mind started running a mile in less than a minute. Different thoughts started going through my mind as I thought about why I was receiving such treatment, I didn't deserve this all I ever wanted was to be left Alone.

Alone,  I want to be left alone, I want to be left alone, I want to be left alone, I want to be left alone, I want to be left alone, I want to be left alone, I want to be left alone, I want to be left alone ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~alooooooone ~~~~~~~~~~~~I want to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to be le~~~~~~~~~~ft~~~~~~~~~alone.

I felt something snap in me, see I'm the kind of guy who avoids trouble when I see one because I don't like violence but this time, I so wanted to punch someone.

So what if I received a gift from a girl, it doesn't justify the reason I'm getting my ass kicked in the toilet, I'm pissed and I wanted to get even.

I hit the floor and tried to crawl away from them while they were still booing me, I spied the janitors metal mop resting near a stall, and to me it was the perfect weapon, it was time for me to get even.

Standing up I quickly grabbed the mob and started swinging it around wildly screaming at them to get back.

They were still laughing probably thinking I ain't got the balls to use it, well they thought wrong.

Mike stepped up first, daring me to use the mop whilst calling me a pussy, he shouldn't have cause I had a whole lot of anger issues to dish out .

Mom always said I would done well if I picked up baseball, because I had true aim and in terms of swinging around a bat, my accuracy was wicked.

With a hard swing I connected the side of the metal rod to Mike's skull, he crumpled immediately like a puppet whose strings have been cut. I should have felt fear or scared but the adrenaline bursting through my veins prevented me from feeling such emotions. I was out for blood and I wouldn't stop until I get some.

The rest of the goons were paralyzed with astonishment, quickly taking advantage of their shell-shocked immobile bodies, I quickly descended on them like a starving wild animal :" whacking them left and right I drew blood from them, I was in ecstasy and seeing the fear in their eyes": I felt nothing but happiness. It was like I was on top of the world and no one could touch me.

It was only when I heard a blood curling scream did I come back from LA LA land, turning about and seeing Tricia standing there with the school principal and bodies of bleeding kids lying around me, it was only then did I truly felt true fear.