
When darkness falls in love

Excerpt* 'Who sent you?' She asked while hoping for someone to walk through those doors and save her from whoever this was. He smirked, 'Which insignificant creature would dare to command me?' Confused, she glanced at the doors one more time while holding the sheets tighter around her, ' Then why are you here?' He casually removed his jacket and them on the chair nearest to him, 'For you sweetheart.' Looking at his half opened chest she caught sight of a serpent like tattoo. There was only one person rumored to have these kind of tattoo on his chest. She wondered if it was him or someone else entirely, 'Who are you?' He smiled and walked towards her, bending to look stare right into her eyes at eye level, 'I'm Cian.' She looked into his bewitching sea blue eyes, awed by the fact that his eyes illuminated both the room and her heart. But that was not all he had to say, he reached out to touch her face and said, 'Marry me.' Pushing his hand aside , she went further backwards to create space between them, Pardon me my Lord, I'll have to refuse you.' He laughed and pulled of his shirt making her eyes widen in horror. He crawled on the bed towards her, pushed her downwards and laid ontop of her. Locking her hands with his, he smiled at her, 'Sweetheart what is mine is mine, and what is your is mine.'

Love_chi_24 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Lord Of Greed

I want more wealth,

I want more riches ,

I want the world ,

But I desire you.


Eros, a name so pretty yet destined to an ugly heart. His pursuit of wealth and power knew no bounds in the kingdom of  Avarus. It was here that Lord Eros, along with his numerous wealth and riches, ruled with an iron fist, hoarding treasures and wealth that belonged to no one but himself.

He walked towards his grand citadel to look at his prized possessions, "I need more gold",  he thought.

As usual he never seemed to have enough and always looked for ways to get more.

Walking to his golden throne room, a raven came in through the window and sat on his shoulder making weird noises but it seemed Eros knew what the bird was saying because in the next moment he was staring at his brother, Alaric, in the face.

"Brothers long time no see,how have you been?" Alaric asked, which I found quite ironic but considering everyone looked so confused I guess I could play actor tonight.

Why was it taking so long for them to from a response? Was it that surprising? Nevermind if they won't say a word, I will.

"Alaric did you summon us here to ask how we were doing? A phone call isn't enough? I asked rather impatiently I could have acquired more wealth if I wasn't detained here.

Hearing Alaric express his disdain at the djinn made me wonder if he forgot the circumstances that led to his birth but it wasn't my business to meddle in afterall it wouldn't bring me wealth so why should I bother. But regarding the prophecy I wonder how reliable he thought it was, thankfully, it is to my benefit after all but I honestly don't understand the reaction of my brothers and why I'm imitating their expression but what can I do, if I don't do this I may not be able to get out of this place early enough and my golds are further away from me.

Leaving the kingdom of Aria felt so good to Eros he hoped he would never have to see His brother, Alaric, again. He headed to Avarus, his kingdom, in a haste as he so badly wanted to lay on his pile of treasures, " Why does my bedroom seem so far, I can't wait to roll around on my diamonds, visiting my brothers should be considered as a life threat for demons like him too, not just humans. My babies! I miss you sparkling wonders so much but I feel like you aren't enough, I need more".

As he sat on his golden bed, he snapped his fingers.

"You summoned me my Lord?" A eerily looking shadow like ghoul appeared bowing down.

"I did." Eros stood up and walked to the balcony gazing down at his kingdom, looking pleased with the fact that he saw gold everywhere but it wasn't enough, he thought.

"You did a good job, Ska, He smiled and turned around, and to think my brothers believe I would ever want to share that power with them."

Like if it wasn't for me they would have been able to see the prophecy, he thought. He turned back to gazing at the midnight sky, "Fortunately it was incomplete." He smirked maniacally

Ska's skeletal frame shuddered with anticipation as he awaited his master's next command. "Your Lordship," he hissed in a raspy voice, "When do you wish to depart?"

"Tonight," Eros replied without turning around.

                      * * * * * *

Rain. It was raining blood everywhere. The sky was white and it was snowing yet the blood wasn't stopping anytime soon. And in the midst of it all stood a king with his fallen brothers--I woke up shivering, that's was the first time I ever had a nightmare this serious and it made me broke out in sweats as I wondered what it meant.

                    * * * * * *

As the carriage rolled over the dusty roads towards the borderlands, Lord Eros leaned back in his seat, his fingers steepled under his chin in contemplation. His thoughts going back to Ska's statement a few days ago. "The prophecy was incomplete, you said? Tell me, what do you know of the other half?"

With his head bowed down, Ska said, " I overhead one of them say that one of the prophecies has gone missing for a hundred years to be found by Her.

"Her?" Eros repeated, his brow furrowed in thought. "And who is this 'Her' you speak of?"

" I have no idea your Lordship."

Eros gazed at the sky in deep thoughts, "I just want more wealth why is everything getting so complicated."

The carriage came to a halt at an abandoned church and King Eros came down, at first glance the whole building looked like it had no life and would fall at the slightest sound but Eros knew that it was a truck set up by the dark fairies to chase away unwanted visitors.

Eros walked into the church and was welcomed by a dark fairy, "Your Lordship, we have been waiting for you." She said in a flirtatious manner while bowing low enough for her cleavages to show.

But Eros couldn't he bothered with that, "She wasn't gold after all," he thought.

Eros's lips curled into a smirk at the fairy's display, but his gaze remained firmly fixed on the church's interior. "I have no interest in your charms, creature," he said, brushing past her.

"Where's Cathylin?"

I'm here, Your Highness," a fairy hidden in the shadows said while walking forward, in the darkness her silhouette looked like a beauty in the shadows. But when she was illuminated by the moonlight her true appearance was revealed, half her body from her head down to her toes was burnt, half her head was bald, half her face was deformed due to the burns and when she smiled she looked so sinister.

"I found something, Your Lordship," she walked towards him.

"What did you find?"

"I did as you ordered and searched for the Her but I couldn't find any clue, we were on our way back to the church when ten cloaked men surrounded us , before we could attack, they said we should pass this message to you."

Eros furrowed his eyebrows, "What did they say?"

"The dead shall rise first but would the living be still?

The ritual must start and finish it must. Your existence depends on the ritual. But with great powers comes a great cost. This ritual must not start if it cannot be completed for your existence depends on it."

"This is getting more complicated than I thought,"

I'm so sorry for the delayed update♥️

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