
When I woke up, I was in an Eroge World!

When Alex woke up, he found himself in a new world. [Ding!] [Welcome, Alex, to the world of Criotopia! The land of beauty and the beasts awaits you.] And a System too! “What? Criotopia? Wait, that name… isn’t that the same name as the world of the Eroge game I was playing last night?! What the hell is going on?!” It was a different world consisting of a fantasy landscape, various fantasy races, real magic, and most importantly, lots of beautiful women! *** Criotopia, an Eroge game that had a very detailed story about youth, school years, politics, wars, and a very difficult fight against the Demon King, who wished to conquer the world. While it was called an Eroge and had plenty of adult content and beautiful women (Capture Targets), it was also an RPG game, with a great story where you follow the story of Mark, an everyday commoner who accidentally finds the Holy Sword in the ancient ruins and becomes the Hero. But his journey was filled with hardships and fights, to overcome the various troubles from people around him, in the Noble’s Academy, in the Nobility, and finally, monsters and demons. He struggles and along the way finds and 'captures' various girls and women who aid is in his quest to become the world’s greatest hero. No. of capture targets, including the DLCs: 48 *** Once this shock passed, Alex was somewhat hopeful. He knew the world and the story it followed, the major plot points and hidden items. He could use his knowledge of this world, even if it's not exactly like in the game, and become the world’s strongest! Not to mention he gets to have a System that lets him level up, which isn’t a feature in the world, since people can’t “level up” in this world. He also learns of his new family in which he's the only man in the house with 4 beautiful females and maids! “I’m currently 13. The story starts 4 years later when the first arc, the Academy arc, begins. I can train and become super strong by then! Meanwhile, I must get to know these new family members of mine who happen to be all beautiful females. Hehe.” Alex was interested in them But he didn't quite realize this world wasn’t exactly like how the game world. There were more people and things than in the game, moreover, they were now real. Will he be able to survive in a fantasy world, filled with dangers of all kinds, solely with his System and his foreknowledge? What are the hidden dangers that lurk in the shadows of the world? How will Alex's story unfold in this known, yet unknown world? Find out by reading the novel! XD *** Author's Note: The setting of this novel is inspired greatly by another novel that uses the same setting, namely, "The Conqueror's Path". I really liked the concept, so I decided to have my own take on it. This is NOT plagiarism or a fan fic of "The Conqueror's Path". I have only taken inspiration from the original. Naturally, this novel is not the same and doesn't follow the other's storyline. (Reread it) It's an different story. Author's note 2: I am not a professional author, and I do this as a hobby. But I have tried to keep my story presentable. It is not perfect, but it's very readable. Please be kind and patient if you find mistakes. :D --- Warning! This novel contains the use of explicit language and detailed scenes of intercourse, along with various tropes such as incest, S&M, and probably a bunch of other tropes. (NO NTR!) Readers who do not like such content or are underaged should not read it. You have been warned! I hope people who enjoy the genre enjoy my humble creation. P.S.: The Cover picture doesn't belong to me, but the original artist(s). If they want me to remove it, please comment or review it. --- Notice: Vol. 1 starting chapters Undergoing rewrite/edit from 20th Oct 2022. Edited chapters will be marked as '(Edited)' --- Support me: https://www.p@treon.com/poz

The_POZ · Fantasy
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93 Chs

An unknown place Part-2

A/N: (Image)


I immediately pulled my status to see if I had any effects. Even though I knew that it wouldn't, I did it still for my sanity.

'Nope. No Status effects. My HP is recovered too.'

I was perfectly normal.

'Hmm, I was hoping I was acting this way because of those. But doesn't seem like it.'

[No, you're acting this way because you're crazy. Take this seriously, Alex. Remember what happened before you found yourself here? You don't even know what this woman wants from you… other than your chastity from the looks of it.]

'Right, right. Sorry. I don't know why I'm acting like this. Maybe this is my reflex for being in such a situation or something.'


I remembered surviving the suicide bomber and then my vision going black. Then I found myself here, chained and with an S&M cosplayer.

"You didn't answer me. Where am I? Who are you? And why am I here?"

I asked, this time more seriously. I wasn't really expecting proper answers though. The woman had so far been rather eccentric and going at her own pace.

The woman though just looked at me with amusement.

