
When Darkness Calls

Can you really hope for a horror story with a happy ending.. But even the darkest of stories are full of fantasy and happiness, as well as sorrow and despair.. The painful sting of betrayal may turn the purest of hearts to poison.. A tale, I shall tell... What lengths are people willing to go to, especially with ties that bind enough to kill.. Don't get stuck in the ways of believing that darkness can only be evil and wicked and light can only be all that is good in the world..

Draven_Nyx · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: When Poison Calls

"You...You hurt my beloved Lil."Lucifer seathed with rage, his fist still full of her curls. He pulled her curls so far back that it became harder for her to breathe. Drool began to spill from the corners of her mouth.

"Luci!"Lillith turned on her heel to witness what her brother was doing.

"I..-"Vinci began, only to be reprimanded with a yank to her hair, once again.

"I..-"Vinci coughed."didn't..."she breathed quietly.

"Shut up!"Lucifer hissed, pushing her dirty face into the filthy molded stone floor. Vinci winced, the chains had been tightened before the illusion had set in. A pop broke the semi-silent dungeon. Lucifer stood back up, pounding his shoe into her cheek. Another pop. Her sockets had been dislocated. She wanted to scream out in pain the urge to cry out, but the demon refused to give him the satisfaction of her suffering.

Lillith had stopped, thoroughly disgusted with her brother, but she knew she couldn't really judge. It would be hypocritical of her. She masked her disgust, walking up to her brother.

"Isn't that a little much?"she asked seemingly calm, placing her hand on his shoulder.

He shook it off immediately, turning to face his smaller sister. "Don't get don't on me."his voice was sadistic, but his eyes were gentle. He loved his sister in ways no brother should. But she had loved Frey, the way he longed for his sister to love him. He wanted to take it out in his sister for falling for Frey, he really should have thanked Vinci. But all he could feel was hatred.

Thoughts of Frey and Lillith together flooded his mind. All that time Frey took from him.

"How could you..."he said quietly, placing his daggered hand on his face.

"I don't understand..What did she have that I didn't Lillith?"Lucifer raised his voice, but looked at the ground. "What could a human possibly have that I don't?!"his voice grew louder and hatred threaded within each word he spoke.

It took Lillith a moment to realize what he was saying. But she still didn't understand why. "I love..."she choked,"loved..Frey."she paused.

"She was my everything. She made me feel alive again Luci."Lillith's voice cracked. She was beginning to think maybe he had killed Frey.

"But she was human!"Lucifer hissed at Lillith. "Why couldn't you love me!"He yelled, looking his sister in her bright orange eyes. "She couldn't love you like I could!"his eyes had went from gentle to deranged.

"You could only ever love me as a brother Lucifer!"Lillith screamed.

"That is what Frey told you!"he yelled, getting agitated and growing increasingly impatient with his sister.

The whole dungeon seemed Frozen and still. "That's why she had to die.."He spoke so softly, it was almost a whisper.

But Lillith had heard him load and clear. She was enraged. She drew a symbol in the air, "Aba. Analza. Yurious-"she had began to summon her rapier. But before she could get the last of the summoning, Lucifer had flashed in front if Lillith, and impalled her with his poison dagger.

He caught her in his arms as she fell towards the  ground, lowering her paralyzed body, to lay her head on his lap.

The poison Lucifer had forged into his blade would never come close to being enough to kill Vinci, she could never die, but it could cause more pain than any normal dagger. For anyone else, it would be a very violent and painful way to die. He smiled at the nostalgia this caused. He wanted to make Frey suffer like he made her suffer. He had coated the blade in the poison to make it extra potent to give Frey an even more violent way out than she ever deserved.

Vinci had been listening to everything being said, she didn't have enough strength to move her head to watch.

The demonic nature of her demon, could see what could not be seen, and showed her everything he would see.

"Learn...You should be thankful you can never die, Vinncia. This could have been your tragic end." the demon was trying to teach her, to appreciate her Seraph lineage, though she was the first.  "They created you before they died. You have the blood of the original God, and the original Satan."he mused, he had never thought he would get to have such a powerful host.

Vinci didn't say anything, she knew her lineage, but she hated it. Being the only Legion Cursed Seraph meant nothing to her. It meant she was loved by the original God and the original Satan, she was their creation. Meant to be loved by every next generation God and Satan that would ever be. Her eyes were lifeless and she was numb. All those things she had done. Things she knew she could never be forgiven for, things she could never forgive herself for. She would be loved by all sides, whether she committed sin or faith. She is fated to be the Destroyer of World's as well as it's Creator and Saviour.

She snapped back from her thoughts by Lillith's screams. Instantaneously, a clear image of the girl's violent end began to flood her mind. No sooner had Lillith's mouth began to foam, that she had started to have violent seizures. Her bright orange eyes, now dull, began to roll back in her head. The blood in her body had reacted to the poison and her skin quickly developed large blisters. The blisters bubbled, popping and leaving grotesque holes in her once fair skin. Her stomach acid burned through her stomach. It's temperature matching that of the high devil class, then sky-rocketing, stinging her skin like the sharpest needle, leaving a gapping hole. Lillith's black intestines spilled from the hole.

Lucifer, smiled down at his Lil, still stroking her icy blonde hair. The posion melted away her bones and liquified what organs the stomach acid hadn't.

All in a violent few minutes, Lillith went from a person, to a pile of rotted skin. "See you in hell..-"he paused, looking loving at the flesh as if it was still his sister. "Lil.."the sadistic smile now plastered to his face. He enjoyed it.

"Now.."He turned his head to look at Vinci, his eyes were filled with showing fully his ecstasy at the whole situation.

"You're next.."