
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Eastern
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130 Chs

The Kitchen Knife is a Divine Weapon?

Chen Ping'an felt that these cultivators had lost their minds.

It was one thing to randomly call him "Senior."

But this? What was the big deal?

It was just an ordinary kitchen knife.

Why did they look like they had seen a ghost?

The knife was sharp and gleamed brightly, yes.

But Chen Ping'an could confirm that it was merely a kitchen knife.

Completely incomparable to the swords wielded by cultivators.

"Could it be that these cultivators have never seen a kitchen knife before? Or do they find it surprising that I carry one?"

"That must be it."

Chen Ping'an put the kitchen knife back into his system's storage space.

At that moment, he noticed that Murong Yunhai and the others were still staring blankly at him.

The three of them had goosebumps, their eyes wide open, their limbs stiff as if they were zombies.

The previous scene had truly shaken them!

Just what level of weapon was that?!

The moment the knife appeared, a domineering and sharp aura rushed towards them.

Merely from that aura, they lost control of their bodies and became completely immobilized.

Even their spiritual senses trembled.

It was the primal feeling of being threatened!

And when the knife sliced through the wooden sphere, they witnessed the clash of laws.

It was as if warning them that nothing in this world could stop that blade!

They were certain that with just that casual swing, even without any spiritual power behind it, if it struck their bodies, they would be cleaved in two!

"Sen...Senior, what level of weapon was that?!" Murong Yunhai was the first to recover, asking the question reflexively.

He was a weapon refiner himself, quite familiar with the levels and properties of weapons.

But when he looked at Chen Ping'an's knife, he couldn't discern its level.

It definitely wasn't a treasure-grade weapon, and it didn't match the descriptions of the legendary immortal artifacts either.

Immortal artifacts were said to possess immortal auras and sentience, giving an impression of dazzling brilliance and transcendence at first glance.

But the knife Chen Ping'an wielded, apart from its overwhelming aura, appeared no different from an ordinary kitchen knife on the surface.

"The rumors speak of a level above immortal artifacts—divine artifacts. Could it be that Senior's knife is..."


Murong Yunhai's thoughts ran wild, and as he contemplated further, he couldn't help but gasp in shock.

Chen Ping'an looked at him speechlessly.

This kitchen knife used for cutting vegetables, how could it have any level?

"This is just an ordinary kitchen knife," Chen Ping'an said impatiently.

Hearing this, Murong Yunhai finally recalled his daughter's warning and woodenly nodded his head.

The Senior truly regarded himself as an ordinary person!

But Senior...

How could you possibly be an ordinary person?!

You're not very convincing at pretending!

At this moment, Murong Xue and Zhang Qingxian also calmed their turbulent hearts and looked towards the opened wooden sphere.

Murong Yunhai even reached out to pick it up, discovering a small hollow space inside.

And inside, he found a... paper candy!

This toy was created by Chen Ping'an for the children to play with.

They were supposed to follow his instructions and try to open the Luban lock.

That way, they could eat the candy inside.

Murong Yunhai looked at the paper candy with curiosity.

After learning that this object was created by Chen Ping'an, he tentatively asked, "Senior, what is this treasure?"


Chen Ping'an rolled his eyes.

He took the paper candy, unwrapped the packaging, and handed it to Murong Xue.

"It's edible. Apart from children, girls also quite enjoy eating these."

The candy was a reward from the system.

He felt it wasn't appropriate to give it to two grown men, so he might as well let the lady have it.

Murong Xue's eyes lit up, and she unhesitatingly accepted it.

Then, she popped the entire candy into her mouth and swallowed it.

Chen Ping'an had intended to teach Murong Xue how to properly savor it, but before he could even say "suck," she had already swallowed the whole thing.

Left with no choice, he had to swallow the rest of his words.

He was speechless, having encountered such a bold beauty for the first time.

After swallowing the candy, Murong Xue blinked her big eyes and said, "Senior, I don't feel anything."

Chen Ping'an: "..."

Beauty, how could you feel anything when you gulp the candy down like that?

But before he could make a remark, Murong Xue's eyes suddenly widened.


Murong Xue swiftly sat down cross-legged, not caring about the cleanliness of the floor. She closed her beautiful eyes and began cultivating.

In no time, her cultivation aura soared.

Condensation Realm, Second Level!

Condensation Realm, Third Level!

Condensation Realm, Fourth Level!


Condensation Realm, Tenth Level!

Witnessing this scene, Murong Yunhai and Zhang Qingxian nearly lost their balance in shock.

They opened and closed their mouths, unable to stop themselves from silently mouthing two words.

Chen Ping'an couldn't see Murong Xue's aura, and at the moment, he was just puzzled as he watched her, his mind filled with questions.

What was she doing?

After a while, Murong Xue opened her eyes.

Her beautiful eyes were now fixed on Chen Ping'an, her body trembling with excitement.

Boundless gratitude and joy were difficult to fully express on her delicate face.

"Senior, I truly do not know how to repay you. You saved my life, guided me to break through, and even provided me with such an opportunity. I cannot possibly repay your kindness. I... I can offer my body in marriage, if you desire!"

Murong Xue stood up, her sincere gaze focused on Chen Ping'an.

She no longer wished to think about anything else, only wanting to cling tightly to Chen Ping'an's leg!

He was too formidable!

Just a single item had allowed her to breakthrough and gain so much in cultivation!

It was akin to a miracle!

When Chen Ping'an heard the words "offer my body in marriage," he blinked his eyes in shock.

He had heard of primary school students finding girlfriends with a bag of spicy snacks.

But he had never heard of a beautiful woman offering her body in marriage for a single candy!

Beauty, you've lost your mind. I can't take advantage of you!

He truly had no idea what was going on.

He did save someone, but it was purely by chance.

As for guidance and providing a great opportunity, he had done no such thing!

If a single candy was considered a great opportunity, then wouldn't cooking them a meal make them weep with gratitude?

"You don't have to do that. I haven't done anything, and as for offering your body in marriage, there's no need..." Chen Ping'an's lips twitched as he found these cultivators increasingly unfathomable.

But before he could finish speaking, and before Murong Xue could react, Murong Yunhai suddenly became solemn.

He spoke loudly, "No! Senior! I've taught Xue since she was young that one must learn to be grateful. If one doesn't know gratitude, how are they different from beasts?"

"So, Senior, I think Xue's suggestion is good. Offering her body in marriage is the best way to repay you!!"

Watching his good friend speak such shameless words with utmost seriousness, Zhang Qingxian felt like he had discovered a new continent.

Yunhai, you've changed. You've become unabashedly shameless!!