"Mmm. I love that look you've got right now. Wonder what kind of face you make when you're drowned in pleasure~"

She was… enjoying it?


She was starting to creep me out a little.

She was pretty, sure. But she was really weird. Like, the 'crazy' like of weird.

"Are you just going to stand and smile or answer me?"

"Fufu, well. I suppose I can sate some of your curiosity~… But why would I do it for free? I need some incentives~ Ooh, how about this! I'll answer some of your questions and in return, you'll have to keep me entertained. Deal~?"

She spoke in her usual sultry voice but acted more chipper. It was strangely charming when she acted that way. Seeing the erotic Ara-Ara Onee-san type with an S&M kink act so cheerful and bubbly was a gap moe. One that worked wonders on the ones on the receiving end, like yours truly.

Still, I shoved those unnecessary thoughts aside and asked back.

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"I don't know~ Perhaps you can help with some of my itches~?"

It was hard to miss the sexual innuendo there.

"I… suppose I can. But I need my hands free to do that. I don't suppose you can take off these cuffs? I'm not really into Dom-Sub stuff. Especially not the kind where I'm the Sub. I'm sure we can do better than this."

I gave her my best smile to prove that I was being totally honest. I wasn't.

"Ohh~? You're right. I suppose we can do that~ Buuutt…"

Her cheery persona turned in an instant to a cold and predatory, like a tigress, ready to leap and kill me at any instant. She pulled an enchanted dagger out of somewhere, possibly a storage ring or something if I had to guess, and brought it close to my neck, stopping right when the tip barely touched my skin.

That's when I ascertained that this woman was indeed crazy.

Her cold gaze told me she wasn't when she spoke her next words.

"I don't mind freeing you, darling, but something tells me you're going to try acting like a smartass, attack me, or try to run away and create trouble for me. I can't have that. No. You're too unique and precious of a prey and I had to struggle a lot and fight those fucking disgusting brutes to get you for myself. I'll be very very very… VERY mad if you acted in a displeasing way. Are we clear?"

Her cold eyes had turned somewhat hazy by the time she finished. I could feel the killing intent in her voice. She looked at me with an emotionless face, waiting for my answer with a no-bullshit attitude.

'Damn. I think she's…'

[A Yandere. Or at least she has Yandere tendencies. She's clearly more than that, though. Do you see why this is a serious matter now? Jeez. Stop dawdling and start thinking of a way to escape, possibly with your chastity intact. Unless you want to stick your dick inside this crazy woman. Your family probably knows you're missing and they must be worried sick about your disappearance by now.]

'Shit, you're right. I should do that. But, I mean, she's gonna slit my throat if I fight back right now. I need to find a way to distract her or wait for her to leave or something before I plan my escape. I'm not strong enough to fight with a Tier 5 and win without harm yet.'

I wasn't much concerned by the shackles truth to be told. I knew a way to get rid of them in an instant. But fighting a person 2 tiers above me was not going to be an easy task. Though she seemed like a magician who specialized in Mind magic which didn't work on me, I couldn't help but be wary that she had other tricks up her sleeve and she had a dagger too, so she probably knew how to use it.

I had noticed by now that my storage ring was gone.

'Damn it, did she take it off? Sigh. Of course, she would.'

It was common sense to take away such things. Otherwise, I could suddenly pull a sword or something and stab her when she was not paying attention.

'I wish I had a real sword or something in my Inventory. I can probably handle a Tier 5 mage-rogue whatever woman. Probably.'

I had stored some potions, my training sword, and a few other things that I had received from my mother inside my inventory, but had stored the important stuff like my family emblem and other things in the storage ring. I should have moved everything to my Inventory. But I didn't know I was going to be kidnapped and locked like this.

Besides, I didn't yet know if she was alone or had any accomplices. I would be fucked if it was the latter.

I held back an annoyed sigh, fearing my skin might rub and pierce from the tip and start bleeding. I didn't like a sharp object so close to my neck very much. Who would have thought? Sigh.

"Look, I'm not going to run away. (An obvious lie) Or harm you. (debatable) If you seriously just want to have some 'fun' or whatever, I'm not completely against it. (Not a lie, actually) Well, as long as I'm not getting dominated or pegged or something. That shit's not up my alley. (Truth) We don't have to get so violent. (Truth) Let's be civil, yeah?"

