
When Good Girls Drink

I knew alcohol had a weird effect on the body but what I didn't expect it to do was make me tear up the dance floor with Lizzie by my side. The alcohol made me feel as feel as though I had just been injected with some powerful chemical. I felt different and I couldn't categorize it. If it was the good different,I didn't know. If it was the bad,I couldn't tell. "I didn't know you partied." And it was at that exact moment I froze. Usually,when someone sneaks up on me, I'd turn around and kick them in the shin or punch them. Trust me, those were very important reflexes reflexes even though my hands were made for writing or chopping carrots and not for punching. I grew up being close to people who loved to play pranks on people. 'People' meaning 'me'. My older brother, my cousin Jacob and he who shall not be named. Those times I could tell if it was Mg or Jacob or Mr nameless. But this time it felt different. I knew who was behind me, heck,it was the person who has been around me a lot these past two days but my reflexes wouldn't work. I urged them to, played the actions out in my head but nothing happened. The party all around us disappeared and it was at that I knew, that moment that I felt, something deep inside me that I have never felt before. Maybe it was that feeling, maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was just me acting on impulse that made me do what I did next. A tale as old as time, where popular meets average but through a night of persuasion, alcohol and a quite blank state of mind.

PurpleGlowieGlitter · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 2|Someone's In A Rush

•Hey there,Sienna. I'm you're big brother. When you start to talk, you can call me Mg•

Maxwell Hart.

*Four Days To My Birthday*

The next day; 22nd October, Friday, I marked another ‘X’ on my calendar.

A countdown to my birthday and also the end of the school year.

I pulled my kinky curly hair into a ponytail and slid on my glasses.

Lizzie calls them ‘chic’ for some reason, my glasses, but they look pretty normal to me.

They were a bubble gum pink shade and I've had them since I turned sixteen.

Picking up my already packed backpack from my study desk, I admired my simple outfit of light wash jeans, a light yellow long sleeve, a woolen white V-necked cardigan and comfy brown uggs.

When I got downstairs, I found the note my dad left: Headed to the store with Sky, your mom had an emergency at the hospital, breakfast’s on the counter, have a great day at school. We love you, Si.


I checked and there was breakfast for me on the counter.

Eggs, hash browns and bacon.

I poured myself a warm glass of milk after I was done eating to wash it all down before I headed to the door.

I wrapped my arms around myself as the cold breeze hit me but then I collided into a hard chest that smelled way to familiar.

“Someone’s in a rush,” the owner of the body said and I looked up to find my elder brother grinning down at me.

“Mg!”I squealed before I wrapped my arms around him and he returned the gesture.“What are you doing here?”

Meet my brother Maxwell.

He's a college student and he's particularly on a half scholarship. He also plays for the state's junior basketball league.

No, his real name isn't Mg, that's his nickname.

His name is actually Maxwell Gerard Hart.

He always thought Maxwell was too formal for him.

It reminded him of the billionaire company owner; Alexander Maxwell.

So ‘Mg’ came along from the first letters of Maxwell and Gerard.

Everyone apart from our parents call him Mg.

“Did you really think I'd miss your birthday?”He asked, his brown eyes twinkling.

“It’s still like three days away, ”I pointed out.

“Just figured I'd come home a bit early, spend sometime with my baby sister,” he shrugged and then looked behind me into the house. “Are the parentals home?”

“No, Dad left to go to the store, mom had some early emergency at the hospital and I'm supposed to be at the bus stop right now,”I pulled out my phone and the gadget lit up. “And I just missed the bus, Mg.”

“I could drop you off and then you can tell me everything I've missed,”he offered, taking my hand and leading me to his black convertible–his very awesome car!

He's making a lot of money from the basketball team’s sponsors.

Looks like one of us is on the right path.

“Well,”I began once we got settled in his car and he pulled out of the driveway. “I passed my driver's test last week,” with a twinkle in my eyes, I added, “Told you I would.”

“I knew you would, baby sister, you were born to ace every test,”he joked. “Hey, umm, does Coco still work at the store?”


