
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Eastern
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130 Chs

Did I Exaggerate Too Much?

As for the Tyrannical Immortal Emperor, upon seeing Su Ling hiding behind Chen Ping'an, he lost the ability to think.

He sat there dazed. 

Mouth agape.

With an absent look.

A thousand years had passed, and though his daughter should have reached adulthood with immortal powers, the young girl before him looked exactly the same as when she was little.

He stood up and walked over to Su Ling, studying the frowning little girl intently. "Xiao Ling, is that you?"

Su Yi was uncertain.

Logically, his daughter should not still be this small.

Su Ling hid behind Chen Ping'an again, saying, "I don't know you."

When Chen Ping'an heard Su Yi's question, he couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

What kind of question was that?

If she were truly his daughter, shouldn't he just go hug her instead of asking?

Chen Ping'an began scrutinizing Su Yi. 

If Su Yi were really Su Ling's father, the first thing he should have done was embrace her.

Why would he ask such a question?

Moreover, Su Ling herself said she didn't recognize Su Yi!

Chen Ping'an looked at him doubtfully, then took Su Ling back to the kitchen, letting her stay there while he walked out of the hall.

He eyed Su Yi and said, "Are you sure you're Xiao Ling's father?"

Su Yi wasn't certain either, but Chen Ping'an's question made him pause.

Didn't the elder calculate every piece's fate? How could he not know?

Could it be... the chess game the elder was playing had nothing to do with him, only with Xiao Ling?

Was he just an unimportant pawn in this?


He didn't doubt the events he imagined, still believing Chen Ping'an was orchestrating an astonishing chess game.

"To be honest with you, elder, Xiao Ling and I have been separated for some time. Logically, she should be much taller and older now, but her current appearance is just like before, so I wondered..."

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an was dumbfounded. 

So you lost track of Xiao Ling for a long time?

Damn, didn't that mean Xiao Ling had been living alone all this while?

Chen Ping'an's impression of Su Yi kept getting worse. 

Even if Su Yi was Su Ling's father, he didn't seem like a qualified one.

"I'm starting to doubt if you're really Xiao Ling's father. Since you claim to be, do you know if she has any special birthmarks? And the exact location?"

Last night, Chen Ping'an had accidentally seen a snowflake-shaped birthmark on the back of Su Ling's neck.

Upon hearing this, Su Yi said decisively, "Xiao Ling does have a birthmark, a snowflake shape on the back of her neck."

Chen Ping'an's mouth twitched.

So this guy really is Xiao Ling's father...

Goddammit, that's annoying.

Before Su Yi could finish, he continued, "Xiao Ling also has a red mole on her left calf."

Chen Ping'an narrowed his eyes and went back into the kitchen.

Sure enough, he found a red mole on Su Ling's calf.

It seemed Su Yi was indeed Su Ling's biological father.

"Xiao Ling, do you really have no memory of him at all?" Chen Ping'an crouched in front of Su Ling and asked seriously.

Su Ling shook her head vigorously, still looking adorable.

Seeing the cute Su Ling, Chen Ping'an didn't want to let her go, but the man was her father after all.

It wouldn't be right for him to keep her against her father's wishes.

"Then would you like to keep staying with your brother?" Chen Ping'an tentatively asked.

Su Ling nodded eagerly, also glancing at the watermelon by the box.

Chen Ping'an took a deep breath and walked out of the kitchen, facing Su Yi.

"Xiao Ling still has no memory of you, but maybe after you were separated, her memories were lost. However, I believe after some time, she should be able to recover them." 

"In the meantime, if you don't mind, let her continue staying with me. Xiao Ling is at a great age for learning, and I can teach her a lot of knowledge that you may not be familiar with. Not to boast, but in this world, no one surpasses me in knowledge..."

Chen Ping'an started boasting about himself.

He did feel his knowledge was vast. 

Especially in this knowledge-deprived world, what he had learned in his previous life was the accumulated wisdom of thousands of years.

He felt no one in this world exceeded him in knowledge.

