
When Darkness Calls

Can you really hope for a horror story with a happy ending.. But even the darkest of stories are full of fantasy and happiness, as well as sorrow and despair.. The painful sting of betrayal may turn the purest of hearts to poison.. A tale, I shall tell... What lengths are people willing to go to, especially with ties that bind enough to kill.. Don't get stuck in the ways of believing that darkness can only be evil and wicked and light can only be all that is good in the world..

Draven_Nyx · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: The Dragon, Dark

His words cut her deeper than any blade could. And the worst part was she knew he was right, and she couldn't do anything about it.

"Coward!!"she screamed, her eyes becoming that of a snake's, her pupils narrowing into slits.

A mercenary turned around, proceeding to walked towards the girl, but the man with the flute put a hand on the mercenary's shoulder, "Don't.."he said quietly.

"But my king-"

"That's an order soldier."his grip tightened on the mercenary's shoulder.

The soldier reluctantly turned around, raging he spun in his heel, ripping an arrow from his quiver and firing at Diego.

"No! You idiot!"The supposed king growled, turning the mercenary around then slamming his fist down into his cheek.

The girl quickly snatched her serpent up, the arrow plunging into her skin, instantly she blood burst from her mouth and she fell from the tree. The sound of her bones snapping echoed silently, dampened by trees and faded away.

"Dammit,"the king said, clearly annoyed, looking down to the unconscious merc he had punched, "Look whatcha did."his looked at the merc, he put his hand on his sword's hilt, "Anyone else wanna disobey my orders.."he said more as a statement as he drove his blood-stained katana into the merc's eye.

He turned around looking at the mercenaries.

"Come on now I don't have all day."he huffed, placing his hand on the butt of the hilt.

One mercenary eyed the flute.

"Ah."ripping his blade from the eye socket the young king lunged forward, slicing the stomach of the merc with searching eyes, turning his blade he sliced again. A chunk of flesh slid off, followed by blood and a scream. Sheathing his blade the young king, shrugged, throwing his hands up, as if claiming innocence.

Turning around he spoke with a grin that turned deadly serious, "He eyed what's mine, wandering eyes means traitorous spies, I always say."

The mercenaries held their breath, "Chill it's not like you guys would betray me or anything."he laughed, hitting a merc in the back, though his piercing brown eyes dared anyone to try him.

Reflexily the mercenaries stepped away from the young king. Smirking, the young king walked over to the girl, Diego circled around her hissing at him.

"Tsch."he ignored the serpent's warning, grabbing it's head, Diego sank his fangs into the king's hand. He picked up the girl, slinging her over his shoulder, like one would a sack of potatoes. "I won't let anything happen to her."he whispered softly, not letting the mercenaries see this, Diego eyed the young man skeptically.

Diego released, flicking his tounge, threatening any false moves would end in death. Once Diego was satisfied, he slithered up his neck and coiled around it, planting his seemingly lifeless and cold eyes on the band of mercenaries. Baring sharp fangs, daring anyone to even look at his master sideways.

"Come on."he said flatly, pushing up his glasses, not bothering to look back, he began walking forward.

After a good bit a buff black haired mercenary whispered to another, "How much do you think we could get for the false king and the girl?"

"Enough to set us up for multiple lifetimes..That flute alone could set us up."

Another chipped in, "What good is all the money if y'er dead..."

Eventually the group arrived at a wall made of diamond infused bedrock.

Taking in a deep breath, the young king hurled dragon's fire from his mouth. Dragon flames were said to be almost as beautiful as the blue flames of Hell and the white flames of Heaven. There was something mesmerizing about the way the magenta flames danced.

"It's not."Silas smirked.