“Courtney, from Dad's store,” he clarified.

Now I remember.

Courtney and my brother are bestfriends, of course he would have a special nickname for her.

I know he has feelings for her and I think she sorta feels the same way but Courtney said they got into a fight before he left for college two years ago and they didn't talk for an entire year and then they made up but with Mg busy with his second year of college and Court busy with her gap year and working her ass off, they barely have time to talk anymore.

“Yeah, maybe you can head to the store after you drop me off,”I told my brother. “She'll be happy to see you.”

“I'm not so sure, baby sister but thanks for the vote of confidence,” Mg said.

A few minutes later, he pulled up at my school.

“Mg, please try not to mess up this time because you'll be seeing her at your school,” I told him,“and it's gonna be a whole lot of awkward if you don't make this right.”

“Wait, she's enrolling at my school?” he asked, shocked.

“Yeah, she'll probably tell you herself when she sees you but still please don't mess up, I'm team Courtwell. See you later, big brother.”

I hopped out of my brother's car and soon, I spotted Lizzie getting out of hers.

She wasn't in her cheerleading uniform today, guess the weather got to her.

It's seems winter’s gonna be here early which is totally okay with me but don't when byou'll find out the reason why later.

“Hey,”I chirped, once I walked up to her, announcing my presence.

She had a frown on her face and that was as rare as red on saint Patrick's day not the best example but you get the picture.

“Would you believe me if I told you Starbucks was closed?!” she asked me, slamming her car’s door shut.“Literally, the one day I really needed my coffee! This is–this is just BS!”

Lizzie was one of those people who got all cranky without their early morning cup of steaming, hot coffee.

Another reason for me to not like coffee.

It was very addictive.

Before I could find a good reply to cheer her up, I heard Sydney's voice not so far back.


Lizzie and I turned around to see her walking towards us with a coffee tray.

Lizzie took one as soon as Sydney got to us and she took a sip.

“Thanks, Syd, you're literally a lifesaver,”Lizzie said with a relieved sigh.

Sydney gave a smile in return before she handed me a cup.

“Oh, no thanks I don't drink coffee,” I told her, politely rejecting it.

“I know,”Sydney giggled, “that's all Lizzie ever talks about, Your weird dislike for coffee. It's hot chocolate with a whole lot of milk and sugar.”

“Good thing I'm lactose tolerant then,”I said with a small laugh as I took the cup from her, letting it warm up my palms as we made our way inside.

“Lizzie, don't get mad when I say this but I can't make it to the party tomorrow,” Sydney said and bit the inside of her mouth as she waited for Lizzie's reply.

“Yeah, okay,” Lizzie said, brushing it aside as she enjoyed the taste of her coffee.

I watched my bestfriend do a double take as realisation hit her and she blurted out two of my favorite ‘WH’ questions when not directed at me.

“Wait, what?! Why?”

Sydney gave a sad smile.

“I expected this from Sienna but not you,”Lizzie said.

“Hey,”I protested, playfully poking her.“I'm dependable.”

“I'm sorry,” Sydney apologized,“But I have to. You know my sister Bethany?”

“The FBI agent?” Lizzie asked in confirmation.

“Your sister works with the FBI?”I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah,” Sydney shrugged like it was as normal as the cafeteria's taco Tuesdays, “and she's coming home for a visit and my mom says we're going to do something together as a family and I can't get out of it because I never see my sister.”

“It's okay. Si and I will send you pictures all night long,” Liz said and gently slammed her locker shut before she turned to me, waiting for me to grab my books. “Are you done yet?”

We have first period maths together on Fridays so we always walk there together.

It's one of the only advanced class she's taking.

She hates it but she keeps a ‘B’ average in it.

“Yeah, all done.”

“Well, I've gotta run. One of the tennis girls has probably tried to steal my seat at AP chem,” Sydney said as she gave Lizzie and I quick hugs. “See you guys at lunch!”

“I can see why Owen loves her,”Lizzie said wistfully as we began our walk in the another direction, probably referring to Sydney's jock boyfriend or maybe some other guy I have no idea about.


