
When I Met Him

Priyansha_Upadhaya · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Five years ago

This all started when they met for the first time




Five years ago~

It was the first day in the new school for Ryan, he was walking on the school corridors to find the principal's office.

Ryan "ughh where is it, it's so confusing"

As he was walking he bumped into someone .

Ryan " ouch "

Someone "tch, don't you have eyes?"

Ryan "you were the one who was looking somewhere else while walking.

someone " that's what I'm saying i was walking but don't you have eyes too?? "

Ryan "ughhh so annoying "

someone "wha–"

Ryan * walks away stomping his feet*

After a while he finally found principal's office and knocks on the door

Principal "yes, come in"

Ryan " hello principal "

Principal "oh you're the new student"

Ryan " yes i just wanted to ask which class am i in and about my routine "

Principal "oh yes here's your routine"

Ryan " thank you, so i shall take my leave "

Principal "yea, see you around"

Then he left the principal's office to attend his first class which was the Language class .




And he enters his class .

Ryan " teacher may i come in"

teacher " yes come in, students this is our new student he just joined our school introduce yourself "

Ryan " umm, hi I'm Ryan Smith nice to meet you" *smiles and bows*

teacher "okay so you can sit on that seat near the window"

Ryan "thank you"

He sits on his seat and as he turns over to see his partner

someone "we meet again"

Ryan "YOU–"

teacher "who is shouting"

someone *smirks*

Ryan *disgusted face* "ughh annoying"

someone "so my name is Alexander Johnson"

Ryan "did i ask?? "

Alex "you can call me Alex" *innocent smile*

Ryan *wha- his smile is so attractive... no what am i thinking* "n..no need for that"

Alex *still smiling*

Ryan "what are you looking huh"

Alex *comes back to reality* "oh n..nothing"




And the class continued~