Of course, the main reason he boasted about knowledge was that he felt Su Ling was too young for cultivation, so learning some culture would be best. 

Since Su Ling could cultivate, keeping her would only hold her back, as learning from a cultivator parent would be ideal.

But his words were interpreted differently by Su Yi.


Su Yi swallowed hard, his body trembling upon hearing Chen Ping'an's words. 

This was to educate his daughter in cultivation knowledge!

Even just a minor part of such profound knowledge from a great master would be an astonishing treasure!

"Elder! Then I entrust Xiao Ling to you!!" Su Yi suddenly bowed deeply to Chen Ping'an, extremely reverent.

His face was filled with boundless gratitude.

Chen Ping'an had wanted to boast further about his other areas of expertise, like music theory or physics and chemistry. 

But seeing Su Yi's sudden gesture, he was dumbfounded.

Was he that easily taken in?!

Chen Ping'an blinked, then said solemnly, "Yes, I will take good care of Xiao Ling and impart as much of my knowledge as I can to her." 

Impart all of his lifelong learning? 


Having heard the earlier words, Su Yi was already full of gratitude. Upon hearing this, he almost popped his eyes out.

He thought he had misheard.

Did the elder mean to accept Xiao Ling as a true disciple, transmitting his entire life's learning?! 


Su Yi bent his legs and knelt directly before Chen Ping'an, even kowtowing, and said solemnly, "On Xiao Ling's behalf, I thank the elder profusely!!"

Oh my! 

Chen Ping'an jumped back, startled. 

He was scared!

What... what just happened?! 

Chen Ping'an was bewildered. 

"You... you don't need to do that!" Chen Ping'an quickly helped Su Yi up, utterly flustered.

Su Yi was still full of excitement and gratitude. 

This total transmission was like being reborn from a parent. 

And he had no qualms about kneeling - he had just knelt for so long, one more time was nothing. 

Moreover, in front of such an almighty master, if his daughter could learn even half of his abilities, it would be more than worth it! 

And by kowtowing, the great master would keep this in his heart and truly teach her sincerely in the future.

Seeing Su Yi's reaction, Chen Ping'an's mind was a blur. 

He couldn't understand why Su Yi was so excited. 

Did he exaggerate too much? 

But he had only mentioned knowledge; did cultivators really crave mundane knowledge so much? 

"By the way, is Xiao Ling's father from the Book Mountain Immortal Academy?" 

Just the day before, Guo Ziming had told him about the Book Mountain Immortal Academy, that their people were taking disciples in Guangzhong City. 

It had only been a day, and now Xiao Ling's father had arrived - maybe he was from that academy.

"But then, how did he know my knowledge was so profound?" 

"Ah right, he probably heard it from the town's residents." 

Chen Ping'an had written poems for many residents, some even hanging his poems in their homes. 


"Ahem, since you agree, Xiao Ling can stay with me for a while longer. Once she recovers her memories, we can make long-term plans."

Chen Ping'an looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi had no objections, nodding vigorously like a pecking chick. Then he looked at Chen Ping'an earnestly and asked, "Elder, can I come visit Xiao Ling occasionally during this time?"

Chen Ping'an fell silent for a moment.

"You can, but it's best not to come too often."

Su Yi understood and made a single finger gesture, saying, "Then I'll come just once a..."

Chen Ping'an's eyes lit up. Before Su Yi could finish, he smiled, "Okay, once a month."

In Chen Ping'an's mind, it definitely wasn't once a day - it had to be once a month.

However, Su Yi froze upon hearing this.

He meant to say once a year...

"Very well, I'll come once a month from now on." Su Yi also wanted to see his daughter more often, so he kept nodding rapidly.

After settling this matter, Su Yi prepared to leave. He glanced towards the kitchen where Su Ling was, gritted his teeth, and then bid Chen Ping'an farewell. 

He could see his daughter every month from now on, he had to learn to be content. After all, not long ago, his daughter was still in a frenzied state. Now the elder had not only cured her but also bestowed such a great kindness upon him, intending to groom her as the next generational successor. 

He had truly hit the jackpot!