“Who can help us with the multiplication rule of equiprobable sample space?” Our maths teacher, Mr Eric asked, his grey eyes behind his black framed glasses searching our faces for an answer.

Lizzie groaned beside me.

“God, I hate Maths!” She whisper-yelled.

“I'm pretty sure you'd have to not know it to hate it,”I whispered back,“and last time I checked–”

“Sienna Hart? Is there something you would like to share with the class?” Mr Eric called out.


“Umm, no,”I replied, twisting my pencil between my fingers.

“Can you help us out then?” Mr Eric asked, “with the question?”

What question?

“Could you repeat the question?”

This term pretty much just started like a month and half ago so I've done a good job keeping a low profile in this class because maths is my least favorite subject but I still manage to keep an ‘A’ average.

“Multiplication rule of equiprobable–”

“Oh, yeah, I remember,”I said with a nod, cutting him off but not in a rude way because I was not that student.

I pushed my glasses up my nose bridge before I began, the simple action collecting all my thoughts together.

“Umm, if events A and B are independent events, that is; the occurrence of one does not depend on the occurrence of the other, the probability that events A and B will occur is the product of their individual probabilities. That is P open a bracket A and B close the bracket equals to P open a bracket A close the bracket multiplied by P open a bracket B close the bracket and umm for clarification, in probability ‘and’ is interpreted as ‘multiplication’ while ‘or’ is for ‘addition’.”

Mr Eric and the whole class stared at me blankly.

Damnit! I rambled.

“Si, what was that?” Lizzie asked with a whisper, “You’ve got a computer for a brain.”

“Wow, thanks, I feel so much better,”I replied, sacarsm rolling off my tongue like a second language.

“Miss Hart, that was quite outstanding,”Mr Eric praised. He didn't think so two minutes ago. “Are you in the maths club?”

I shook my head, feeling uncomfortable with all the stares I was getting.

“You should really consider it,”Mr Eric said and I gave a polite nod.

I wasn't going to consider it.

“Alright, back to the lesson class.”

I zoned out for the rest of the class.

That was a first for me but luckily Mr Eric didn't throw anymore questions my way.

I had just one thought in my mind.

A scenario actually.

I was going to become Nerdy Sienna.

I'd be like Ricky Parker or worst–Ruby Milton.

Ruby Milton was your normal stereotype nerd.

She was the perfect description of an introvert and everyone else forgets she's really smart because of her body weight.

They bully her because of it.

They call her Fatty Ruby which was literally the meanest thing to do but kids nowadays.

What a joke.

I mean, she sees she has extra body weight no need to point it out more.

What if she decides to starve herself and dies?

It's like they feel the need to put other people down just so they can feel good about themselves.

I could hear it now.

It kept ringing in my head.

Nerdy Sienna.

Nerdy Sienna.


Everyone was going to bully me.

I would be an actual nerd and I wasn't even one.

And Liz.

What if she stops talking to me too?

I would respect that but God that would hurt a lot.

And Sydney, she'd leave right when I was really starting to enjoy her company.


Would mom and dad let me change schools if I asked really nicely?

Mom wouldn't budge.

She loves BHS to the core.

Something about the extravagant halls, building structure and the whole lot extracurricular classes.

But maybe I could bribe Dad by saying I'd work for free at the hive.

No, that wouldn't work, he'd pay me and treat me the same as every other worker.

“Sienna!” Lizzie yelled my name and I turned to stare at her.

“What?”I asked, snapping out of my thoughts and looking around.

The classroom was empty.

“What were you thinking about?” she asked.

“Umm,” I began to say but she cut me off.

“Come on, Crazy,” She rolled her eyes playfully. “Syd’s waiting.”


I sat in the store trying to concentrate on my novel while Syd, Lizzie and the entire population that could fit in here of BHS chattered away.

For some reason, they just pile in here more on Fridays.

They're here on other days too but they are a lot more on Fridays.

“Hey, baby sis, Coco said to give you this,”I looked up to see my brother holding out a drink.

My favorite drink.

Blueberry fool.

It was an ice cream smoothie and believe me when I say it's super yummy.

