
When I woke up, I was in an Eroge World!

When Alex woke up, he found himself in a new world. [Ding!] [Welcome, Alex, to the world of Criotopia! The land of beauty and the beasts awaits you.] And a System too! “What? Criotopia? Wait, that name… isn’t that the same name as the world of the Eroge game I was playing last night?! What the hell is going on?!” It was a different world consisting of a fantasy landscape, various fantasy races, real magic, and most importantly, lots of beautiful women! *** Criotopia, an Eroge game that had a very detailed story about youth, school years, politics, wars, and a very difficult fight against the Demon King, who wished to conquer the world. While it was called an Eroge and had plenty of adult content and beautiful women (Capture Targets), it was also an RPG game, with a great story where you follow the story of Mark, an everyday commoner who accidentally finds the Holy Sword in the ancient ruins and becomes the Hero. But his journey was filled with hardships and fights, to overcome the various troubles from people around him, in the Noble’s Academy, in the Nobility, and finally, monsters and demons. He struggles and along the way finds and 'captures' various girls and women who aid is in his quest to become the world’s greatest hero. No. of capture targets, including the DLCs: 48 *** Once this shock passed, Alex was somewhat hopeful. He knew the world and the story it followed, the major plot points and hidden items. He could use his knowledge of this world, even if it's not exactly like in the game, and become the world’s strongest! Not to mention he gets to have a System that lets him level up, which isn’t a feature in the world, since people can’t “level up” in this world. He also learns of his new family in which he's the only man in the house with 4 beautiful females and maids! “I’m currently 13. The story starts 4 years later when the first arc, the Academy arc, begins. I can train and become super strong by then! Meanwhile, I must get to know these new family members of mine who happen to be all beautiful females. Hehe.” Alex was interested in them But he didn't quite realize this world wasn’t exactly like how the game world. There were more people and things than in the game, moreover, they were now real. Will he be able to survive in a fantasy world, filled with dangers of all kinds, solely with his System and his foreknowledge? What are the hidden dangers that lurk in the shadows of the world? How will Alex's story unfold in this known, yet unknown world? Find out by reading the novel! XD *** Author's Note: The setting of this novel is inspired greatly by another novel that uses the same setting, namely, "The Conqueror's Path". I really liked the concept, so I decided to have my own take on it. This is NOT plagiarism or a fan fic of "The Conqueror's Path". I have only taken inspiration from the original. Naturally, this novel is not the same and doesn't follow the other's storyline. (Reread it) It's an different story. Author's note 2: I am not a professional author, and I do this as a hobby. But I have tried to keep my story presentable. It is not perfect, but it's very readable. Please be kind and patient if you find mistakes. :D --- Warning! This novel contains the use of explicit language and detailed scenes of intercourse, along with various tropes such as incest, S&M, and probably a bunch of other tropes. (NO NTR!) Readers who do not like such content or are underaged should not read it. You have been warned! I hope people who enjoy the genre enjoy my humble creation. P.S.: The Cover picture doesn't belong to me, but the original artist(s). If they want me to remove it, please comment or review it. --- Notice: Vol. 1 starting chapters Undergoing rewrite/edit from 20th Oct 2022. Edited chapters will be marked as '(Edited)' --- Support me: https://www.p@treon.com/poz

The_POZ · Fantasy
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93 Chs

The household’s shock Part-2

A/N: Enjoy the continuation of the last chapter. After this, there'll be a POV chapter of your favorite(and only) M!LF in this story.


After dinner I was taken to my room and then made to lay down on my bed, surrounded by my 3 family members and a bunch of maids who stayed in the background, ready for any orders.

Soon, a few elderly magicians and a gray-haired doctor came to check up on my condition.

They did a bunch of tests using some intriguing equipment and with some sort of scanning magic.

"Hmm. This is quite a surprising case."

The doctor spoke as he stroked his gray goatee.

"What's wrong Mr. Finch? Is there something… concerning?"

My mother asked the doctor, Ronald Finch, speaking with worry as she glanced at me and hesitated to question him in front of me and my siblings.

The doctor caught on to her unease and reassured her.

