
When I woke up, I realized I had been reincarnated.

It revolves around the life story of a young boy who, upon waking up suddenly, realizes he is in a different world. Since the chapters are short, I will try to publish at least 4 chapters daily. Please don't mind my limited English proficiency.

Torugaa · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

The Little Rogue is Back at School!

When morning came, I was ready to go to school. Since I woke up before the alarm, I turned it off before it even rang. After putting on my school uniform, I noticed that my hair had grown a bit too long. What used to reach my eyes now extended all the way to the tip of my nose.

Maybe I should consider getting a haircut.

I combed and arranged my hair, then prepared my school bag. As I opened the door to leave, Kyousuke-san passed by, absentmindedly scratching his chest and yawning with a tired expression.


He sat on the single chair in the living room and, without much interaction, turned on the television to watch the news.

"Baka Oyaji! When people greet you, you should respond," scolded Hori, giving her father a swift slap on the head before turning to me and saying, "Good morning."

"Kyouko-chan! Pretty girls shouldn't hit their fathers!" Hori struck her father's head once again, causing Kyousuke-san to hold his head with his hand in pain.

I was ready to head to school. Since Aunt Yuriko was home, it seemed she had prepared my breakfast. She helped me pack the Egg Fried Rice she had made, and after placing it in my bag, I was all set to go.

I went to the entrance to put on my shoes. After I finished, I said, "Goodbye, Yuriko-san," and left the house, starting my walk to school. The weather was gradually getting warmer.

The signs of early spring were beginning to appear. Some of the trees already had cherry blossoms budding on their branches. With spring's arrival, the school festival was just around the corner. If I remember correctly, it was the week after our match with Shakima High School. At least I should inform Hirata, so he doesn't give me a major role. In fact, it would be better if he didn't give me any role at all.

By the time I reached the school gate, all the trees in the schoolyard had turned pink with cherry blossom petals. It seemed like spring had already arrived at school. Soon, we would stop wearing our winter uniforms.

As I entered the schoolyard, I noticed a student trying to make a scene. He would approach groups of female students, spin around them, and then give a big, exaggerated wave.

At first, I thought it was Hinata, but he wasn't bold enough for something like this. Besides, this student's hair was different. His hair was slicked back, with a few strands deliberately arranged to hang in the front. The strands that hung in the front were blonde.

"Hey! Nishinoya? When did you return to school?" Tanaka-san called out to a student named Nishinoya from an upper-floor window.

"Oh, Tanaka! My punishment ended today. I'm back at school!" Nishinoya, the senpai, raised his hand as high as he could and greeted Tanaka-san.

"Oh, the charismatic guy is here too. Come on, don't be late for class." When Tanaka-san noticed me, he grinned widely and greeted me. I wanted to respond in kind, but I couldn't manage it. Instead, I calmly raised my hand in greeting to Tanaka-san.

When Nishinoya-san noticed me, he approached, and we began to talk. "Are you the kid Daichi-san was talking about?"

"Talking about me? Oi, Daichi-san, I'd like to know what you're saying about me to people," I thought, gazing at Nishinoya-san for a moment before responding, "Um, I don't know what Daichi-san told you, but I don't have many strong points. My serves and spikes are decent, but I can't even receive the ball properly."

"Hahahaha... Don't worry. As long as I'm on the team, the ball will never touch the ground. Because I'm the libero of Karasuno Volleyball Team."

'Libero?' When I asked about the meaning, Nishinoya-san's expression fell apart. He looked at me with wide-eyed surprise and said, "You're playing volleyball without knowing what a libero is?"

Afterward, Nishinoya-san and I walked together to the shoe locker. During this time, he explained to me what the libero's role was on the volleyball team.

"Wow... So you have an amazing role, Nishinoya-san!"

"Hahahaha. Isn't it? Hahahha... Praise me a little more!" He seemed like someone with some serious issues.

I continued to my own classroom, greeted the students there, and took my seat.

Hanagawa seemed to have an air about him, as if he wanted to talk to me. His eyes kept turning toward me.

"If you have something to say, just say it," I began the conversation.

"Um, well, I don't know how to put it... You know..." It was clear from the sweat dripping and the blushing face that he was hesitant about what he wanted to say.

"What do you want to say?"


"Rika? What happened to her?"

"R-Rika-san, because she's so cute, and energetic, and, you know, cute, she's become popular among the first-year students. So, what I mean is... You're close friends with her, right? Could you introduce me to her?"

"I refuse."

"Haaaaaa? You could have at least listened! Immediately refusing is really painful."

"Friend, if you like that girl, you should go talk to her yourself. Don't involve me in your dirty work."

"But you're her close friend..."

At that moment, the teacher entered the classroom and said, "Good morning," to all of us. After clearing his throat, he placed his belongings on the teacher's desk and began to speak.

"Today, we have a transfer student."

Today's releases were these. See you in the next episodes...

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