The blend of chilled blueberries and custard vanilla icecream just brought this feeling of contentment to the stomach.

It's the best drink here but don't tell Lizzie that.

I shifted my gaze to Courtney who was taking an order at the counter.

I mouthed a ‘thank you’ and in return she gave me a friendly wink.

“Si, you didn't say Mg was back,” Lizzie said, not looking up from the game she was playing.

Piano tiles, that's the game's name. The primary goal is to tap piano tiles as fast as you can to make music.

“He got back this morning,”I informed her. “Oh, yeah, umm, Sydney this is my older brother ,Maxwell. Mg, Sydney, my new friend.”

Yes, I know, I said.

“Hey,” Sydney greeted and Mg nodded in acknowledgement.

“See you later, sis,” Mg said as he turned to walk away.

“Hey, Mg,”I called after him, “Can I ride home with you?”

“Sure but I'm dropping of Coco so we’ll leave when her shift’s over,” he said and headed back to Courtney.

I take it their reunion went well.

I watched as they talked and Courtney blushed shyly.

I know he's whipped and I won't even blame him.

Courtney is just so beautiful. I know it seems like I say that about everyone but it's true.

I'm just surrounded by the most beautiful people.

Courtney has this somewhat golden blonde shoulder length hair that is always in place, grey-green eyes and a beautiful personality.

“Dang it!” Lizzie cried all of sudden, tossing her phone on the table.“I almost beat your high score!”

Piano tiles is like our game.

I’m actually really good at it which is pretty ironic because I can't play a piano or any instrument for that matter but Lizzie can.

She's been taking piano lessons since we were fourteen but she's been trying to beat my high score since two weeks ago.

Her gaze shifted to where Mg and Courtney stood together and then she turned to me.

“Are they an item yet?”Lizzie asked gesturing to them because me, my bestfriend ships the like crazy.

I bet she even wants them to get together even more than I do and I want them to get together like a whole lot.

Lizzie's a sucker for love.

She's not into teen fiction romance books like Sydney and I are but she loves love.

Sydney would agree with me because Lizzie's the one who got most of the cheerleaders together with their boyfriends.

Herself included.

And I guess that's why everyone likes her, Lizzie, but I think she's secretly a cupid or maybe was a cupid in another life.

I’m not sure which used to be my theory but I’m fine with whichever one that involves her being a matchmaker.

“Unfortunately not,” I told her, taking a sip of my thrilling cold drink.

I chewed on one of the chilled blueberries used in garnishing it.

“That's sad,” Lizzie pouted and picked her phone off the table.

Her eyes widened as she stared down at the screen.

“Shit, I should be home by now.”

“Ohmygod! Me too!I gotta go, ”Sydney blurted, picking up her bag,“I’m picking Bethany up from the airport.”

She got up placing her bill on the table,“still can't believe your dad owns this place. I think that's so cool. I'll see you guys Monday.”

“I've gotta go too,”Lizzie tells me.

“And what's your reason?”

“I’m modeling a few pieces for V.L lines,” Lizzie squealed and my jaw dropped.

Remember Leslie Asher from before? Well, V.L lines is owned by her mom, the mayor's wife.

Their clothes were expensive but it wasn't like those expensive clothes that looked so ugly but rich people wasted money on them anyway but the good kind of expensive.

Meaning their clothes were so beautiful.

“Why the hell are you still here?”I questioned,“Go, now!”

“I'll be at yours tomorrow at three-ish,”Lizzie informed me.“Is that okay?”

“Okay for what?”I asked, confused.

“To get ready for the party,” she said matter of factly.

“Oh yeah, sure whatever.”

“See you tomorrow, bestfriend,” Lizzie said in a sing song voice.

“Don't forget my rain girl boots!”I called.

I have like three pairs of those; a white one that has a high heels,a black one without so high heels and another black pair with heels.

Lizzie has more than enough money to buy ten pairs of those but yet she still took my favorite pair which are the black ones with heels beneath.

I’m not upset or anything, she can take my clothes whenever she wants to but it's been two months.