"No no, Lady Maximus. Young master Alex is fine. He seemed to have had a severe case of stomach problem. His body started refusing any food he had inside and released it all, causing him to have a case of diarrhea and vomit. But right now, his body is in good condition… no, actually, it's in too good of a condition. He's definitely drained of energy and his body needs lots of rest and nutrition to fill in what was lost, but other than that, he has no issues whatsoever."

"I too have confirmed that there's no irregularity in young master's mana."

The elderly magician wearing a well-designed green robe spoke.

"His mana core seemed to have been drained to near emptiness. Strange for someone who hasn't even established their foundation and thus can't use mana. But now he's recovering it fast and should be back to normal. But I am slightly concerned about his Foundation."

The elderly magician mused. My mother's face turned from concern to horror as she heard the elderly last words.

"W-What's wrong with my baby's Foundation?! Please tell me his foundation is fine!"

She begged the elderly. The elderly, realizing his mistake, tried to calm her down.

"Please calm down, Lady Maximus. First of all, his Foundation seems to be completely fine. If I remember correctly, the young master was about to get his Foundational tiers in a week. So, in the current stages, normally, the foundation tends to be quite violent and messy. It has already reached the threshold and wants to expand more, causing some strain on the body. This is why children who are above 14 and approaching 15 tend to feel some discomfort in their chest or abdomen. As you probably know, when they finally reach 15 they are made to form their Foundation Tiers, that is, they go from Tier 0 to Tier 1, by suppressing that rampant energy and making it into a compressed ball that we call a true Foundation.

Now, in the young master's case, the energy seemed to certainly have reached the said threshold, but his mana is calm. Almost as if it's being held together by something. If I didn't know any better, I would have claimed that he's already formed Tier 1, but this isn't quite the same as that. I don't think it's doing any harm to his core. But I would like to be present when the young master gets his core to ensure there's absolutely nothing wrong. Rest assured, there have been some irregularities detected in such times among children, but in almost every single case, it tends to be either harmless or even beneficial to the person.

… Ahem, in short, young master Alex is fine. He just needs some rest.

Oh, and he will likely form his Foundational Tier on his own. At least, that's my hypothesis. You probably won't have to take him to the church to do so. There are cases like this from time to time."

The elderly finally concluded his speech, making my mother release a small sigh of relief.

'He sure explained a lot. He must be a magic nerd or something. I can just tell by how satisfied he seems after talking about this stuff.'

His face was stoic and calm but his 'Observe' page showed his true colors.

'But sheesh, I'm so glad I hid my Tier. That could have been problematic if they got to know that I've reached Tier 3 from having no Tiers in just a few hours.'

This happened when I was still in my room, about to leave for dinner.


I was ready to leave for dinner when Iris spoke.

[Alex, hold on. You might want to hide your Tier from others. It might garner a lot of attention if it was known that you went from Tier 0 to Tier 3 in just a few hours. That's highly abnormal. Your mana right now is much higher than it was a few hours ago. So, it'll be easy to notice.]

'Ah, you're right. What do you recommend I do then? Do they sell something to hide Tiers in the shop?'

[Well, there's something you might like.]

A quick shopping later, I had the item in my hand.

'This… has an interesting description.'

I mused, reading the said item's description from the shop.

[Item: Realm Limiter (Unique)[Passive/Active]

Description: A Unique skill created by a powerful being who was tired of not being able to enjoy sex with women because he was too strong and durable. So, he created this skill to limit his powers.

Note: Works by the user activating the skill once using mana and then it works passively until the user disables/modifies it, without using additional mana from the user.

Note: Doesn't work for Tiers higher than Monarch Tiers.

Cost: 4500 AP]

Every single item in this adult shop had at least some quirkiness. This was still tamer than most others though.

[Skill: Realm Limiter Lvl 1

Type: Active/Passive

Rarity: Unique

Effects: Allows the user to limit his Mana, Ki, or any form of energy, making it seem as if they're in a lower realm(Tier) than in truth.

–It compresses the core in a way that allows the user to still harness the full power while keeping his realm(Tier) hidden from others.

–Limits up to (Level+4) basic realms(Foundational Tiers) and (Level) advanced realms(Monarch Tier).]

The skill was definitely a winner. I immediately 'absorbed' it and limited my realm back to Tier 0.

