
Chapter 9

I went over to the chest and took out some things, and I found the teeth I took from the gator. I looked at them. They weren't very long so making a dagger wasn't on the list of things to make. I sat down. Looking through the chest more trying to find something. "Ah that's it" I opened back up my book.




[Sub skills crafting]

[Sub skills healing]

[sub skill flora and animals]

I went to the crafting tab. I flipped to that page to see it was updated with new things. Now it showed several things such as.

[basic chest] [spacial tent x 13] [twine] [rope] [bag]

And more things. I looked at the tent crafting recipe and saw something that caught my eye. On the recipe it showed the 13 orbs each increasing the size of the tent. I looked at the recipe and noticed that the otbs were called mana stones.

"OH LETS GOO" I was wondering about the mana thing. I went to the back of the tent and took one out. I saw the space shrink a little but not enough to make a difference. I took it and held it. I felt a weird energy inside of it. "Ok, so I think you have to meditate." I held it and sat down crossing my legs.

I closed my eyes and felt the mana energy flow into me. My eyes were closed but I saw a blue stream conjugating into my hands. It swirled around my hands for a second before shooting into my wrist. I felt a small prick as it entered but the pain immediately faded away. I waited until the entire orb had been absorbed. I opened my eyes all the way and saw my veins glowing.

I felt something different and looked down at my book. I saw it had changed from its previous light orange to a light brown. I opened my book and saw everything had changed. For one my skills now showed mana manipulation, mana regeneration, and mana crafting.

I flipped to the page that had animals and such and the images moved. It now had filled information. Like the gator showed a river with it crawling out. It also listed it as an ambush predator and toughened skin. "Now I wish I had done this earlier." I knew what I had to do. I put the book back when it had flowed into my skin. I saw the blue energy still near my hands.

I started chanting. "Ka-" I moved my hands in front of me in a bowl-like manner " meee-" I crouched down into a horse stance "haaaa-" i put my hands to my side "MEEEE" i moved my hands all the way back. "HAAAAAAA" Nothing happened. I heard an angry growl. I turned around to see Diana looking at me angrily. "My bad" she shrugged and went back to sleep.

"Let's try to figure it out more than." I started meditating again. I tried to sense some kind of energy inside me. I felt a little energy inside me. I tried to put that energy into my hands. It moved but then stopped. I kept concentrating, it moved around towards my hand but kept stopping. I kind of asked it to move but it didn't do anything.

"Is it not like that?" isn't mana supposed to be like its own entity and stuff and you have to get permission from it or something. Since that didn't work, I imagined moving in a circle. I felt it start to swirl around. I imagined making it spin like a whirlpool. It started picking up speed.

"AH!" damn that hurt. Apparently spinning an energy you just found out about inside of your body is not a good idea. I looked down and my chest to see a blue glow on my chest. "What if?" so going based on everything I know specific forms make it easier to do this kind of stuff. "I got it"

I looked inside the chest and grabbed an ice pear and a stick. I also grabbed some bark/wood. I used a tooth and chiseled the wood into a bowl. After a while it was finally good enough to hold the pear. I put it in and used the stick to smush it up. I kept mashing it until it was a dark blue paste. "This is gonna be cold" I used a leaf and dipped it inside of the paste.

I then painted a blue dot on my palms. I immediately started getting cold. I imagined the mana moving there. Sense there was a clear goal there the mana immediately moved there, causing the dots to glow blue. I looked down and saw them glowing a bright blue. I now imagined it spreading to my entire hand. It was slow but it eventually made my entire hand glow blue.

I lifted my hands in front of me. I waved my hand around and a blue hue trail was left behind it. "Man that's cool" I noticed the blue glow and tried drawing in the air with it. I drew the twitter symbol in the air. To my surprise instead of disappearing it stayed. "Wow that's cool"

I drew the wind symbol from the avatar. After a while the blue thing started fading away. I kept looking at them as they faded. I tried to make it go away. I waved my hand towards it and saw if I moved towards a wall. I looked at the wall and saw it didn't hit the wall but blew away everything around it.

I stared at the wall in shock when my vision started glowing black. I was confused when my vision went completely dark.


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