I bet they're probably lost in her walk-in for shoes.

Yes, she has a walk-in closet for just her shoes.

Lizzie looked over her shoulder at me with a sly smile, “Ciao!”

I shook my head with a smile as I redirected my attention to my novel.

I looked up to take a sip of my drink and I found a pair of eyes watching me.

It was him again.

BHS’s royal prince–Jason Macaulay.

I raised an eyebrow at him and he gave a smile in return.

Did he—

Did he realise that I just caught him staring?

He turned to his light-blonde haired friend, they were always seen together at school.

I had like three classes with him, Jason’s friend I mean.

I think his last name is Priest or maybe Bishop or was it Pope?

I can't really remember but I’m sure it's something religiousy.

The really light blonde haired boy had a pencil in his hand.

He was probably doing the store’s free meal crossword puzzle which was Mom's idea by the way.

I had no idea why he's doing it though.

His Dad owned a college if I remember correctly so he must be well off and also be one of those trust fund babies.

Jason stood and began making his way towards me.

With each step he took I could feel my heartbeat quicken.

Get it together, Sienna.

If he tries to bully you, Mg’ll kick his ass and probably also spend a night in a prison cell.

“Hey,” Jason greeted with a small smile, announcing his presence and pushing his hair back from his face.

This was the third time this week.

I really shouldn't be going to that party.

“Hey?”I replied still a bit confused about why he was standing there talking to me.

“I just wanted to give you this,” he explained as he pulled out a small blue rectangular piece of paper from his pocket. “It fell from your book. In the hallway yesterday.”

I recognized it instantly.

Being the slight bookworm that I am, I always put ownership cards in my books.

I don't write my name in the pages of my books, instead I use ownership cards.

It had my name and my phone number on it so if I lost it (which I thought was highly unlikely seeing as I'm not careless but apparently not) someone could return it if they found it.

And then I realized, Jason Macaulay had my phone number.


Just Great.

“Umm, thanks,” I said, taking it from his grasp and tucking it into my current book.

“I always see you here,” Jason said,“Favorite hangout?”

Only hangout actually so of course he does.

The store is basically my second home and then there was Lizzie's house.

“Yeah,” I answered with a small shrug, “it's my dad's.”

“The store?”Jason asked in confirmation and I nodded.

“No way, it's pretty cool,” he complimented.

“Thanks,”I replied, “I'll umm...I'll tell him.”

“It’s Sienna right?”

“Yeah, that's me.”

“I’m having this–”

“Hey, baby sis! Ready to go?”

I turned to see my older brother walking towards me with Sky on a leash and Courtney not so far from him, tucking her hair behind both ears as she got ready to put it into a ponytail.

“Umm, yeah,”I said, grabbing my things.

Was Jason just about to ask me to come to his party?

I mean I was going already but if he had asked me personally, I would have totally stayed home tomorrow.

“I've gotta go,”I said to Jason. “Thanks again.”

Really Sienna?

It's just a piece of paper, you don't have to thank him a million times.

But come to think of it, I kinda did.

Most people would just toss it in the trash but he actually took the liberty of returning it.

It was a small gesture but quite honourable.

I picked my cup off the table and took another sip.

“Who's this?”Mg asked once he was at my side.

“I’m Jason, a friend of Sienna's,”Jason introduced, extending a hand to Mg.“We go to school together.”

“Really?”Courtney asked staring at him, a clear hint of disbelief in her voice. “I've never heard of a Jason. There's a Lizzie, Mathew, a a Sydney but not a Jason”

“Me neither,”Mg said, agreeing with her.

Well don't look at me.

I didn't know we were friends either.

He picked up my book which he made me drop and he returned a piece of paper.

How did we become friends?

We weren't even acquaintances yet.

“Well, we just met yesterday and–”Jason started to explain but I cut him off.

The last thing I needed was for Courtney to begin asking about him.

“We should really get going,”I said, pulling my brother along.

Mg takes my backpack from me to help carry it and we leave but not before he says,“Nice meeting you, Jason. I’m Maxwell, Si’s older brother.”