[ —Status Page— ]

Name: Alexander K. Maximus(Alex)

Age: 14(23)

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Noble(Provisional)

Titles: Perfectionist

Tier: 0 [3(Foundation grade: Platinum)]


Level: 1

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 65/1000

SP: 40/1000


STR: 100

END: 100

DEX: 100

INT: 100

CHA: 150

LUC: 50


Stat points available: 0


Active skills: Observe Lvl EX(Divine)

Passive skills: Mind Field Lvl EX(Divine), Etiquette Lvl 3(Uncommon), Perfect Body Lvl Max(Legendary), Realm Limiter Lvl 1(Unique)


Coming back to the present, I lay in bed, listening to all their conversations and looking at the people's Observe pages.

That elderly magician was no joke. He looked like a normal grandpa in a robe but was a Foundation Tier 8 beast. He could probably blast a few advanced magic spells consecutively with relative ease. As expected of a senior wizard working for this Marquisdom.

The doctor was your normal Tier 3, but he had talent in both medicine and alchemy. Due to the mashup of eras in this world, this world had both relatively modern medicine and your usual potions and stuff. Each with its pros and cons.

There were a few other people who had come with the magician and doctors, probably their assistants, but they all seemed to be fairly normal.

After the doctor and the magician were done checking, explaining, and leaving some medicine and potions for me behind, their groups left, leaving just my family and the maids.

My mother looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"You heard them, baby. You're gonna be okay. There's no need to worry."

'Yes, I already knew that.'

"Yes, mother. Please don't worry too much either. I'm going to be back to normal."

More like I was going to get better than I ever was. It'll take me just a few days of rest and food consumption to get back in good shape, according to Iris.

"Hmm… you're right, sweety. But mommy can't not worry when her poor baby gets so sick suddenly."

She caressed my sunken and still slightly pale face. She had barely held on to her tears from seeing me in such a poor state.

"I'm really glad big brother is fine, hicc. I was…*sniff* so worried and scared to see you like that…"

I couldn't say the same for my younger sister who immediately leapt on me, crying again.

"Hey now, Alice. Don't cry. Look, I'm fine. It was just some stomach trouble. I'll be back to normal in no time and then we can play together like usual."

I smiled as I patted her little head. She had grown in the near two years and became 13. The age my body was when I reincarnated. She and I probably shared the closest bond in this world.

It took some convincing, but she stopped and then got her spirit back.

Emma only said a few words, but I knew she was waiting for us to be alone to say things properly. She was shy when others were around, but much more comfortable when we were alone. It was quite adorable.

Emma had gained some different traits than 'Emma' from the game. She was more reasonable and admittedly closer to me. Probably because I was her brother.

It was a welcomed change, in my opinion.

And finally, the worrywart brunette MILF who was still caressing me. She had gone through some positive development too.

After I gained enough AP for her treatment, I tried sneaking in the basic Elixir from the shop in her teas that I would, from time to time, prepare "for my dear mother as her dutiful and loving son". Laura was even kind enough to show me how. But her "teas" were freaking nuts. She added like a dozen or so different items in that "herbal tea" of hers. Obviously, it was too much for me, I stuck with the more basic versions.

My mother had showered me with APs when she got to know I made tea for her on my own. I got my compensation in the form of APs and a hug. So worth it!

I had to repeat this process once every week or so to heal all those symptoms of hers. And it worked… for most parts.

Turns out, while the medicine was effective and my mother got much better, it wasn't able to fully heal her. And neither could some slightly higher tier Elixirs, though they were definitely more effective than the potions she used to take.

My mother seemed to be happy and relieved when she felt her body and mind feeling better. She gained back her lost Tier as well.

For the past few months, I had been feeding her an intermediate Elixir every month. She's doing fine for now. But I had plans to buy an advanced Elixir to completely eliminate all her symptoms once and for all. But that thing cost a lot so I had been saving AP for that.

Finally, I had reached a sufficient amount. I was just waiting for her next dose date.

That night, I was spoiled by my mother and younger sister. Emma was there too, but she wasn't able to show her caring side in front of hers, so she just sat there awkwardly. And then sometime later, she left for her room to sleep.


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