
When Darkness Calls

Can you really hope for a horror story with a happy ending.. But even the darkest of stories are full of fantasy and happiness, as well as sorrow and despair.. The painful sting of betrayal may turn the purest of hearts to poison.. A tale, I shall tell... What lengths are people willing to go to, especially with ties that bind enough to kill.. Don't get stuck in the ways of believing that darkness can only be evil and wicked and light can only be all that is good in the world..

Draven_Nyx · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: When Darkness Calls

Can you really hope for a horror story with a happy ending.. But even the darkest of stories are full of fantasy and happiness, as well as sorrow and despair.. The painful sting of betrayal may turn the purest of hearts to poison.. A tale, I shall tell... What lengths are people willing to go to, especially with ties that bind enough to kill..


1: The Darkest Night...

Heavy footsteps broke the silence of the dark chamber. Vinci knew what was about to take place. She remained as still as a deadman, her knees pressing against her chest, her arms wrapped around them. The footsteps approaching steadily, each second that passed the steps got louder and louder. Anxiety began to creep into her whole body. The footsteps ceased, Vinci didn't dare look up, she squeezed her eyes shut. Anxiety pressing down on her chest as the keys jingled, unlocking the cell. Her fingers squeezed her arms, tightly. The pain her fingernailless fingers caused by the squeezing, she knew it would be nothing in comparison to what was to come. The shackles bound so tight to her wrists that they dug into her mixed skin. Two weighted shackles clung to her ankles, one weight required the strength of 20 men. Vinci was too weakened now to sling around the weights as if they were no more than a feather. She held her breath as four people entered, she still hadn't moved and her eyes still squeezed shut. But she sensed them. Two armed guards and a male and female. "Are you ready to play?"a young feminine voice asked in a sweet tone, but it was tinged with wickedness. Vinci began trembling, and violently began to shake her head, still not daring to open her eyes or move from her crouched position.

"Ahhahaa! How far the mighty fall."a young, but masculine voice mused with a smirk.

"How sad to see the mighty Dark Queen Vinncia in such a state."The little girl smiled, condescending, you could tell she was just being smug. She was truly delighted and excited by the sight of her in this state.

"Empress of the Darkness.. Tch..What a fucking joke."The male rolled his eyes.

"I told you, I'm no queen or empress of the dark!" Vinci cried out.

"Quit lying!-"the girl hissed, "You killed someone very precious to me. Are you telling me you don't remember!"The girl continued, not buying Vinci's supposed bs.

The girl stepped closer to Vinci, grabbing a handful of her dark brown curls.

"Lillith, maybe she truly doesn't remember.." the male voice spoke calmly.

"Amnesia, I doubt it."Lillith pulled hatefully on Vinci's hair. "You killed her.."she began in a low voice, tears welling up in her bright orange eyes. "You killed her!"tears began to spill down Lillith's face. "Your a fucking murderer!"she screamed, yanking Vinci's curls harder.

"She was a murderer before, but anyone could say the same for us."the male spoke with a smirk.

"Enough Lucifer.. I know."Lillith's voice softened. "But it doesn't change the fact that she murdered Frey."Lillith's voice cracked as tears flowed down her pale face.

"Well Frey was human. And you knew the risks Lillith dear."a matured female voice spoke, her voice coated with condescending pleasure. A tall, well endowed, red haired woman in an elegant purple gown that revealed her cleavage appeared, a seductive grin on her face.

"But I was gonna turn her!"Lillith cried out.

"But you didn't. Your sentimentality for her to stay human, cost her life. Your love made you blind."she began, a grin still on her lips. "You truly have no one to blame but yourself."

Lillith looked down, her heart aching at her mother's cruel words.

"Besides, Vinci was only following her murderous instincts. She is after all a Seraph. She has a dual-purpose and nature. You wouldn't understand what it's like to be in a constant battle with yourself, trying to stay sane and good. It truly wasn't this version you see. A war is and will forever be raging within her for all of eternity."the red head smiled sweetly as she gazed at Vinci, who was back to her crouched position, whispering to herself. "She existed long before everyone else. Imagine how lonely she must have been and she will be here long after everyone is dead and gone. She will never die even though she may wish for death's sweet release."her gaze softened as she looked sympathetically at Vinci.

"But we are immortal, Mother."Lillith was taken aback by her mother's words.

"But not like she is."

Lillith opened her mouth, about to talk, when suddenly a very high pitched scream shook the castle and it's contents...