
When First we met

NB: This book is a total work of fiction written based on the writer's own personal imagination. Any relation to names,places, or even ways is a total work of coincidence.

DaoistWhDTTe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter Two. Lost

Alicia woke up to the sound of their village gong. She rose in a panic and dashed out of her room to her grandmother's bedroom. The gong was their village's way of communication to show that something terrible has happened.It was rarely sounded and once it was,it only meant one thing and that was 'extremely bad news'.

Alicia panicked. 'why did the gong suddenly sound out of nowhere? They had no plague in their area. It could only relate to one other matter, there must have been a massacre in their village last night and that could only make her shudder. Because that meant that the gumiho had come out! he must have killed for his bloodlust to be quenched for it had been such a long time since something like that happened. He didn't often tend to come out and Alicia herself had never seen him since she was just a little girl. But the tale lived on from generation to generation of a man whose physical appearance wasn't known as whoever seen him with their eyes had to die yet he had lived long enough for everyone to know he was immortal basing on how long the tale had been transferring from generation to generation. He was only known as a man of massacre and a creature of bloodlust which he quenched with the villger's blood and lives Alicia could only deduce that....who had died in the first place? and how many were they? Was her grandmother alright? Who knows what lengths the monster could go to just to quench his bloodlust?

Alicia reached her grandmother's bedroom and knocked hard on it but upon receiving no reply, she barged inside without farther ado and upon what she saw, she froze. Her entire being swayed and her voice caught in her throat, but before she could reach her grandmother's bed her voice that caught revived and..

" G-grandmaaaa..." she yelped hysterically before her legs gave way and she fell to the ground.


He stood up in the trees, lazily leaning back onto a tree branch up on the hill watching as the humans went about their business of gathering and wailing as though someone suddenly told them there was no tomorrow.There were blue moths swirling around his relaxed form as though they were some kind of magical protection for him as he stared down, expressionless. For as long as he had lived, he had seen and witnessed how wicked they were, and to think they could be seemingly devastated just for as simple a matter as death, he couldn't help but feel much more hate towards them. He knew those were just facades and he hated it. He hated how they had to be greedy and wicked at the same time. He loathed them so much.

But much as he did,he never penetrated their village to sabotage their peace. Unless they did penetrate his forest and he caught them. He always did, and once he caught anyone they would never have to see light of day again. He would always suck on their unclean blood that was just like their wicked minds, but it gave him the pleasure none the less. The pleasure of the aftermath of a bloody battle and an atmosphere filled with the warm scent of blood...but it never soothed him. Once he was done with the massacre and fed his bloodlust to the brim,he still felt incomplete and dirty because of their unclean blood that he always fed himself on! and once he was done he would always drag them or control the wind to pile them up at the end of the forest which was the beginning of their village as well. He would always align them and make sure they were found.

And he always hated the look on their colleagues faces. Looks of horror and uncertainty of whether they were their beloved husbands, brothers, nephews and all that. They always sent men. They never sent women to his forest and at least that was a relief, they still had some brains and appreciation to nature. He couldn't imagine himself killing a woman, there was just something that made it look extremely unfair, uncalled for, and even though he knew they knew he was merciless and a creature of the dark,he still couldn't get the courage to picture himself killing a woman. It was just wrong, and it would make him hate himself for attacking a minor. They were just so powerless! So, he was glad they never sent him women, otherwise he would be forced to commit sin by killing someone so powerless, and that would render him a creature of the dark that they referred to him as.

The next day,they would be found by their fellows and their annoying bell would scream and disturb his peace. Now here he stood, looking down on them looking so engrieved and troubled as if they hadn't planned on infiltrating his forest just the night before to steal what belonged to him. There was not a single sign of empathy in his eyes as he looked down on them expressionless as ever. He turned around to leave, now he would go back deep to his forest and rest. He would leave these creatures full of betrayal to their business. It did not concern him. He would do a lot more things than just stand there and stare.

He turned around to leave,but like an uncontrollable force turning his body without his mind's will,he thought he had caught sight of something irresistible and he turned around again and faced down...

if only it hadn't been for his inhuman nature,he would have fallen and vanished for right where his eyes landed were a pair of innocent aqua blue eyes looking up at him freezing him in his trucks as their eyes held. They were alluring... for an instant, he felt as though he was lost.. before he unceremoniously turned around and left. Leaping through the air and space as though he had no care in the world...as though nothing had just happened. But she had seen him! No one ever saw him and lived to see the light of day again, and she had! Why did it have to be a woman? And one that looked so innocent at that. Her eyes were so clear and innocent... Still, he knew he would have to do something...It was just meant to be that way.

Maybe that was just her fate....