
When First we met

NB: This book is a total work of fiction written based on the writer's own personal imagination. Any relation to names,places, or even ways is a total work of coincidence.

DaoistWhDTTe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter Eleven. Part

Wo Ryung hurriedly took something out of his bag and the girl who had distanced herself more than far away from him jumped,but it seemed not in horror. She quickly came over to him with her hand stretched out wide before he put the peach that he was holding into her palm. The girl quickly put it to her lips without farther ado and had bite before she nodded in apprehension as she bit more and more of it. ' There is no need to hurry' he thought to himself. 'There's still more and more to have' he added and the girl looked at him apologetically. Did he just say it out loud or was it that his thoughts were written all over his face? Sighing,Wo Ryung looked away from her to allow her some privacy as she devoured the poor fruit so unlady like. When he looked at her again,her ruthless munches had stopped and she was now eying the sack expectantly. Wo Ryung took out another peach and gave it to her again before he just poured the contents of the sack on the floor, giving her access to have her choice but instead of thanking him, she gasped and eyed him with displeasure written all over her face as she glared at him accusingly and he was sure if only he had been a mere human,he might as well could have scurried away. 'What is wrong this time?' he asked himself


Alicia saw Wo Ryung put his hand inside the sack and her breath held in anticipation as she imagined the least that he might bring out of that sack for her to eat. A wild pig? an antelope? a boa? or perhaps a little python? She stood at a safe distance away from him and his sack lest a cobra escaped his hand and ended up avenging it all on her.But when his hand came out, nothing was struggling to get freed so she thought it might as well be harmless. And when she saw that peach in his hand, she rejoiced. It seemed he had worked some sense into that head of his and understood that humans didn't eat animals alive. Reaching out her hand, Alicia took the fruit and ate it gratefully before she could even mouth a proper thanks. It seemed he understood she was ravaged and needed to eat more so he poured it all on the floor to let have her choice,but Alicia was instantly shocked when she saw what was on the floor and displeasure instantly coated her face. How could he waste all that fruit? Did he really think she ate like a pregnant pig or he was just so ill mannered that he couldn't even spare the innocent fruits?

"How could you waste all these?" Alicia asked in an impatient tone and he only threw her an innocent look. How could he even manage to look like that after he wasted all those peaches and apples and grapes, strawberries and more of different species? Was he alright,or he was just impatient with her and her being clumsy?

"I..I thought you might not like many of them just like you didn't like the first animals so I brought you a variety of different species so you may have your choice of what to eat since I didn't know what could be your favorite" he explained and Alicia was speechless as she looked at him. Was that his reason? Then why didn't he just simply get one fruit of each other kind if he so badly wanted to feed his curiosity? Why would he do....

"And I didn't know how much would be enough for you for I don't usually dine with humans" he added justifying himself and Alicia's resolve was instantly resolved as she understood him now. Also he wasn't human!! He looked like he hadn't planned to say that for an instant but then his expression became gloom. It seemed he really didn't like the humans as he could be displeased at the mere mention of them and Alicia was alarmed.

"Why?" She slowly asked and nearly chocked on her own saliva but he just stared at her as if asking 'what?' and thinking that he might not have gotten her question right she asked again..

"Why do you dislike the humans?" she asked slowly, making sure she traded carefully but he just looked at her, this time not giving anything away from his expression as it had become stoic.

" Have your fill. You need to return to your people as soon as possible" he answered instead and Alicia stared at him before she quietly complied.

After Alicia had eaten,Wo Ryung escorted her out of the cave and quietly led her through the forest. They hadn't talked much since Alicia's question and now he was escorting her back home. He did not want her to stay a minute longer than her time after she was done eating for the humans could come for her any time from now and he didn't want that to happen. They walked in silence until the girl gathered her courage as it seemed and she asked

"What is your name?" She asked and he was surprised to the extent that he stilled for a moment. Was that what she wanted to know of all things? he wondered to himself.

Alicia asked the man walking her out of the forest for his name but it seemed like he was not happy about it. Maybe he wouldn't answer her even for he didn't even look at her for a single moment. Instead,he stopped moving for a moment before he resumed in silence, not bothering to answer her. Maybe she was being too nosy here. That would mark the second question that he was unwilling to answer her so she decided to keep quiet and just follow his lead out before she could make him angry and he turns back into the forest without bothering to show her the way back home anymore. Alicia didn't like that to happen. She had looked for her way back once and had failed to locate it, she wouldn't dare try tempting the devil again for she needed to get home as soon as possible. She didn't even remember how much time she had spent in his home. Maybe her grandmother was worried sick now and she had to hurry home to ease her worry. Turning her mind to her grandma and home, Alicia walked along in silence for a long while before she felt something soft brush her left foot and she instantly looked down to see him holding her foot in his hand while he looked up at her with an expression that had nothing to do with worry or concern.

"Are you even listening?" he asked her. His voice smothering only at the end with a bit of something like concern.

"Huh?" Alicia didn't know what to say to that. What had he said? Did he say something? What happened? Why was he holding her foot? Alicia looked down at him with all the questions in her eyes and he just looked back at her before he replied

"There are thorns out here, you should mind where you put your feet" He said and Alicia nodded as they continued walking feeling a bit disappointed. What did she think he would say anyway? Alicia did not realize she was doing the complete opposite of what she had been told and Wo Ryung's head snapped towards her in an instant as he detected the scent of blood in the air and he glared at her with all the blame in his eyes before he stood up angrily and quickly put his hand behind her back as he lifted her up princess style and began to walk with her in his hands.

" what are you doing?" she asked. "I can walk on my own, put me down." she complained but he didn't comply. "Hey,you! put me down. stop it now and put me down" She rattled on and on but he refused and when she refused to keep quiet with just his glare,he talked and silenced her in an instant.

" Stop it. Why are you being stubborn now? You are acting in complete opposite of what you want. If you didn't want me to do this then why did you let your feet get pricked by the thorns? This is what you wanted, right? Or you want to tell me you don't like it when you are in my arms like this" he questioned and Alicia was speechless as she glared at him but he just chuckled, seemingly bemused at himself.

"You.." she started again but he once again stopped her.

"Shhhh." He said before he added " it's not the first time anyway" He added and Alicia's eyes went wide as her cheeks turned red in embarrassment and this time he laughed!!

Alicia was lost at the sound of his laughter. His laughter was genuine and he sounded happy at himself and he... he turned even more beautiful... Alicia kept her attention at his face as he walked with her in tow and her hand itched to reach out and hold his cheek but..he put her down.

"Your ride is done now miss. There are no more thorns here so,may we proceed?" he asked gesturing for her to take the lead this time as the path had turned clearer and she was surprised at the sudden feeling of unease in her stomach at the thought that they were going to part now. She didn't want to part that soon with him..

"Are you alright?" he asked and she realized she hadn't moved an inch and she was insecurely so close to him. She quickly took two wide steps to create a distance between them before she nodded and he just chuckled once again as he gestured for her to take the lead. They were nearing the end of the forest.