
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Eastern
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130 Chs

You're Too Greedy

As they entered, they could sense that every corner of the courtyard had an intense gaze fixed on them, like that of a primordial beast, pressing down on their hearts and making it difficult to breathe.

It seemed that ahead was not an ordinary small courtyard, but a bottomless abyss, warning them that taking another step would mean certain death!

And as they looked ahead, they finally understood why.

Before them, they saw one powerful existence after another!

A peach tree enveloped in the rhythm of the Dao! 

A fish pond enveloped in the rhythm of the Dao!

A rooster enveloped in the rhythm of the Dao!

A broom enveloped in the rhythm of the Dao!


Almost every object in the courtyard was like this!

And they could sense terrifying auras emanating from these things. 

Space itself seemed to be twisting under the influence of these auras!

"This place... is indeed where the predecessor resides. But this is too terrifying! What kind of treasures are these?!"

Mu Rongxue gulped, thinking in astonishment.

After Chen Ping'an spoke, seeing that they didn't seem to hear him, simply staring at the courtyard, he suspected they had never seen an ordinary courtyard before.

So on this first encounter, their surprise and curiosity didn't get his attention, and he let them look around.

"Well, you can take a look around the courtyard. I'll go brew some tea."

With that, Chen Ping'an walked straight into the house.

Originally, Mu Ronghai and the others stood behind Chen Ping'an, feeling a sense of safety.

But now that Chen Ping'an had left, they found they couldn't even follow.

It was an immense struggle to move, their bodies feeling as heavy as lead!


The three turned pale with shock.

For they realized, the farther Chen Ping'an went from them, the more intensely the aura affected them.

In just a moment, the three were forced to huddle tightly together by the pressing aura. 

The vast courtyard no longer had any space for them to stand!

The three could not even make it out of the courtyard now.

Cold sweat poured down their backs, soaking their clothes. 

Beads of sweat streamed down their foreheads.

At this moment, they felt like each second was a year!

They suffered for quite a while. 

Fortunately, just as the three were about to pass out from the torment, a sudden cough rang out from inside the house.

With that cough, the oppressive aura around them vanished, like a stone cast into the sea. 

Feeling this relief, Mu Rongxue and the other two slumped to the ground, gasping for air, not caring about decorum.

"Too... too dangerous!"

The three looked shaken, as if having survived a life-or-death ordeal.

And now, they looked again at those invincible existences. 

But this time, they appeared utterly ordinary.

Completely lacking the overpowering might that had made the three's hearts quail at just a glance!

To be able to restrain and release to such a terrifying degree!

What profound realm allowed such control?!

"Dad... what are these existences? I feel like an insect before them!!" 

Mu Rongxue asked her father weakly.

But Mu Ronghai had no time to answer, pulling her and Zhang Qingxian up to hurry into the house.

Better not stay out here any longer.

Let's go to the predecessor's side.

These terrifying existences, tamed by the predecessor's mere cough, clearly obey his command!

The three fled into the house like refugees.

Meanwhile, Chen Ping'an had just taken a sip of tea but accidentally choked, his face still flushed red.

Seeing Mu Rongxue and the others come in, he said directly: "Have a seat. The tea just finished brewing."

But when Chen Ping'an looked at them, he was dumbfounded.

What the...?

Did you three just exercise in the courtyard? 

Chen Ping'an saw that Mu Rongxue and the others were drenched in sweat.

Their clothes were soaked, and they were still panting.

They looked as if they'd just run a marathon!

But it had only been a short while - how did they get like this?

Or were they just out of shape?

If their bodies were weak, a little exertion would leave them sweating profusely. 

"Hold on." Chen Ping'an went to a corner, grabbed some wolfberries, and put them into the teapot.

He'd better fortify them a bit.

The four soon sat at the tea table.

Mu Rongxue and the other two sat upright, their eyes fixed intently on Chen Ping'an's hands.

To be precise, they were staring at the teapot in Chen Ping'an's hands!

That's right, they could sense an extremely powerful aura from this teapot!

But this aura was different from the oppressive one they'd felt before. 

This aura meant them no ill will, simply broadcasting its extraordinary nature.

This teapot was undoubtedly an extremely powerful treasure!

"Just what level of treasure is this?" Zhang Qingxian glanced at Mu Ronghai and communicated mentally.

After reaching the Yuan Ying realm, one could compress one's voice into sound waves only audible to the intended recipient.

Mu Ronghai responded: "The level of this teapot is no lower than the predecessor's blade!"

As they communicated, Chen Ping'an poured tea for the three of them. 

"Try it, my tea skills are pretty decent. Have more if you like it."

Mu Rongxue and the others knew the etiquette of tea drinking required savoring it slowly.

They picked up their cups and took a small sip. 

But after just that sip, their eyes went wide again.


The three looked at Chen Ping'an in shock.

They realized that with just that tiny sip, the quality of their spiritual roots had improved by a degree!

Everyone's spiritual root level was different. 

Some had lower spiritual root grades, meaning the spiritual qi they absorbed was less pure. 

And the absorption speed was slower too. 

But now, they found that just sipping this tea had enhanced their spiritual roots.

It was almost unbelievable!!

Confused by their expressions, Chen Ping'an asked, "What's wrong? Don't like the taste?"

Mu Rongxue and the other two shook their heads vigorously, quickly picking up their cups to drain every drop of the tea.

Then the three said in unison: "Predecessor! We want more!"

Seeing their ravenous expressions, Chen Ping'an smiled slightly and refilled their cups.

It seems they were just very thirsty from all the sweating.

No problem, my teapot holds plenty, drink your fill.

But as soon as he finished refilling for the three, they chugged it down again in one gulp!

Like drinking alcohol!

"Predecessor, we want more!" 

Their eyes shone with a manic light, like reborn demons, as they thrust their cups toward Chen Ping'an again.

Their behavior was prompted by Chen Ping'an's words about having more.

Chen Ping'an's expression started to look a bit odd. 

But he still refilled for them.

And again, the three instantly downed the entire cup before looking at him urgently, demanding more!

Chen Ping'an was speechless.

A time like the burning of an incense stick passed quickly.

Chen Ping'an couldn't take it anymore, abruptly standing up with a twitching face: "You three, why don't you head back..."


At that moment, the three sitting across from Chen Ping'an simultaneously let out a huge belch.

Yet they still said: "Predecessor, we can actually drink more..."

Seeing Mu Rongxue and the others clutching their bellies, straining to hold up their cups, Chen Ping'an held his head in his hands.

Are you three demons?!

You've already had three barrels of tea - don't your stomachs feel bloated?!!