
When fire meets Ice

Logan jack feels that playing hard means it all, but he never knew that ice could actually quench the burning fire in him..

Marylyn_Declan · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Maya ran into the wash room breathing hard. She placed her hand on her beating heart as if that will calm it down. She stared at her reflection in the mirror.

" Logan was right... I was definitely blushing. " she placed both of her hands on her cheeks before stumping her feet angrily to the floor.

" Why! Why Maya? " she asked herself frustratingly as she paced to and fro in the washroom.

" After everything Maya... after all your plan, you ended up humiliating yourself and not humiliating Logan.. How could you seriously blush in front of him? Now he knows you were thinking about him while he was talking. It was all his fault tho.. why did he have to come so close while talking... obviously he threw me off guard. " she said all that to her reflection in the mirror after she stood at a place and stared at it.

" What is wrong with me? Now am talking to my reflection. Oh I messed up big time but.. why.. but why did I mess up? " she kept asking herself but, the fact still remains that she couldn't help it. When Logan started to talk and took steps closer, she suddenly started feeling different.. obviously something was wrong with her. All of a sudden Logan started looking sort of sparkling in her eyes while he talked. The closer he got, the more dashing and handsome he looked. His eyes were mesmerizing and when he caged her in between his arms... that was when she lost contact in thinking. She couldn't help but just stare at Logan. It was weird... her heart suddenly started beating very fast and to top it all, she couldn't take her eyes off Logan... for the first time since she met Logan, a voice in the corner of her mind told her that he actually owned her. Deep inside her she wanted to push that weird and unclarified voice away but she couldn't.. she suddenly seemed stuck... Logan was talking and he was looking dashing and awesome. Her heart was beating, her mind was a mess. She was day dreaming about Logan that she didn't even realise when she started blushing.

" Urggh! this is irritating!. Logan can't get to me like this.. not now, not ever.. I'll just become his puppet if that ever happens.

Get a grip of yourself Maya, you're a fighter and you can't be weak now.. dont give in to him. " she ordered herself as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. One of the toilet door opened and a woman slowly emerged staring at her in a strange manner.

" I can't believe this! She has been in there all this while? " she said to herself and smiled to her in a strange awkward manner and the woman gave her a weird look as she got closer to the sink to wash her hands. With the weird smile on Maya's face she turned and left the washroom.

Logan on his own side couldn't concentrate on the meeting that was going on in front of him and he just didn't know why. He kind of seemed restless. He saw himself taking glances at the door.

" Where is she? I haven't seen Maya after she embarrassingly walked out of my office. I called her driver and he said he was still in the parking lot meaning Maya is still in this building but where is she? Why haven't I seen her... "

"... sir...sir..." He heard the presenter calling him and he raised up his head to him with raised eyebrows.

" Is the plan okay sir? " the presenter asked referring to the presentation he just gave.

" What do I say? I haven't been paying attention all this while. " he said in his mind before replying him.

" Mmm.. yeah.. yess, just send the file to my office. " he said to him while everyone turned to him. He then got up and walked out of the office with few people behind him. As they walked out of the conference and then down the hallway and as they were about to to turn into another part, he saw Maya walking straight ahead towards them from the former path. He looked away to walk into the next part but then stopped on realisation that he just saw her. He immediately turned his head back to the direction but she was gone, she was no longer there. He looked around but no sign of her, he turned his face that was foaming in anger and walked on. Maya was really getting on his nerves.

The rest of the day was like hide and seek between them and it was getting really irritating.

" What are we? Little children? Why is she avoiding me? Is she feeling embarrassed cause she blushed in front of me earlier? This is so unlike Maya... wait.. why do I are whether she shows up or not? Isn't it even better if I dont see her at all? At least I could focus on my work properly now... no Maya... more concentration for me... I guess she has given up on dragging for her job.. I really didn't expect that from her.

He stared hard and inquisitively at the laptop screen in font of him to finally complete his work but the image of Maya's face earlier with her widened eyes kept flashing in and out of his mind. He suddenly couldn't get the image of her blushing earlier out of his mind. She looked really cute to him and weird in a way. He couldn't seem to concentrate, he took a look outside and saw that it was already dark outside. He took a look at the time and it was ten minutes past eight in the evening and he still haven't seen Maya. He finally decided on something. He got up to his feet and packed up his stuffs and the remaining work he has, left. He walked out of the building towards the car. He saw Maya's car in front of his. Her driver walked up to him.

" Where's Maya? " he asked Maya's driver after his driver collected his briefcase from him and put it in the car.

" I haven't seen madam all day. "

" Are you sure she hasn't escaped your watch? " he asked him and he shook his head.

" No sir, I've been here throughout the day and I haven't seen madam leave the building. " he told him and he sighed frustratingly and put his hands in his pockets. Not long he saw Maya coming out of the building and as soon as she saw Logan, she immediately turned and tried to run back in.

" Maya. " he called her to a halt. She stood still without turning to him.

" Maya! " he called her again and finally she slowly turned and without looking at him straight in the eyes, she walked down the stairs up to him. When she was finally in front of him... he didn't even know how he was feeling like any more. She was gone the whole day now he hoped she has a good reason for her actions.

" So... are we done playing hide and seek? " he asked her while she looked away.

" What's this? you're feeling shy because you blushed in front of me earlier? "

" That's not true! who told you that? " she quickly defended herself but it was very evident that in fact that was exactly what happened. He couldn't help but stare at her. Maya was somehow like two sides of a coin, everyday he gets to discover something new about her. On one side she was tough and on the other side... she seemed very soft and gullible.

" Get into the car. " he told her after deciding that continuing any argument with her will just be futile. She stared at him.

" What? " she asked as if he didn't understand a thing he said.

" Earlier, you wanted to throw me out of your car and now you're asking me to go in... make up your mind Logan. "

" Maya.. get into the car." he purposely repeated himself. She hesitated a lot before the driver opened the door then she got in. He kinda sighed a sigh of relief before he got in himself.