She looked into my eyes and I didn't look away. Her greenish-yellow eyes stared at my golden ones for a while, seemingly trying to figure out if any part of it was true. It was! Everything after the second sentence. And second too, if she didn't harm me or do something I hated.

She pulled the dagger away from my neck, allowing me to release that sigh I was holding back.

"Very well. Though it's pretty obvious the first sentence was a lie, I can't quite tell whether the rest of it was a lie as well. Your mind is impossible to read. I'm curious. How do you have so much mental fortitude to resist my mental probe? A tier-1 kid shouldn't be able to do that. And it's not an artifact. I've removed everything I could find on you, including your neat little charm. That's a really expensive one, though. Guess you're from a rich family, huh?"

'Wait, she was probing my mind? Fuck, of course. Why did I think she was trying to find any lies just from looking into my eyes— I mean, I didn't think that.'

And here I was trying my best to look sincere and not turn my eyes away. Sigh.

Leaving that aside, it seemed like she wasn't aware of my lineage. How would she react if I told her I was the son of the lord of this city? Well, I was not going to blurt it unless I found it useful in my escape. Who knew what would happen if she found out? Something told me she wouldn't just let me go out of simple fear of my title. So, I had to play her game for a little longer.

"I don't know. I just have a strong will, I assume."

Her amused smile and cheery face soon came back.

"Is that so? Hmm… Curious indeed~ Well then. Let's stop wasting any more time on unnecessary things and get back to business. How about it? I'll free one and only one of your hands and you'll ask me questions. I'll answer after you please me for a specific amount of time in any way you can. Do you agree to my terms? There's no denying here, though. You either agree or I will do with your body as I please."

She smirked evilly. Yeah, I didn't like that evil smirk. I didn't like being on the receiving end of it.

So, I pondered. The terms were pretty okay. The idea was enticing—I mean, necessary for my survival. Not because I found her hot. After some thinking, I spoke.

"If it's just that much, I'll do it. But I need both my hands free. I can't "scratch your itch" properly with just one hand. Also, the deal is off if you try to harm me, peg me, or do anything that I'm not comfortable with. That's out of the question. Deal?"

Her amused smile dropped as she arched an eyebrow.

"Hoh? You're demanding terms even in such a state where you're tied and in presence of an obviously stronger woman? Do you think you can escape? Or even fight? I was joking when I said you can attack me. A tier 1 kid like you can't do shit to me. Just be an obedient slave and do as you're told."

Her eyes once again turned ferocious and cold.

I was starting to wonder if this woman was bipolar. Still, it was not enough to scare me.

"Fuck no. My demands still stand. If it doesn't work out, well… let's just say I'm not as weak and helpless as you think I am. Though, you're clearly stronger."

[And why are you telling her that? Do you want her to raise her guards up or something?]

'No. I have a plan. Sort of. I think I know how to get out of this mess.'

[Very well. Do what you want. Just don't get stabbed and kick the bucket. Again.]

I grimaced.

'You didn't have to remind me of that. Ugh. I'll take care. But first I need to be sure I'm not in some serious danger, well, other than the fact that I'm locked here with this sexy bi-polar woman who is after my chastity.'

[What chastity?]

'The one that I… don't have, I guess.'

"Oh? Fascinating~ You're acting tough. How cute~! But it's futile. It'll take a miracle for you to defeat me, even with a surprise attack. Don't think I'm weak. I'm much stronger than you. And trust me, no one is going to come to save you here. You're all alone and mine to do whatever I want… In fact, you should be glad you're here with an attractive older sister and not those disgusting freaks that had kidnapped you. I saved your pretty ass, you know?"

I immediately perked as my eyebrows furrowed.

"Who are you talking about?"



Alright, after writing a bit further than this, I feel like I made the whole scene too over the top and random. Well, it's because it WAS a random scene that I blew up into multiple chapters.

But thankfully, I got an idea for the backstory and reason for the appearance of this "crazy woman", as MC calls her. And it'll allow me to link some things and MAYBE introduce a teeny tiny bit about one of the possible [Spoiler] in the story. I'm not sure how much I'll talk about [Spoiler], but at least it's a nice excuse I've managed to have for this whole scene.

Also, I'm definitely gonna deal with 'them'. Probably. Note to self: Do it. Don't forget. (*ends up forgetting anyway*)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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