
She's Home (2)

Grace came out from the kitchen after cooking. He eyes turning teary with the smoke from the fire place. To her shock she saw two bodies sprawled on the benches both looking exhausted. These two siblings were like mortal enemies when they were young. It's such a sight to see them getting along well this time. She smiled and went back inside to prepare the dining table. Their parents went to the field and will be back later this afternoon.

Fem was nervous as she faced the dining table. Her mind wondered about the situation she was about to face. What would she tell her father? What would their father tell her? Will they insist their arrangement with her uncle Douglas? How will Stanley react if she protests?

She has been busy after their conversation last Sunday that she wasn't able to tell him she was actually going home.

After lunch, Fem called Stanley. He answered after several rings. He said he was also having lunch and was charging his phone in the living room.

"So you're finally at home?" He asked, full of excitement.

"Yup! Just now, I'm still wiping my sweats off! But hey! I saw the Fem Manor on my way! Whoever made that must have stolen my design!" Her voice communicated a betrayed mood.

"Hmmmmm.... everybody says it's yours anyway. I'm so jealous of that rich powerful guy. What's his name again?" Stanley asked. He only heard about the CEO John Paul Arevalo, but has never encountered his rival's name. Therefore, he thought that his rival was the CEO who hired him in his company. He was feeling intimidated but wouldn't give up just because he was an employee. Someday, he will break away from being his employee after gaining some experience. Right now, he just needs to put up on this status but his mind is working as advanced as his numbers in mind.

"Oh, what's there to be jealous of? Nobody told me that house is mine! It just happened to have my name in front of it, what a coincidence!" She said innocently.

"Until when will you stay at home Fem, can I come over after tomorrow? Remember, there's a lot to catch up with, we need to talk." Stanley's gentle voice reminded her of their years in school. He has always been considerate and supportive of her. When she was silent, he just observed her from a distance and approached her when he thought she needed someone to cheer her up.

"Yeah, it's why I came home. I think we need to clear these things now. I know Papa has been waiting for me too." Fem sighed helplessly.

"You're still upset over the arrangement I know. It seems you're not happy with the thought that you're arranged for me. But it's okay. I understand." Stanley said deeply and slowly on the other line.

The two agreed that Stanley will come over on December 26th with his parents. After they hang up, Fem became suddenly nervous. Her mind was muddled up. Her fear of her father was rising again. What will her father do if she chooses to reject the arrangement? Will he disown her as his daughter? Does she have that choice in the first place? Will they not force her to marry her cousin?

Her stomach was churning in nervousness. She texted Mark longing to get some assurance and comfort from him.

[Hey Mark! I just got home. I suddenly felt nervous thinking what will happen to me here. I might be forced to marry my cousin.]

She waited for a reply but there was none. She was feeling anxious. She just wanted to be reminded of her man's words and assurance that he will catch her when everything falls apart for her.

Three minutes. Five minutes. Seven minutes, she was beginning to sweat. Her parents will be home later, she needed to make up her mind and not be swayed by her father's emperor-like commanding voice. Whatever her father would say, she needed to think how she can answer while standing up her ground.

Ten minutes. Twelve minutes. Her phone buzzed and Mark's name was appearing in the screen. He was calling. Fem immediately pressed the answer icon.

"Sweetheart, you sound so anxious and worried. What happened?" Mark sounded worried as well.

"Nothing happened yet but I'm starting to get nervous just thinking about what my parents would ask or tell me. I'm afraid I cannot refute their reasoning. What will I do Mark?" Her voice was somewhat suspended in higher notes.

"Fem, please calm down. Your love for me should be enough to make you stand for your choice. I'm here waiting for you. I love you so much and I can't wait to be with you. I hope I could join you there this coming New Year." Mark said. His voice full of tenderness and longing.

"What will I do if they force me to marry my cousin, Mark?" Her sound was soft and slow almost sounded like crying.

Mark can't help but sigh. He was promised by Mr. Law that he would let his daughter choose without influencing her decision. "Fem sweetheart, that won't happen. If that happens, please remind your father of the promise he have to me. He will remember it if you remind him. I have played fair, didn't I ?" His voice sounded comforting now.


Meanwhile at B City, Dave Arevalo put down his phone after having talked to his Grandson. Mark sent his grandpa the photo he took during their date with Fem last Sunday. 'I wanna marry her already' Was his caption below the two photos. Dave Arevalo saw it and twitched a mischievous smile. He nodded in approval of his grandson's eagerness to marry. He must hurry up and get married now before the issue of his eldest grandson come to surface! Otherwise, there's a great possibility that Mr.Law will protest if he will learn about his other adopted daughter Ysabel and JP Arevalo's affair.

Truth be told, Dave Arevalo was also confused about his grandsons' fortunes. Why do they have to meet and fall in love with siblings. As if life was playing with them. Firstly, he had never got to have another child besides his only son who was sacrificed on an encounter during the call of duty. Now his two beloved grandsons meeting lovely girls who are practically siblings. The other one is struggling to claim her rights from her biological father while the other struggling to break free from her father's control. 'This is quite an exciting game! ' Dave smirked as he rose up from his chair in the study room.

That morning when Mark texted his grandpa that his girlfriend has gone home to settle matters with his parents, Dave sent his spy man to standby at the terminal to check on the arrival of his grand-daughter in-law to-be. As a prominent family, he always made sure that anyone linked to his family members must be under secret protection since they can be abducted and be used against them by their enemies.

His plan was to set the wedding as soon as possible. He needed to contact Mr. Law and propose a wedding for the two this coming New Year! It's just perfect! They will start the year with an additional family member!

Dave began to contact his close comrades including Congressman Wang, setting the day to be on January 3rd.