
When fire meets Ice

Logan jack feels that playing hard means it all, but he never knew that ice could actually quench the burning fire in him..

Marylyn_Declan · Urban
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Chapter Ten

The hall was filled up and everywhere was lively for a second, she forgot that it was her worst nightmare as she and her dad danced together to a slow dance.

" I can't believe that my baby is now all grown up," her dad said sadly but yet with a smile, she smiled back.

" But I will always and forever be your baby, dad" she told him as she tried to console him. He still had on the same pitiful look.

" Can my baby ever forgive me for all I have done to her... " Maya's dad said again.

" Ssshh" Maya hushed him gently as they danced to a slow song.

" You've not done anything wrong to me so far, you've been the one always taking care of I, Anna and also mum, you've always thought hard and long of what you could do to be able to give us a comfortable life but now... now is my turn to make your life comfortable and to unstress you and I will gladly do everything even if it means marrying the devil himself. To me.. my family comes first before my needs... I love you dad and am really grateful to be your daughter, you've done more than enough for me." she told him as she remembered all the joyful time they spent together as a family as tears gathered her eyes and she rested her head on her dad's shoulder.

"My dear, please don't cry... I didn't mean to let you pass through all these " Maya's dad told her as he consoled her.


Logan stood by a corner outside the reception hall answering a phone call. He was so engrossed in the business call that he ignored his environment.

" Has he signed the contract? " Logan asked the man he was speaking with.

" No sir he hasn't but I'll make sure to get him to sign it sir, just enjoy your wedding... " the man he was talking with replied him.

" Don't tell me what to do, I warned you that if that deal isn't closed today then you're really getting fired. That deal is worth over 10 million dollars! If that deal isn't closed by tomorrow... don't you bother show me your face again! " Logan threatened him closely before he cut the call without giving the man a chance to plead. He stood panting angrily as he put the phone in the pocket of his trouser.

" Sir... here you are. I've been looking all over for you " James said as soon as he sighted Logan and walked up to him.

" What is it James? am not in the mood " Logan told him the cold truth after James stood in front of him.

" Don't be angry sir but... you have to.. dance with your wife " James told him as Logan raised his head to him with a cold look in his eyes.

" Why should I? " he asked in a dangerous tone.

" Well... well... you already started this so you will have to make it look real till the end... you have to dance with your wife... " James told him.

" I don't want to, so don't disturb me! " He warned James before he tried to walk past him further out of the building.

" I'm afraid sir but I can't." James quickly said before Logan stopped.

" People are... are beginning to whisper strange things about the groom looking like he's not interested in this ceremony... for your own sake sir... Pls just dance with her, at least once." James urged him, and Logan slowly turned to him, his expression was cold and scary, he was evidently frustrated. He walked up to James who was beginning to fidget with fear.

" Because of my company I married that woman and now I have to dance with her to please everyone? Fine but this is the last time this kind of thing will happen " he told James before he walked past him. James relieved his sigh.

" Mr James " Logan called him from behind and James slowly turned to him." Let this be the last time you talk to me like that again or else... you will consider yourself jobless next time! " Logan warned him before he turned and walked back into the hall.

" He is always rude even when someone tries to help him, he can go to hell for all I care! " James murmured angrily before he walked back into the hall.


" Excuse me Mr Ethan, I want to dance with my wife now." Logan said just as Maya's dad was about to say something. She raised up her head and turned to him.

" Logan... Please give us a minute to talk " Maya' s dad tried to talk to him.

" I believe you've exhausted all your time on her and now... She's my property..." Logan talked back at Maya' s dad, as Maya warned him angrily " I'm not your property! " he still had the same cold look in his eyes.

" You're answering my surname now so you are my property... whether you like it or not! " Logan told her in a calm cold tone. At that point Maya hated him with every single fiber in her.

" Mr Logan... my daughter is not one of your properties which you acquire and set aside as wealth, she's a human being and I hope you treat her as one." Mr Ethan told his new son- in-law.

" Okay, I will do that the day she deserves to be called a human being " Logan blurted out to Mr Ethan as he took hold of Maya's arm and tried to drag her along with him.

" Logan" Mr Ethan called him as he placed his hand on his chest to stop him.

" Logan let go of me " Maya told him in a low voice as she tried slowly to get her hands off his grip. Everyone was beginning to look at them slowly.

" Mr Ethan do you really want to create a scene here? I'm sure it won't be good for you... moreso it won't be good for your daughter... She's my wife now and I can make her life a living hell just by snapping my fingers... you wouldn't want your daughter to suffer more because of your mistakes would you?" Logan threw those words to him and it really worked on Mr Ethan as his eyes softened to that of sadness and defeat. Slowly he drew his hand back and Logan dragged her away to a corner.

" Just let my arm go! " she struggled before he let her go and stood in front of her with his hands in his pockets. He stood silently staring at her with those cold eyes of his. She rubbed her arm where he gripped him as she felt her heart tear into pieces on remembering the state Logan has set she and her family into.

" You know you are such a mean jerk and honestly you deserve to rot away somewhere! " She told him angrily. He stared at her without saying anything.

" How could you say such insensitive words to my father? for goodness sake he's old enough to be your father... "

" He's not my father and he can never be my father cause I don't need one! " Logan spoke all of a sudden.

" Look, I don't have time to dance with you or have any little chit-chat. I want you to get your things ready, we are leaving."

" Leaving? you never even planned on dancing with me and you had to insult my father that way? " Maya asked surprisingly.

" Maya, get your things, I won't repeat myself, I will get everything rounded up " he told her rudely and tried to walk away.

" You are really a sucker for fun, aren't you? you really hate it when others are happy." She told him the bitter truth she realized about him. He ignored her and walked away. She sighed as it was time to say goodbye to her mum, her dad, Anna and everyone. It was time to start life with an insensitive monster. She left to get her things ready...